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Posts posted by Cory

  1. It does look like fungus to me. That salt will be hard on your plants, might not kill them. Increasing it further probably would. Salt is a slow method to fix things, but generally works well. 

  2. Tropica is a cultivar of wendtii, Florida sunset, pink flamingo etc are all cultivars of wendtii as well. Depending on light and nutrients is what you’ll get out of each plant. The cultivars will sway you in one direction. For instance, wendtii green give high light and lots of iron goes a bit brown. When selectively bred for red or pink you’ll have a higher chance of it having those colors with less effort. 

    basically most crypts have a huge variation of color depending com conditions. 



  3. Well swordtails are a hard water fish, so you'll want to keep the hardness. pH being "about" 7.0 could be a bit low, Ideally it'd be 7.5 or higher for swordtails, but 7.0 is considered the bottom of what they can thrive in my personal experience. 

  4.  You  may need to put more root tabs under the amazon swords. I've had them eat 10+ root tabs for 1 large plant every month. As far as keeping nitrogen up, it looks that by testing your plants are consuming it. One thing I'd mention is that you're dosing kno3, however without the other building blocks you won't get optimal growth if you are lacking other nutrients. This is why fertilizers are typically more than just KNo3, as plants need a range of nutrients to grow. 

  5. Nice work, the sunlight really helps color up cherry shrimp I've found in previous years when I've done it. I also found out that here in washington I can overwinter cherry shrimp with about 2 inches of ice on top of the pond. Not sure if they can withstand anything more harsh. 

  6. I'd look into any shadows being created in the tank. Plants on the ends could help if the motion is coming from there. But usually it's a motion outside of the tank thing, whether it's shadows or not. Having it brighter in the tank than outside in the room can help cut down on that. Puffers have good vision and can see up to 30 feet outside of an aquarium. Something as simple as a TV with flashing colors can do it from previous experience. 

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