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Posts posted by Cory

  1. Sounds like you need patience. Your aquarium won't reach balance till 6 months after you make the last change. New plants, removing phosphates with a pad etc is all gonna make it take longer. My advice would be just don't do water changes and it'll balance out if you have lots of plants are are fertilizing to replace what is missing. 

    Also how do you know the phosphate is causing the issue and not the light, or some other source in your aquarium? What type of algae is it, why not gets something that eats that algae and just let the tank do it's thing?


  2. What type of fish are they? Different fish have different growth rates and maturity. Also size isn't a good determination of the age of a fish. Growing fish from a batch of fry you'll have some that are 3x as large as the smallest as an example and they are all the same age. 

  3. Tough spot to be in with the live plants. I'd go straight to 1 tablespoon per 2 gallons, the hornwort in the picture could be moved to a bucket with a light, not sure what other plants you have. You pH is a bit low for what platies, guppies and the syno like, getting it above 7.0 is recommended, perhaps some crushed coral?  Also keep checking on ammonia as fish won't be able to fight off the infection well with the stress from ammonia. 

  4. Lots going on there. First TDS isn't a useful measurement to compare to another body of water. It will say meds, dechlorinator, fertilizer and other compounds are TDS. 


    My best advice is to slow down. With all those moving parts, it's gonna be impossible to keep on top of. If this were my tank, I would do a 50% water change, use dechlor to fill it back up, an ddose erythromycin or maracyn and ich x and it it sits for a week while monitoring nitrite and ammonia. I wouldn't feed during this time so your plants can have some time to catch up on the remaining nitrates. 

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