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Everything posted by Miska

  1. Thank you so much for the tip! I am very excited for Saturday! My husband is gonna drive so that we can relax and I am bringing the toddler. lmao. He loves the bear there.
  2. MY BESTIE IS HERE!!!!!! Squeeeeeeee. Yinz, this is my bestie in the whole world and she is amazing. Guppy fry are doing really really well! I just saw them venturing out, I have 11-12 ish. I am feeding them the fry food from the co-op. How are the other three minnows?
  3. I love them so so so much! @Guppysnail I have 7 (I had 8 but I crushed one on accident when some hardscape fell I am still sad about it, it was about a month ago). I got them from Aqua Huna and they are honestly amazing. They are bottom-mid dwellers but now that they are settled they come up out of their hiding spots. They also chase each other and I was worried at first, but after watching them, it really really looks like playing! I just added some Otos (my LFS quarantines and treats them and I called a lot (actually had my bestie do it, they know her well!) waiting for them to be out of quarantine) I just need a honey gourami and that tank will be complete. But I looove the cardinals and the emeralds so much.
  4. Thank you so so much! It's the tank I'm having the trouble with, so of course I was like "oh no, what now??" lol
  5. Thank you!!! I tried to get the best photo I could.
  6. what in the fresh H. E. Double hockey sticks is this????!
  7. Alton Brown is the person I learned most of my cooking tips from in 2000s-2010s because that's when I "came of age". I still love him and still recommend his cooking shows (I don't really care for all the competitions though, just iron chef). I'm a tea lady! I need to add coffee in due to a health conditions, but I just don't like it without so much sugar and cream it's a dessert.
  8. That's a good idea. I'll put a carbon cartridge in the filter. It was a lot of stress on them, the ph problems, so he may just not be able to withstand all the changes.
  9. Upstairs tank: Another fish is dying. PH 7.4 Ammonia and Nitrite: 0 Nitrate 5ppm
  10. I am not an expert but egg bound would be my guess as well @WhitecloudDynasty do you have an idea?
  11. I also recommend possibly neocardina. You can sometimes get them cheaper if you get folks culls from aqua swap on reddit, your local fb groups (there are often give away groups, there is one for maryland), as well as fish swaps (where I am going this weekend!!!).
  12. What a beautiful tank!!! Welcome! We are so glad to have you!
  13. When it comes to any animal for me, if it is fish or dog or cat, my question is "if it were me, what would I want?" If he's just resting a lot- well I would want that, even if I am not feeling my best. But if I was having trouble breathing, having trouble doing anything, and hurt very badly, I would want it to be over. I put my mini dachshund down last summer, and it was hard, every pet is a friend. Even (and sometimes especially) a betta that you hung with every day. There is no right answer, just the answer that is right for you, and your own process. That is mine.
  14. I have heard that otos are algae eating machines. I am trying to get some for my tanks. Have you thought about them? Plus they are SOOOO cute.
  15. Plants are my life, for real, I've loved them forever and I have a case of "If I plan enough I can do it" then I never do it. Thank you for the advice! I am going to see about buying the set up.
  16. I am very interested in CO2! I keep looking at a complete set up on Fb and not doing it because I am a newb. I can't wait to see what you two come up with!!
  17. I am absolutely adoring of this set up. I cannot wait to see what happens next! Thank you for posting.
  18. I would consider dropping them in a low tech holding tank until they grow. Some people convert pickle jars etc. But there are ways to control them, especially in the egg clutch stage.
  19. pearlweed is one of my favorites ever. That's beautiful! I may copy you both and do a snail holding tank when I get a pea puffer.
  20. This weekend was absolutely fun! Not fish fun, though. My daughter was in a festival last night (children's chorus) it was beautiful. We had our besties over for DnD! We had pizza and wings (I only had wings, am dealing with some medical issues). And we had so much fun. We are playing a ship campaign and my bestie and I always try to sneak fish things in. I got some good pictures, finally, of the Emerald Dwarf Rasboras. And maybe the cardinal tetra.
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