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Posts posted by Cory

  1. Dechlorinators don't kill ammonia. They bind it up for 24 hours. After that it's back in the tank hurting things. I don't recommend any anti ammonia stuff. Just water changes, dechlor to remove chlorine and salt to heal them. 


    When things are dying and uneaten food, it can go up very quickly. I would change water again and get it to 0, and not feed, and monitor with salt in the water of 1 tablespoon per gallon and let these guys heal up. 

  2. Likely not using any dechlor killed all your bacteria and burned the gills on your first. I'll fast forward to how I would get through this. 


    Heat the tank to roughly 78 to reduce stress and speed up ich life cycle. use ich x once daily with a 50% water change each day. I'd start that today, and I wouldn't be feeding until ammonia and nitrites return to zero. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Joshyray said:

    Wow I didn't expect to get a reply from Cory himself that's awesome! 

    I want to make sure I didn't do anything wrong myself. Is it possible that by using superglue and not superglue gel I could have caused this?

    Possibly, but unlikely, normal super glue is really runny and can cover the rhizome if sloppy. The gel, is easier to control where it goes.

  4. Definitely people have stopped by. The property was in really bad shape a few years ago. The person we bought it from got it back into shape mostly and we are continuing on that.


    As for car I containers, there are some other homes in the neighborhood that have them. Lots of RV parking/garages and that type of stuff on peoples property because we are out of the way a bit and it’s commonplace compared to living in the city. Everyone does a good job of planting trees or privacy fences around the cargo containers to dress them up.

  5. the gh is may be a bit low, but in general cichlids are hardy and i've never seen it really matter. You've had success with them for years, I don't think today your water is that different than a few months ago. It hasn't been a problem and therefore I doubt it is the actual root cause. Typically when water parameters are a problem you see the problem in all the fish, not just one.

  6. With the extra pictures these look like wild type guppies to me. In the pictures you can see lots of stress, definitely some bacterial infections. I would put a large amount of money ammonia is in the water and currently the problem. 

    If I owned this aquarium, and didn't have access to an ammonia test kit for a few days. I would change like 80% of the water and put 1 tablespoon of salt per gallon to fix this. I'd likely lose another 20% of the guppies are some are in really bad shape but then see them recover as I can keep the ammonia away. 


    The symptoms they are showing are from either ammonia or ph burn in my experience, we have your pH reading. This is why I think it's an ammonia issue. 

  7. I'm attempting to make the most helpful/commonly asked question videos we have done easy to access. I have located this video playlist towards the bottom of the main forum page. If you find any particularly helpful videos you want to link often, let me know and I'll put it there so that we can a library that's easy to grab from and post in threads to help people. 

    We have to start the video, click the title, to open a new page to grab the url to share in a thread unless someone finds an easier/faster way.


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