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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. That’s great! For kanaplex, the thing is, how many full doses have you done @Ronnie? If you have done 2, personally I would go with salt from here but how many doses again @Ronnie?
  2. Ok, that’s cool! Yeah I just got into plants but can tech you some things if you want a planted tank!!! Your knowledge is incredible on all those things mentioned above!!!! Would you like for me to teach you some plant basics to get started on your first plants? Oh my bad, idk if you have them….I guess you probably have them, sorry I got excited about teaching about plants, I love to help with fish stocking, the cycle of a tank, and also plants!!!! I love fishkeeping!!!! Let’s talk plants anyways then, that is, if your interested @clownbaby!
  3. I will just lower the time of which the light is on, it’s a kit light which means, can’t add a dimmer sadly and it’s bright. Thanks
  4. Wow……I guess that is why you wanted to know how to start a journal, ok, let’s talk plants, aquarium plants mainly unless…..you just want to talk about nature and no aquariums….not sure.. @clownbaby
  5. No I don’t. would that cause algae if I had it?
  6. I have not done kanaplex again because sadly have been way to busy, but now when I just got home he was doing the “death hang” and I panicked. But I found out it says do a water change if this happens, any other suggestions like maybe salt or something? @Colu
  7. Update: Well, tank is going great, fish are super healthy, enjoying a good diet I have for them, got algae popping up (first time with algae BESIDES diatom algae). Here is some pics I got of them with the best camera ever on the iPhone 15 pro, love the camera. I am still trying to decide, am I going with a quick easy option of pandas at petsmart which is super close or going to petco which has the chili rasboras but really far drive? Can’t decide……..
  8. Thanks for update, could not react to post because have done that to much it says today 😉. Sorry about the betta, yeah I don’t have good luck either with those guys, I guess maybe they have been bred way to much and are weaker with lower health.
  9. I got this in my tank now, is this hair algae? Then I will try to figure out why this is happening, @Mmiller2001, any thoughts? I know that you don’t have all the answers but was wondering if u think it is? thanks!
  10. Also, if your on this topic and want to start it, you can jump from this topic in general discussion and hop to forums by clicking that button on screen below, and then go to photos, videos, and journals and press start topic! Don’t worry, I didn’t even know how to quote posts at first too, but after a little bit u will be a forum master! 🙂
  11. Could be, if u have a timer then you can change from 8 hours to 6.
  12. Oh yeah, how can I even forget that, if gh goes from 0 to 100, then something is probably wrong.
  13. Huh, paremeters are pretty good besides nitrate being kinda low…..trying to think of why this is happening. My tank is getting its first tiny tiny bit of algae. Interesting….imbalance of nutrition in phosphate, oxygen, light….might be the nutrients.
  14. All this anime is toooo much for me! I am, well let’s just say, not a fan of it! Wher is my Nintendo folks out there? For game recommendations, NINTENDO NINTENDO NINTENDO!!! Sorry but I just love it, might be the only one on this forum to like Nintendo………..like some Mario, (just can’t beat it, it can be a adult game I think) Sonic is cool, (kinda for kids tho) uhhh….like all the major Nintendo franchises like Zelda and the like.
  15. Nice! I love that driftwood with the algae look. So into the natural aquascapes, again, amazing looking tank @JS Fish, and again, great job!!!
  16. @Markp2483, that’s good but the pic is not loading?????? Not sure if that’s just me but it looks blank. Could you try again possibly? Weird, some times they just don’t load…
  17. @fishdogs, one more Q, what is temp? There is cold water and tropical fish out there and making sure the temp before suggesting fish.
  18. hey sorry for late reply, so I have seen some awesome ideas for center piece fish for biggger tanks (because for a lil bit I was thinking of buying one) and I stumbled across the Pearl gourami(s). They look amazing, maybe angelfish. You could get possibly some nice rainbow fish, i like that idea of the Congo tetras too, dwarf gourami(s) are awesome obviously, they could be good for a 75 for sure, but I hear that a good one is the blue acara and I have to say, wow, what a good looking fish! I am sure u have seen it but here is a pic, love these guys, (never kept one obviously but I have seen this fish lots of times!)There is some options, hope this helps 🙂
  19. Goldfish is a good idea, you could get one, see how it goes then give us a update.
  20. Are you eventually thinking of a center piece fish for this tank? I could give u some options if your interested @FLFishChik.
  21. Oh yeah, guppies, but personally to be safe @brayden malone, I would do a shrimp only tank with maybe 1 snail, might seem boring but I think it would be cool.
  22. I just finished kanaplex, no improvements thus far, anything else I could do? Put cartridge back in @Colu.
  23. @brayden malone, all this that people are saying is true, it may sound discouraging but it happens, I got my first tank (5g), and I threw a betta in there and water conditioner, didn’t go well, but most people go through this, but you don’t have to, @Tony s is right about some strips to test ammonia and what not, you do have a couple of options for fish actually, but u have to be cautious about it, here is some suggestions ⬇️. A betta, (ik it can be pushing the limits, but one and nothing else could work), chilli rasboras, White cloud minnows, 6 of them, they aren’t super nano but super hardy and I think the greatest nano fish out there, a shrimp only tank, with maybe a snail. Not a lot of options but u still can have something to chose from besides just a betta.
  24. Cool, thanks for the suggestion @johnnyxxl, what is a “endler”? Like a species or a type of fish if that makes sense? Probably not, sorry, I am not good at asking Qs lol
  25. Yeah,I have the premium gravel from petsmart, the big kind and oh man, it is a nightmare to plant stem plants, one time yesterday I had the moneywort in there, then all the sudden, it plopped right out and floated, next time that happens I said I am not planting it back in there, it will be a floater lol. It is 100% better with actual substrate, not rock.
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