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Posts posted by Cory

  1. 33 minutes ago, Will said:

    I am sure this was mentioned a few times on streams but why did the coop drop the Fluval E series heaters? I have been running one for about 2.5 years with out issues. Recently though after water changes I plug it back in and it will read a low temp. as compared to my temp gun and glass thermometer. I wait ten minutes unplug it and then plug it back in and it reads normal. Which I might not have noticed if it wasn’t for the digital display. I also run Aqueon Pros with out issues. I will be looking into a controller though, thanks for the info on that. 

    We stopped selling them because we'd go 6+ months without shipments. Fluval has a really hard time keeping heaters in stock, as well as some other products. Heaters because of their size, didn't make us any money after shipping. WIth the constant burden to customer service of when they'll be back in stock, it simply made sense to stop losing money then waiting on a company who ships to unreliably. 

  2. For this method, you'd want to do a regular service. To get how often, watch for when your tank has more free floating particles in the water, if that takes 4 months, perhaps you service filtration every 3 months. A lot of people use way too much filtration so they might be able to go 6 months to a year, With less filtration might be weekly or monthly. Like my store is every 2 weeks essentially from having 1 sponge filter and hundreds of fish in a 20g. 

  3. You'd want a minimum of 2 inches to be at sellable size. To maximize growth. Use an auto feeder feeding 4x per day, and then 2 feedings by you per day, usually morning and night, whatever works for your schedule of Live foods and frozen foods. 

    Then make sure water parameters don't get out of line. The goal is to keep fish eating every 2 hours. This would be for a 12 hour light on cycle. 

  4. I'm testing another heater again... This is still a continually work in progress for me. This one appears promising from the beginning. Should be affordable, has digital temp display, you set the temp outside the tank. Lot of the little things I like, I'm waiting for my sensor to show up so I can track the temp on a graph for some more testing currently.

  5. Thank you all for the support. Congrats to @Its Hutch on the 1 year milestone. I actually had no idea you've never ordered with us 😉 Hopefully this will show the people that think I only care if people spend money, that they are wrong lol. We treat everyone as equal as possible. 

    As for the planters... Pretty much Randy and I just pace back and forth waiting for customs to call with it being cleared lol.

  6. This is why fish meds are so difficult. Same dosage, same drug two different companies. One says change water daily, other days 5 days in a row is fine.


    in my experience 1 dose without changing water is just as effective as those two for the diseases I run into. I dose once and let sit for a week monitoring it.

  7. The forum software company went through a major upgrade a few months ago and as a result has been patching bugs left and right. Each time I upgrade to patch the bugs it breaks our custom theme. So for now I'm going to have us use this theme until they get a more stable version that doesn't have my coders fixing it every week. Sorry for the inconvenience. 

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