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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Browsing through Pet Bazaar. Mom & pop shop. Many snakes! And amphibians. Snowball pleco Tigerhead pleco Peppermint? Camo Pacman Frog
  2. Omg, thank you @nabokovfan87 for sending better quality nets! Disaster prevention at its finest! I and the fishes are very grateful to you.
  3. I had released him yesterday. His symptoms are mild. I took a video (he is not the first fish shown). He enters the shot from the left. Has a sort of rocking horse movement but he seems to be ok. He was stressed in the breeder box. I will try the salt.
  4. Anytime I have had a wonky swimming fish it was all downhill. Thankfully this is a mild case. I am thinking about releasing him back to the community. His buddy keeps swimming up to him in the breeder box and they see each other. Jailbird seems glad to see his buddy and becomes more active. I ended up with these 2 when I bought washed out looking fish from a new shipment at LFS. I had requested pristella tetras but when color developed I was surprised! LFS said they must have jumped in the pristella tank from the next tank over. Anyway, I didn’t worry too much about school size since they school right along with the pristellas. I don’t know if being in the breeder box is better or worse for him.
  5. Friends, we have an assumed swim bladder issue with a head-and-taillight tetra. The first thing was to get him to QT on Tuesday but he got snagged in a net, and as I texted 2 forum members in a panic, he freed himself. I threw away that net. After his stress and mine, I just put him into a breeder box. 2 days later and he is no better and no worse, I decided to move him for an epsom bath. Different net, finer, and feels “silky”? He got caught in that net too! This poor fish can’t catch a break! As the epsom salt bath is only a 15 minute deal, I just stuck the net with him attached into the bath and ran air. Upon transfer back to the breeder box, he freed himself. Thankfully. He has a barb or something below him that I suppose will get caught in whatever net. Anyway, I can’t foresee multiple transfers per day as @Colu’s disease thread recommends, but I think once per day is manageable, and I would transfer him using a solo cup. I would like to do salt as well but the snails can’t take it. I could move him to qt but he’s not contagious (to my knowledge) and he doesn’t like to be separated from the school. Video was taken right after his transfer back so you will see a little bit of heavy breathing. When he swims he drags along the bottom of the breeder box. He has negative buoyancy, and a bit of trouble turning. It’s like his fins aren’t allowing him to go where he wants to, so he wiggles his body to compensate. 18 other fish are unaffected and healthy. @nabokovfan87 @Guppysnail
  6. Sorry you’re dealing with illness in the fishroom @nabokovfan87. Never fun. Here is what I consider the staples in my fish first aid kit: med trio kanaplex* jungle fungus tabs* salt Indian almond leaves i have other things in there that I have used to treat specific things (for shrimps) but probably would not replace those as I don’t expect those issues to recur. Also I hav Expel-P in there now. I am not certain on this yet but it’s possible it may work better than paracleanse. Last two times I used paracleanse issues were unresolved. 🤷🏻‍♀️ So when things start to expire I may research again and stock the Expel P instead. *Highly recommend having these 2 because if columnaris ever shows up, you have to act fast. Also Kanaplex treats gram positive and negative I believe. @Colu is that correct?
  7. Just catching up.. wow! There is quite a bit I missed! First, sorry about Industry. Glad to see Punk is hanging in there though, and Invictus looks awesome! The tank move.. I can’t imagine. I tried to transport African cichlids in a 5g bucket with airstone from PA to FL. I lost some. To tell you the truth, they were fighting because they were in too small of a space. Then again, could have been sloshing or stress too. Not sure. I did see the fighting though; nothing I could do to stop in while on the journey. It was stressful. The medieval tank looks great, and I know your mom will enjoy it! And the shrimp you were so doubtful about.. you mentioned there are hundreds now? That’s awesome! Looking forward to following along on the large tank adventure. I love the stand.
  8. Born to be wild! I haven’t seen any shrimplets lately. I wonder if it is because I have been feeding less. I haven’t been feeding much powdered food at all. I guess I should go back to that. I was figuring when they pick apart the shrimp sticks that would make enough dust to feed shrimplets but maybe not. Also found that the filter wasn’t working well, barely at all. It was the situation where the end of the airline gets loose over time and doesn’t properly seal onto the sponge filter. I snipped the end and reattached and it’s working much better now. Oh also found some small black worms in the tank(?) during this weekend’s water change. Multiple females are berried. One other thing. I keep the light off quite a bit to control the hair algae issue. I wonder if lighting plays any sort of a part in reproduction. Tonight I fed them “snail cookie crumbs” and they are frenzying over those.
  9. Look at with camo and without. I hope this thread helps others. BNPs are tricksters!
  10. Looks at the handsome fellow after going back into the community tank. I can’t believe how he fooled me!
  11. So it seems Flint was activating his camouflage and wasn’t actually sick. I returned him to the tank and he toned down the camouflage after he made the grand tour enjoying every wall, wood, and plant. Thanks @Lennie for reaching out to a pleco researcher on our behalf.
  12. During the rest period after the medicated food, Geppetto healed on his own, and I didn’t need to remedicate. 🎉
  13. The Repashy morning wood I gave him last night was like the size of a half of a die (dice). It was gone by morning.
  14. Thanks guys I put 2 more leaves and 1/2 tbsp salt. He’s in a 5.5gal tank. I already had one leaf in there, mainly for food, but the tannins were being removed by the carbon and the poly filter. I took the carbon and the poly filter out, and I cannot see a blue tint to the water anymore from the jungle fungus tabs. He has had three or four water changes since the medication course ended. @Colu the patches got larger. Not raised. Off white
  15. I think you’re right @Tony s. I’m not sure what’s going on.
  16. The last few days I’ve just been doing water changes. The med course was completed and there is carbon and a chunk of poly-filter in there. It is taking some time for him to heal. I did not add any salt because I’m nervous about it as he is a scaleless fish. fin is a little frayed at the edge now. Not from netting. I caught him in a solo cup. I guess it is stress from the meds. Looks a little skinny since I haven’t been feeding much while I treated. Tiny amounts. I gave him a piece of morning wood Repashy today. Sidenote: look at his cute whiskers Just for comparison, this is what he looks like when healthy. Keep in mind the lighting is way different in these photos as well.
  17. There is a freshwater fish illness called cotton mouth disease. I wonder if the issue could be that?
  18. Hampshire is in a makeshift hospital while I am gone for the day. Last night and this morning he gave me a few scares. The last few weeks he’s been slowing down. I don’t know his exact adoption date but it was before 3/15/22 according to one “headcount” in my notes. feeding ring+tupperware lid+paper towel. Mainly this is so he does not foul the tank for many hours while I’m gone… 😞 There is plenty of algae in the tank so I believe this is age-related. I devised this setup so he can crawl back into the water if/when he feels better.
  19. Yeah. in this case the fins are not the issue
  20. Checked on my buddy this morning. He is happily eating the catappa leaf.
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