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Everything posted by AllFishNoBrakes

  1. I keep my house at 70 and do not have a heater in my shrimp tank. They’ve done very well for me for about 2 years like that.
  2. Although I’ve never done it, that’s immediately where my mind went as well. I like the way you think, @Fish Folk!
  3. I have tanks that aren’t exactly level due to weight on the stands and I haven’t had an issue. My understanding is that it won’t harm anything, as long as it’s in one direction. Either left to right OR front to back. The problem comes when you’re essentially twisting the tank (BOTH left to right AND front to back). Like @Cleveland M said, the water line can be a bit annoying, but with my tanks that dip to the left, it’s not enough that it comes below the black trim, so when I’m looking at the tank I can’t notice the water specifically, but I can notice that the tank isn’t exactly level. It is what it is. When I move I plan on redoing some things to take the annoyance out of it.
  4. Float for temp, then I pour out like half the water that was in the bag. From there I use my 20ml syringe for tank water into the bag every 5 minutes for about an hour. Drain as much water from the bag as possible and then plop em in. Probably overkill as I get everything locally, but would rather be safe than sorry
  5. I have just a pair in a community tank with GlowLight Tetras (not Glofish), Cory’s, Hatchetfish, and Praecox Rainbows. They do just fine for me as a pair.
  6. For my red cherries I started with 30, and sold a couple hundred of them. I’m looking to do blues next in my (now) empty 10 gallon
  7. Agreed. Toss a few in and see how it goes! If it goes well, add to it. And then wait. The population will explode
  8. Yes, this is mine. There is a pump that’s hidden by the moss. Then there is a piece of tubing that connects the pump to the flood tray. Pump turns on for 15 minutes every 2 hours, and floods the black plastic tray that has hydroton and the veggies/herbs/peppers/ etc. There is a drain on each side that dumps back into the tank. I have the sponge filter cuz if I’m gonna run an air stone I might as well run a sponge.
  9. Don’t wanna burst anyone’s bubble here, but they already make that. A 10 gallon aquaponics tank is what got me into the hobby. Only chiming in as OP said they wanted to invent something that didn’t already exist, but if you’re looking to improve upon something already existing go for it!
  10. Agreed. Red Root Floaters especially hate flow. Water lettuce crushed for me, and RRF does well in one of my tanks. Salvinia has been pretty bulletproof for me
  11. Exactly this. 10 drops of bottle one, cap the tube, and turn it over a couple of times. Shake bottle 2 for 30 seconds, HARD. Add 10 drops bottle 2 to test tube. Shake test tube vigorously for 1 minute. Let stand for 5 minutes and compare to chart. I use the stopwatch/timer function on my phone to make sure I’m hitting all these marks.
  12. Keep the plants wet in a bag of water when you do the move and then replant them. No different really than when the plants were shipped/when you brought them home.
  13. When I was brand new to the hobby I was using the API test kit and wasn’t following all the instructions. I too thought I had 0 nitrates, and then when I actually followed the directions I was well over 80, lol. That would be my first piece of advice without further information: follow the test kit instructions to the letter for accurate results
  14. It should be just fine. Cory has talked about using the nano pump on sponges in the 800 gallon, and that tank is 40 inches tall.
  15. It was 50-75 per spawn. I was taking them to my LFS in batches of 25-30. Once I had full grown Kribs I was still trying to get rid of the new spawns became live food. The last picture has close to 100 if not more.
  16. Kribs are fun and some of the best fish parents I’ve seen. My mistake was keeping the whole spawns. I kept the entirety of the first 2 spawns my Kribs had and it took me FOREVER to get rid of them all. I literally just traded for store credit the last 25 last week. Was about a year and a half journey. Might seem like a shame right now, but knowing what I went through with mine I’d be stoked with ~10 fry.
  17. Half the excitement when I was first getting into the hobby was just building things to see if it made my life easier. Still use most of the stuff I made (for maintenance, especially) to this day. Used most of it today to do my water changes!
  18. When I killed the first 2 Baby Brine Shrimp containers I made this bad boy. Sadly, the succulent didn’t make it, but I still think it was a good idea
  19. I feel ya. MTS and way too many foods over here. I’ll run through them. Eventually ha
  20. Nice. The top of my invert tank looks like how yours used to lol.
  21. Another day of maintenance means another journal post! Some fun stuff happened this week: Fish I traded last week got me store credit, and I used it on hard scape. the Seiryu Stone in the back right and the light piece of Spiderwood are the new additions. Took out a bunch of duckweed and thinned out the water lettuce as well. Vac’d a TON of mulm, but still obviously more to get out. All in due time. This tank is getting there, but is still missing something. The journey continues. The Dragonstone in the back to the right is also a new addition here. I love this tank. The PSO is out of control! PSO in the above tank is trying to grow emersed. Fun! Amano in the Walstad cube was laying on the bed of Pearl Weed. Too good not to take a snapshot of. Rotala Indica trying to grow emersed in a bed of duckweed. I passively bred some Gold Tetras! Didn’t try to, at all. I have some Endler/Guppies in here so I just assumed all the fry were them. Took a closer look and was shocked to see some were Tetras! Add that one to the “have bred” list, I guess. Another week of maintenance done. Now, to sit back and enjoy the fruits of my labor.
  22. I don’t use the trays, but if I had the set up for the trays I would move them once the yolk sac is gone. Essentially, once they’re ready to eat baby brine you could move them over
  23. @TheSwissAquarist This tank gets Xtreme nano in the morning and baby brine shrimp at night.
  24. @TheSwissAquarist I didn’t choose the name, the name chose me 😉
  25. @TheSwissAquarist I’ve only counted 4 or 5. Which is totally fine by me. I had no intention of breeding them, but it’s pretty cool that some eggs at some point hatched and a couple of them made it.
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