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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. It sees great. The only thing, my lemons never have colored up like you see in photos. Still mostly silver bodied with yellow and black fin tips. Not a disappointment exactly, I still like them. But, possibly a bit of false advertising.😀 Look at brilliant green rasboras possibly. Still mostly silver with red and green tail patches. But incredibly tight schooling. On of the best.
  2. Yeah, I saw that. Doesn’t actually make a lot of sense as to why. I assumed you were using a dechlorinator and are temperature matching your water. But definitely some kind of shock going through. Unless it’s just a coincidence. Or perhaps the water is changing temperature when running. What kind of tetras are you losing.
  3. I believe so. But let’s ask the expert @Guppysnail It should be animal safe of course. Since it’s made for the birds, as it were
  4. Got the cuttlebone idea from guppysnail. Seems to be great, just plop it in and watch it disappear. When it’s gone, add another. Would work really great for a hob. Put it behind the cartridge and it’s completely out of the way
  5. I believe I’ve covered most flat surfaces in my house. Had one one the kitchen counter until last month when I moved it’s inhabitants into another tank. Asked my wife what she wanted to try next, she wanted to try removing it. So I did. I’m nice that way.
  6. You have the first stages of multiple tank syndrome. 🤣. I’ve had that for several years now. Always wanting to try something new and different. When it bites you, it can bite really hard!
  7. You can go vertical. 🤣 your own mini fish rack
  8. Na, you’re good😀. Was just thinking too deep late at night.🤣. my so is good. But have had a very manipulative kiddo or two come in, so I understand the other side as well. jake19, well done. We actually need topics this light more often
  9. Right. Like I said….. bribery. 🤣. have used this method a lot, after 12 years of raising other people’s children. 😀 but in all seriousness, I think this was all meant in fun. I don’t believe that anyone here would actually use some of these methods to manipulate their significant other. But having read a couple of the responses, I’m guessing some people have had people be that way. This whole topic hits a whole lot different if you’ve gone through that. If you’ve been triggered by this, you have our absolute apologies. I’m very sure it was never intended that way.
  10. But, to answer your question, crushed eggshells, cuttlebone, crushed oyster shell, chicken grit, arragonite can all be used to adjust your ph, gh, kh. I just wouldn’t go there. It’s too much of a pain and introduces too many inconsistencies.
  11. Honestly, if this is the water that comes out of your tap, go with it. Neocaradina might not like it that soft, but you could switch to caradina. Most South American cichlids are very comfortable in this water. Assuming your dgh /dkh also show you have softer water. Which it should ,given your ph. The best advice we could give you is to use what you have. Because what you want is stability. You could even do some fish I wouldn’t dream of like German rams, apistos, discus. But you’d have to make sure and test you dgh/dkh to confirm you have very soft water
  12. Oh yes they do. Actually. They really don’t care about the pandas. They’re beneath them. 😂
  13. Not sure but the tank may be too small for them
  14. All of those eat algae wafers. And all would love fresh veggies as well. Blanched zucchini rounds. Stick with a fork then throw in. Kuhlis and the snail would do sinking carnivore pellets as well Should be fine. Same as regular neon just different color. I have a betta with neons now. A betta with guppies and kuhlis. A betta with harlequin rasboras. And a female in my platy tank. She thinks she's one of them. Schools and everything. they seem to be doing fine.
  15. Ooh. You braver than me. I think once is like way too much
  16. Or possibly getting an extra sponge and running it with the minnows for a few weeks? Not honestly sure how tough they are. But you got this. It’s just another way to learn and enjoy.
  17. This. Means lots of patience with a very established tank. Very well cycled. I don’t believe they can handle much in the way of new tank instability. Maybe switch tanks with your betta. It’s should be much more seasoned
  18. For a 10g. One sponge is more than enough. The new style coop filter with an air stone would be great
  19. And bribery. Works great on spouses and kids 😂
  20. Getting to the point where we know the names of a lot of the animals we visit and go to see them first
  21. I’m hoping to do just that. But she’s still little right now. Only 8. Current plan is just keep getting as much exposure as possible. Her favorite animal right now is snakes. Indy had a snake chat when she was younger. She’s been petting them since she could walk. We go to state fair on dnr snake days 😁
  22. But you have one. In our whole state, we don’t. Just a building at Indy zoo and Fort Wayne zoo. But… we do have a pod of dolphins at Indy. 1 of 2 in the entire Midwest
  23. You guys have such amazing zoos over there. We live in central Indiana. We visit the big ones yearly. Usually 3-4 hour drive one way for us. Toledo has a one of the best touch tanks I’ve seen. And Columbus and Cincinnati have rescued manatees. Cleveland has one of the best elephant yards I’ve seen. My daughter was exploring zoos since she could walk. I just followed her around. I think I’m trying to create a zoologist here. Or a keeper would be great. Up to her of course. 😁
  24. Most likely you’re fine. Really don’t think it’s an issue at all. But that said, more is always better. Cory almost always advises for adding a stone.
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