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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. @Wisdom amazing job. Really cool. You need an Etsy store 😁 I continue to be amazed by the creativity of people here.
  2. I keep mystery snails in most of my tanks, I don’t even pay attention to their small cousins
  3. Pothos are great plants, but a word of caution. when using Pothos, make sure your vines and leaves are not soaking in your aquarium water. When that happens, the same toxins that affect cats can leach into the water and be harmful to your fish. The roots themselves are fine. It’s just the stems and leaves
  4. Looks like green hair algae. Does it feel like thin hair, kinda tough. Or does it feel soft and slimy. do you have parameter numbers for your tank. How long is your light on
  5. Yeah, if it’s only an eight inch on each ends, you should be more than good. Don’t think I’d worry about it. With the understanding I’ve been wrong before, but I think you’re okay
  6. Ooh, very nice. That changes things a bit. I still think you’re okay, but it could have significant side pressures. But the weight should still be solidly on the stand If you’re concerned, you could take the stand back. But, omg they’re expensive. Much more than the tank
  7. I don’t think it’s going to be a problem. Looks like the edge glass is even with the edge of the stand. So the downward pressure is on the stand. The rim that is hanging over is mostly to prevent sideways movement.how big of a tank are we talking about.
  8. These are pretty decent numbers for neocaradina, they will appreciate the amount of calcium in it. Higher kh would be better. But this works. Will work well for most of your fish as well. Be cautious about wild caught, soft water fish. Everything else should be good. The thing that most people forget, the guides you see for ph kh gh ranges are for wild caught animals. Most tank raised or farm raised animals are used to much harder water. Especially farm raised animals.
  9. I hope you understood what I was trying to say, cause that was completely word salad
  10. It wouldn’t just have to be air valves. Valves made for liquids may work better. You could go to Lowe’s or home depot, check into what they have. Thinking something like a small diameter pex tubing valve. Or other. Maybe find the valve you think will work and reverse engineer it from there.
  11. This makes sense to some extent. It depends on what stage the plant is in at the moment. Aquarium plants are Usually grown with their roots submerged but their leaves out of the water (emersion grown). other plants are grown submerged completely in water. Emersion grown plants are air breathing still, and when submerged they must be converted to submerged leaves . Usually by dying back completely and growing new leaves. By putting the plastic over the tank they’re just converting the tank into a terrarium to conserve moisture. Giving the roots a bit of a chance to develop before attempting full submersion. It gives them a bit more energy to draw upon when converting. Less chance for plant failures. now if you already have fully submerged plants, this will work in reverse and cause the plant to try to re adapt to air growth. Draining energy from them twice, cause then you’re going to resubmerge them again. if you knew what stage they’re in, you could do the terrarium growth. But tissue cultures may already be converted. So that wouldn’t be helpful to you.
  12. the roots are fine. but the leaves and vines sitting in the water leaches out a toxin. Luke from Luke's Goldfish lost a tank of fancy goldfish that way.
  13. Well, that shouldn't be an issue. I use that all over the place. There are reports of pothos vines being toxic when allowed to rest in water. But hornwort should be good. are they snacking on it? I assume sand substrate and lots of digging, so nothing like a hydrogen sulfide build up. Maybe pull it for now, in a bucket with an airstone to keep it alive. water change then observe for a couple of days. If it straightens out, it could have been the hornwort. or something on the hornwort. Keep a close eye, if it's not the hornwort, they will continue to show symptoms
  14. KGTropicals had a yellow mystery snail they named GO. because he went... repeatedly
  15. I've had mystery snails escape plenty of times. to the point where they appear completely dried out. I put them back in, a few hours later they were up and going
  16. Calcium is usually absorbed from the water or lost to the water if it's too low. there are several things you can use. prepared eggshell should be one (preparation technique???). you can also use crushed coral, crushed oyster shell, cuttlebone, aragonite in the substrate, and chicken grit. The calcium in the water is a measurement of Kh and Gh. do you have an idea what yours is reading? My only thought is you could add too much protein into the water with the eggshell. from the residue left from the egg whites.
  17. Salt doesn't evaporate, so a one time thing. don't add for top offs. When doing water changes add it only for the amount of water you remove. Sorry to hear about your animal. We just got a small group that look exactly like him (except for the sick. hopefully). Really sounds discouraging.
  18. Always one problem child in every group 🤣 For a 10g. Small group of rasboras. harlequin, lambchop, neon green (kubotai), maybe even chili. small group of tetras- green neons, regular neons (if bought from big box, buy extra, you'll lose some). embers. If well planted and established, could do cherry shrimp. he'll snack on young, but they should reproduce fast enough. These are the ones i keep with bettas. they should do good with him
  19. I believe the heater controller I was thinking of is made by inkbird. Something like this https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiCuJGV1OSEAxUbGjQIHV9ZDS4QFnoECFIQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FInkbird-Temperature-Controller-Thermostat-120V-1200W%2Fdp%2FB07X1JT372&usg=AOvVaw3lVNEberpY3qivd-KmMK8z&opi=89978449
  20. Also from coop https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/care-guide-for-fancy-goldfish if you’re looking to keep all 10 you’re probably looking at a minimum of 75g, but 125 would be better. Goldfish are massive waste producers. Bigger tanks will help keep the water stable. With 10 you’re still going to be doing a lot of water changes. If you could find a 75g lowboy that should be enough swimming area. They’re not impressive swimmers and do better in shallow tanks.
  21. They may try. In that case they’ll be severely injured. Corys have spines in their fins. I probably wouldn’t try this combination. The best tank mates for goldfish are goldfish. Mostly due to temperature requirements. I would keep them down around 70 degrees, possibly even unheated , they’re easily an outdoor pond fish. Most tropical fish are unsuited for these conditions. coop makes this list of tank mates, although I’d stay away from the common pleco https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjQ4JH4z-SEAxWghIkEHTERD-MQFnoECA0QAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.aquariumcoop.com%2Fblogs%2Faquarium%2Fgoldfish-tank-mates&usg=AOvVaw3roPORL7xxfQaJ7ZiE4KKi&opi=89978449
  22. Yeah, colu would be the best one to ask. But your tank condition looks good. Have you added anything to the tank recently? And just in case. You may need access to aquarium salt and some meds. Either maracyn2 or kanaplex.
  23. Possibly. Or undersized somewhat. I was able to get my rams up to 86 using a fluval heater with no problems. No problems but me anyway, I was learning them and ended up failing them.
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