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Posts posted by Cory

  1. 46 minutes ago, Seized said:

    Easy green contains both nitrates and ammonia. Dial it back until you reach a desired number. And also if your need more nutrients use flourish 

    Our fertilizer doesn't contain ammonia. Some fertilizers do use ammonia assuming the average planted aquarium is below 6.4 ph and therefore it won't be toxic. 

    Do know that using something like prime, will give false readings to test kits on ammonia. Also know that if you break down chloramine, it'll show as ammonia as well. 

    I can't speak to every test kit and our fertilizer as chemicals can react and give false readings, such as prime and ammonia test kits. But I do know we specifically developed it without using ammonia, and have had 3rd party tests done to ensure the manufacturer was making it to spec.

  2. Our live fish store? We don't own Aqua Huna. They are their own company and choose not to ship to Washington state.

    As a local customer we don't have a phone number, just as we don't for non local customers. The phone rings off the hook when it gets on the internet, you'd just get a busy signal. We'd love to have a number that locals could call, we've tried changing it and other tactics, it always leaks and just becomes non stop busy signal with questions from the internet. The internet fame the business has gotten has been good and bad for local customers. We have the buying power to bring in exotic species of fish and have a well trained staff. However lines can be long and phones don't stop ringing and things sell out quickly. Back when we had a phone, people would call in and ask how many of a fish we have, drive in and 30 minutes later we'd be sold out, and the customer would be angry. Even hundreds of tetras it would sometimes happen due to how busy we can get sometimes. Unfortunately we haven't found a solution and have only been able to trade 1 problem for another. 

    We are 2 hours away for you, perhaps you should shop closer, I say this genuinely  as we are a small store that can't support a huge area with the footprint we have. 

    As for seeing what we have, we show unboxings on youtube and post our fish that come in every week here on the forum. 

  3. The main struggle here is getting weight back on this puffer. I'd try some cooked cocktail shrimp that you can buy at the store, as well as keeping some small ramshorn/pond snails in there all the time once the levamisole treatment is finished. I'd also try some freeze dried krill as it's one that is used to try and get fish to eat. 

    The feces sounds like internal parasites.  Unfortunately with the puffer so emaciated , it can be hard to treat and keep the puffer eating.


    If levamisole doesn't work, you could try tetra lifeguard, i believe this is the same med that jungle used to make, it was used with 1/4 quarter tablet soaking food. The biggest struggle will be getting the puffer to eat, the parasites being secondary currently. 

  4. If you are going to move this betta to the 10 gallon. There is no reason to be afraid of moving disease as the fish would bring it with if one was present.

    if you have a filter, I typically just move that with the fish the same day and hold of feeding for a couple of days while plants and bacteria get going again while monitoring the parameters. I then go to feeding every other day for a week. Then go to every day if it handles that just fine.

  5. I plan to breed lots more livebearers. I’ll have auto water change setup, but plan to run it as auto top off instead of changes really. For minimal water use as the ponds I have now don’t get water changes.

    the species I’m most looking forward to is mollies currently as I think they will really thrive in the harder water compared to my soft water now that raises ph with crushed coral.

    still moving forward slowly, found a new leak at one of the skylights so need to have that repaired before we can put insulation back in.


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