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Posts posted by Cory

  1. 4 minutes ago, Mmiller2001 said:

    Thank you both. My initial guess was flukes. I just ordered prazi but in the meantime I could dose Paracleanse. Should I wait for the Prazi or try the Paracleanse again now? I do have plants.

    Being that you did 1 round of Paracleanse, I'd probably just wait. Even though Paracleanse has Prazi in it, I believe Prazi is a higher concentration being the solo drug. 

  2. I would say something is off a bit. If they are continually doing this, I would try a 1 week treatment of Prazi. If there are no plants you could also add a tablespoon of salt per 5 gallons as a very mild anti parasite. I suspect that possibly there are some gill flukes, but its very hard to diagnose over the internet. 

  3. Clamped fins is a sign of stress. I'd guess this betta just has too long of fins for it to support and keep erect. Clamped fins typically refer to the pectoral fins, then the dorsal, then keeping the tail closed as well. Basically a signs to consume no energy while fighting off poor water quality usually. I'm not sure that's what is going on here. What are your water parameters?


    I'm not sure I've ever actually seen Chytrid in the hobby. How are you 99% sure? I see it talked about often, but I myself selling 10k+ frogs over the years don't believe I've ever seen it. I'd suspect something else might be going on. What sy mptoms are you seeing on them?

  4. What type of pencilfish? I ask because if they are eques, then it would be normal for them to have their tail down. 

    In general when having a swim bladder issue and suspecting constipation, you'd want to use epsom salt as a muscle relaxer. At this point I'd probably just keep an eye on things. Water parameters look good, fish look good minus 1 gold white cloud, could be bullied to lose color. If it's a different type of pencilfish, it may mean something is up, but I would try some foods that are laxatives first. Like Spirulina and Brine shrimp. 

  5. I've installed some software that will search for like content once you move to the description. Intenteded sequence of events.

    1. You type in your title.

    2. You click to description

    3. Top 5 Like topics pop up.

    4. If the topic is similar, post on that topic. 

    5. If it's a new topic, continue on. 


  6. Currently there is no integration for youtube and this forum. Also I'm not even certain I'd want that integration. Members were brought here first if they wanted to help beta test. Currently this forum is still in beta testing mode. 

    Reactions won't be changing unless I find an actual need for it. Perhaps some day in the future there will be a members only section, but it would be associated with the website and not youtube. 

    A paid membership to the forum would be considered if the cost of running the forums becomes to great. Every month we pay for the data being stored. Right now we are limited to pictures by design.  If we take the forum to allow people to upload video natively, they'd buy in at different tiers for storage. It's a complex system, that I am developing slowly. 

    I realize this sounds like I'm not catering to what people want. However each day like 5 people reach out and say this is how you run a forum. I want X, Y and Z. Which is the exact opposite of each other person. Which means I'll run this forum to the best of my ability and make data driven decisions as always. Unfortunately with data, there are always people who it won't be a part of that data set and feel it's wrong. 

    An example I can give, opening up unlimited reactions just turns this into Instagram, where people will farm self gratification based on how much recognition they can get. Which inherently lowers the quality of posts overall. This means someone who takes a great picture of a fish might get 25 reactions. Meanwhile a great DIY post that took a week to craft might only get 10. Thus not rewarding the truly great content. 

    Rest assured as time goes on, the forum will change. People will come and go. Right now there is a large influx of new people because we have been letting people know about it. In a few months, many more people will be veterans, they'll have their questions answered and only a few new people will join per day etc. All at the time, more tech will be incorporated into the forum to help with such things. 

    I'll end by saying, there is no guarantee this forum will work. However most forums will never get the chance we are giving it, we're $20,000 into development. We have employees watching and participating around the clock. More custom features are being coded by the dev team we have and creative solutions will be tested and may come and go. Once we've got some more coding done, we'll be running A/B testing on different features and such just like we do on the website to optimize for the result we want. Want newbies to search before posting? Change how bold the search box is, put time to make the search results relevant. If that doesn't get what we want, we force a new users to search a topic before they can post, until they are 30 posts in etc. There are plans laid out, roll out deadlines and more. This has been in the works for many months already with feature sets to be rolled out as we can test them, make sure we have the documentation on how to use them. Make sure they integrate with things like our Blog search, Video Search etc. 

    I know it's easy to always want something to do something more. It's easy to forget that we've been working on building blocks. Have you noticed that essentially we've never had a spammer? Never had inappropriate pictures? Swear words are getting held by filters? All of these take hours of employee time and I want to make sure the basics are rock solid before moving onto things that are nice features but not the bedrock foundation to build on. 

    I'm excited to see where the forum will be in 6 months when we've been able to deploy a bunch of things we have in the works. 

  7. I've done this setup before with multies and black moscow guppies. The multies will definitely eat any babies that go low. I used a 29 gallon tank with a couple big rocks, with anubias on them, and then the shell bed sat on the floor to keep the multies low and the guppies higher in the tank. 

  8. My seller rating on aquabid isn’t perfect either. Nor is our current store rating. I believe I offered the best possible service back in the day and still do to this day. However, it’s easy to have something go wrong and have someone never forgive you for it. Imagine if we shipped something and it needed to land on Monday cause it was a birthday present. Instead it arrives Wednesday. We get the bad feedback even if it was lost in the mail etc.

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