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Everything posted by PithyUserName

  1. Yes, the gallons vs “distance”. Not sure that’s the right term but I think that’s what you’re referring to. I think they are all better off moving to the 32 when it’s ready. What bottom dweller is a good choice for the Flex 15 to replace them?
  2. I don’t know what/who Guthrie is or how that relates to living in an old church…so that’s gotta be a “no” right? Maybe you could explain? Jack is an easy going fella most of the time. Henry’s my theatrical one😁.
  3. This is inspirational. Nice journal. I really like how all your changes over time were subtle but noticeable. Makes me want shrimp 🙂
  4. Yes. It’s a Fluval design. I wanted to give the fish something to use as cover while I’m going through the process of getting the larger tank ready and cycled. Plus I figured I should learn about live plants before I go mucking about in the only tank I have for them and screw up. I’ve been going really slow and cautious.
  5. @Patrick_G@xXInkedPhoenixX@Fish Folk Snapped one right after my daughter and I did a water change yesterday.
  6. Weird. I got a delivery today with a cardinal tetra sticker in it. Last week's had an angel fish.
  7. Hillstream Loaches are awesome looking, but I've read they are sensitive to higher PH and hard water. I have both out of the tap, so I kind of wrote them off early. I also read they do better in small groups (internet so maybe completely wrong). I love snails (which seems is a rareish thing?) so I am content with that if needs be.
  8. Which region of the state are you in? I'm in MI too, South Central.
  9. Thank you IP! Corys...yeah probably trying too hard to balance out a previous error. Nana got the two albinos to go with the single S&P that survived the mistake tank that kicked this all off. So I have those three corys in the 15 right now and know it isn't anywhere close to ideal. They are fine and eat together, do not seem stressed at all. The S&P is my son Jack's fish...he is on the Spectrum (both boys actually), so my mom thought the albinos would help him not lose track of "Thumper." Anyway, I hear the concern for the group sizes and had no idea the albinos got that big! The FLEX style tanks are tall, so that 15 is basically a cube with a vertical bowfront. Not as much floor as a traditional design, so I worry about too many bottom dwellers in that one for space more than the bio load. Probably best to rehome those two albinos and bump up the S&P's to 6 in the 32. I can just add more snails for the clean up crew in the 15. Platy...Soooo, I am making a built in Aquarium/bookcase in a corner of my living room (which is actually a converted sanctuary in the old church I bought 3 years ago and have been fixing up). It will have one section that is 25"Wx72"L with cabinetry underneath, and the other section of the L shape (bookcase part) will be about 12"Wx72"L. In other words plenty of room for more tanks down the road! The closest LFS is about 45 minutes away, and they didn't have any Platys that I saw. I am hoping for a species only tank with the blue moon platys so I can pass on the fry to them if things go well (like the parents and the other fish don't eat the fry). Way ahead of myself, but I kind of do that with my overactive mind.
  10. Like drinking from a fire hose sometimes! The Aquarium Co-Op YT channel, website blogs, and this forum have been such an education. I feel extra dangerous now. Honestly it’s been a blast and the whole family is on board with it, making it extra special. Right now I only have the 15 gallon set up with some fish and a lot of decorations and media hiding in the back to seed the other two tanks so I can speed up the cycling. I mean I can take a picture of it…if you like yard sales, LOL.
  11. I have one of those oops fishkeeping stories that starts with well-intentioned kids gifts, zero knowledge & quickly dead fish. Feel bad, learn stuff, meet cool people, start again, "accidentally" buy three tanks while learning. You know, that old chestnut. Anyway the 15 gallon attempt number two (with enough knowledge to keep the fish alive for a month and spending a small fortune), has gone really well and the family and I are ready to do something with the other tanks. Here is a list I am keeping and adjusting as I build the built in fish area for the 32 gallon in the living room, and finish remodeling my office to house the 15 and the 2.6. Interested in feedback on the stocking ideas: Fluval Spec 2.6 Gallon Amount Species Common Name Notes 6 Cherry Shrimp Color and interest 1 Olive Nerite Snail Algae 1 Water Sprite In Substrate 2 Java Moss 1 substrate, 1 floating Substrate Spectrastone Fast River Gravel w/ small amounts of Fluval Stratum underneath Hardscape Driftwood, small river rocks Heater Fluval P10 Filtration Spec OE with AqCoop Nano sponge & Ziss water stone Lighting Spec OE light Fertilizer Easy Green Fluval Flex 15 Gallon Amount Species Common Name Notes 1 Honey Gourami Centerpiece 6 Harlequin Rasbosas Small shoaling group 2 to 3 Red Racer Nerite Snails Algae control 3 Albino Cory's Clean up crew 1 Water Sprite Corraled Floater 2 Aponogenton Crispus Background 3 to 6 Anubias Nana Petite Planted in Drifwood 3 Java Moss Foreground Substrate Small amounts of Fluval Stratum strategically burried under Spectrastone Fast River Gravel Hardscape Dark driftwood (Seasoned) & Grey Slate rocks stacked and glued into a cave for quiet time Heater Fluval P50 Filtration Flex OE with biomass in both slots and standard split head, filter floss at intake grills, & Aq Co-op small sponge filter w/Ziss stone Lighitng Flex OE light bar Fertilizer Easy Green Fluval Flex 32.5 Gallon Amount Species Common Name Notes 4 Salt & Pepper (hasbrosas) Cory's 1 large 3 small for ID on Jack's original fish 2 Blue Moon Platy's m&f (maybe we get some frye) 1 Large Mystery Snail Lynde's original snail (big fella) 2 Gold Racer Nerite Snails Amp up algae control with the big fella 6 Zebra Danios hope to school with the Glofish Danios 3 Glofish Danios 1 Purple (Lillie's fish), 2 Blue...just in case shoal splits from Zebras. 1 Water Sprite Corraled floater to propogate other tanks 2 Amazon Sword Background 2 Java Fern Background 4 Java Moss Attach to Driftwood/rocks in Midground 2 Cryptocoryne Lucens Foreground Substrate Spectrastone Special Black with strategically placed Fluval Stratum underneath Hardscape Driftwood, Sponge Bob's House, Large & smooth river stones from yard Heater Fluval M200 Filtration Flex OE with biomass in all slots, filter floss at intake grills, Aq Coop Medium sponge filter w/ziss water stone Lighting Flex OE Aquasky with App Fertilizer Easy Green
  12. Thank you for the additional replies. @Torreygreat tip on the overall school size. It’s a 32 gallon so a bigger school of like 12 is probably able to be done.
  13. Katherine in for the win! All I needed was a bit of encouragement, and someone to blame LOL! Seriously though thank you for taking the time to share your experience.
  14. Definitely not the end of the world to have a school of something your kids enjoy in one of the three tanks you’ve collected in the past month ☺️. Still hopeful someone will know the answer to my question. Seems like someone would have asked before for at least one type of Glofish with their respective genetic origin fish. I looked around the internet and just got a bunch of results stating you can mix and match the available colors within the species of Glofish…kind of obvious when that’s how you see them in the pet store. a Glofish danio is a modified zebra danio…seems like it’d work on paper. Sigh, always have to be “that guy.” Thanks for the replies 😉
  15. Haha…you sound like my wife! Honestly I’d feel bad if the lone glodanio wasn’t accepted by its cousins, and from my limited knowledge they seem a lot more robust and adaptable than tetras in general. Kids are on the up and up on the circle of life, but a higher chance of success is a welcome thing for a dad with his daughter. The twins are going to be 7 next month, and my oldest boy is 9. I would really like to sell her on a Honey Gourami…special stand alone fish. Her brothers aren’t bothered by their original personal fish being in a group that looks the same. I could just get one pink glodanio and make the others a different glo color…but I’m just not a fan of the whole fluorescent thing at all let alone a whole shoal.
  16. Maybe an odd question. I’m a one month newbie, by accident. You can see he story in my into thread, but basically a well intended kids gift of fish and a tiny tank…and here we are. Three kids, three fish, disaster. My daughters gifted fish was a pink/purple glofish tetra, which of course died because no one knew anything. At any rate she’s set on that Pink fish color. Her older brother and her twin brothers fish are still living in the new & cycled 15 gallon with some matching friends (6 harlequin rasboras, and 3 s&p corys). I have a 32 gallon they all will be moving to when it’s ready, and I’d really like to not have a school of fluorescent fish in there if I can avoid it. So, I’m wondering if a Glofish danio will school and feel comfortable with regular zebra danios? My kids like the rasboras activity level so I think the danios will be a better fit. Hoping to pull off my daughter having her pink fish that’ll school with their genetic lineage. Pipe dream? Absent that, and ideas for a pink(ish) fish? I’d really like to keep the kids interested…because I’m hooked!
  17. I’m new and only known of the channel and been interested in fish keeping as a hobby for about a month. I’ve watched lots of channels to learn, but yours covers so much more and isn’t as niche driven. That’s great for a new person. You’re high on the likable scale as well, so I’ve watched quite a bit of content I’d never have watched. No desire to start a fish store, but I was entertained and engaged anyway by two of those videos. I said no to unboxing…because I’ve never seen one on your channel so far.
  18. Good to know. Thank you! I will share as things move along…should I do that here or in another area?
  19. Now I have to figure out what to put in the Fluval Spec 2.6 that started all this. Beta? Worried it’s too small for that. Thought about trying shrimp in it. It’s a really nice looking tank. Shame to waste it in a box somewhere. Suggestions welcome. I have API test kits, strips and the bottle ammonia one. I’ve been testing everyday but now every other. Things are going pretty well. I have high PH 7.5-8 and very high KH & GH so adjusting things is a path I don’t want to go down with that high resistance. I found a highly recommended fish store about an hour from me called Fish Doctors and have spoken with them on the phone, seem very knowledgeable. I travel there for work frequently so I’ll have access to good healthy fish options & plants. For now I have to make a place for this Flex 32 and get it cycling!
  20. Tested parameters and did a 30% water change. Cool part was unboxing the Fluval Flex 32g I picked up this week. I just started keeping fish a month ago for my kids in a Flex 15…got hooked. I haven’t even set up the beta tank I got as a gift yet and I already bought this one…I see a hole in my wallet brewing. I am going to move some driftwood and rocks into the big tank to get it going and ad some live plants to the 15 to replace them. Should be a fun experiment.
  21. I’m near the Ohio border up 109 into MI. Small town north of Adrian called Tecumseh.
  22. Wife bought the kids and me some fish a couple weeks ago and a Fluval Spec 2.6…Mistakes were made, LOL. A Cory, a glo Tetra, 2 hq rasboras, and a mystery snail. I don’t know anything about fish but could tell it was too much for a little space. I bought a Fluval Flex 15 two days later to try and save my kids new pets… but only moved over the Cory and the snail, which survived the ordeal. A few weeks of ACo-op vids and I now know enough to at least be dangerous. What a resource! Joined the community today to get better and took delivery of a Flex 32 this morning. Guess I stubbled into a new hobby by accident. Thanks for all the passive advice you’ve all put out there for a big dope like me. This is a really engaging endeavor! Oh my name is Eric, married with young kids and live in a small town in Michigan… forgot that
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