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Posts posted by Cory

  1. 31 minutes ago, Nataku said:

    As someone who provides many board, dice and card games for a local convention,  I'm always on the look out for new games that present different things that haven't already been beat to death. Haven't seen a crossover in these two things before, so count me intrigued and pledged.


    Also, may be a good idea to update your post here with the kickstarter link so people needn't go hunt it down now that its live.

    Actually this was allowed to stay up because it doesn’t have the link. This forum isn’t a space to sell things. 

  2. Well if it proves anything, it's that test kits aren't required to keep aquariums. A lot of people get hung up on numbers instead of seeing what the fish are doing in the environment. It'll be good to know you'll have a reliable kit going forward though. 

  3. Chances are there is too much food going in the tank. I would stop feeding bottom foods, and just keep an eye on the corydoras until the snail population dies back. Might take a month or more before the corydoras would even lose any weight, so you've got plenty of time to notice it, if that is going on.

  4. Hard to say, have they ever been treated with anti parasite in the past? The one bump could just be a cyst. However the heavy breathing in the second clip makes me think there could be something wrong. Could also just be a numbers game where when you have 20 tetras, things can happen like kidney failure and such, cancer and others that just have low chances to happen regardless of what we do as aquarist. 

  5. He is going blind. Unfortunately this is a side effect of the high coverage of color sometimes. I believe when I talked to a betta judge, the dragon scale gene that covers the face of a betta with colored scales can also make a colored scale fill in on their eyes later in life? This is only from one picture, but it sounds like everything else is fine in the tank setup. The betta can live a long life still and use it's other senses as it normally would to navigate towards food and such. Just won't see you walking up to the tank. 

  6. 14 minutes ago, Mikeo said:

    Am I okay with putting plants in an aquarium that has ammonia in it already? Or would I have to drain everything and start over? 

    Ammonia is plant food essentially, so you wouldn't have to start over. 


    Most questions we have video answers for. Here is a video on beginner plants. 



    As well as a blog article: 


    Planted aquariums are very popular nowadays because of their natural beauty and amazing ability to consume toxic waste compounds. However, many beginners have trouble keeping their green foliage from turning...


  7. This is why I never recommend cycling a tank with ammonia. I recommend cycling with aquarium plants. I have a video on how I recommend doing that. 



    You can also read our blog article on cycling aquariums here: 


    Have you ever seen a fish in the wild living in pure, crystal clear water with no other contaminants? Probably not. That’s because life doesn’t flourish in “pristine” conditions, but rather when there’s a whole ecosystem of...


  8. Anything organic can give off ammonia. Also sometimes you get false positives from prime and test kits.  I'd watch my video on ammonia spikes if you havent. But basically get it down to 0.5ppm then dont feed. Something like your cholla wood is rotting under water, it alwlays does this and normally plants would eat it. 



  9. On 10/31/2020 at 3:50 AM, Daniel said:

    I like the big Rubbermaid Brute trash can aging water in the background. I think I can even see an airstone going in there.

    You guys do your unboxings in a more organized fashion than I do! I got the plants for the Dirted Tank project yesterday.


    Lol this single picture captures like every video I do. The aftermath is always a ton and I'm so tired from filming all day that I can't be bothered to clean it up for at least a day or two lol. 

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