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Posts posted by Cory

  1. You don't have to buy the same size, typically something 50 cent piece size or larger will do ok. I'd add 2-3 to spread any aggression that may happen. Do a partial water change before hand and feed while adding them so fish are distracted by food instead of the new tank mates. 

  2. It won't die from being alone. However you may not need to quarantine it. I personally would put some maracyn in the main tank and observe, to see if it heals up. It can often happen that when yous ee one fish with symptoms, others hare a problem as well but aren't presenting yet. This looks like the start of a bacterial infection from the one picture, but would be something else with more pictures/symptoms. 

  3. As for something to strain the brine shrimp, we are slowly working on that as well. I'd say part of our process is pretty slow testing out lots of things to find out what the best is. Then making it better if we need to.  Dean and I have been talking and we'll be working on some more testing and eventually we'll have a good solution to go with our eggs. 

  4. 4 hours ago, StephenP2003 said:

    I've had the urge to correct the descriptions on a number of their product listings, but I didn't want to be THAT guy!

    We welcome the help, a quick email, gets added to my todo list and I usually get changes done within 24 hours. I have to write the technical stuff for products, and then code all the custom stuff for them. It's a few other people's job's to proof what I've written.  Past few weeks have been crazy, one person was out of town, one person is on Jury Duty, and the other was filling in lol. I'm also known to break grammar and such with edits. 

    Originally it had started, the 100 gram container with small sized measuring spoon is meant for a hobbyist level aquarist. Once we found out they arrived with the mistake of missing spoons, I had to make the edit quickly and clearly pulled a Cory 😛

  5. 21 hours ago, TheDukeAnumber1 said:

    .3tsp eggs tested and the hatch rate and separation did appear to be better than what I have been using. I will be tempted to run through my old stock extra quickly. Ty Co-op.

    On a side note, under to Co-op website brine shrimp description it reads, "100 gram sized container is meant for most hobbyists level aquarists."

    Wondering if it should read "The 100 gram sized container is meant for most hobby level aquarists."

    Fixed 😉


  6. There really isn't a good known method to treat dropsy, it's often fatal. Unfortunately there isn't a recipe for treatment as there can be different causes like different organ failure and constipation. 

  7. 2 hours ago, TheDukeAnumber1 said:

    I haven't kept many "wet pet fish" but the ones I have I've made sure to keep some photos saved and organized.


    When things are settled at the new place will Hank get his final resting place there?


    That's the hope. Finally plant the maple tree and Hank. 

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