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Posts posted by Cory

  1. Your hair algae is most likely from overdosing Iron, easy green contains iron and your tank isn't utilizing enough iron to warrant the dosing of the easy iron. Also being that your tank is so new, i wouldn't exactly jump to any conclusions yet. for now I'd stay the course with Easy green of 20-40ppm of nitrates. Also know you'll add more phosphate once you start feeding fish food. 

  2. Tracking fish is not something we have found a good system for. Fish stock go up and down daily. We've had people have to wait years for a fish that never comes back. We've had people call and say I'll be in, in an hour, meanwhile the 200 tetras of which they wanted 12 of sold.  The system we have found that is a step in the right direction is posting what comes in each week. Dealing with live stock it's too difficult to keep a stock list of what is in stock at all times unfortunately. 

  3. Nothing stands out as a problem to cause that. Have you done the glass off water test where you take a glass of tap water, put an air stone in it, and then 24 hours later test the water to see if it's the same as when it comes out?

  4. 18 hours ago, Ken Dyer said:

    @Cory Turns out I am turning 50 on Monday and evidently my family thinks they need to buy me crap, so figured they may as well buy me all of the Coop crap 😉 Is there any way to email them a link to my wish list? How else are they going to know I want a khuli loach sticker and more root tabs hehe.

    If the site can't do it no worries, I suppose I can always just talk to these people they are either my wife, daughter, father, or mother, etc. 😄 

    I'll bring this up with the developers, I have the feature turned on, but it seems it's gone missing from our website. Should be a quick fix for em.

  5. I think you could potentially have the golden wonder eat the goby depending on size difference. My advice is, make sure you're keeping fish you actually want to keep. The golden wonder sounds too aggressive for what you enjoy and are you wanting to setup a brackish tank based on 1 fish?

  6. Likely it was a fungus. Salt can fight it off, fish are under a lot of stress when in the incorrect salinity and very susceptible to disease. likely when you changed out the meds, it let nothing to prevent it from growing again.

  7. How long has the tank been setup? Looks like a lot of light with white substrate, which is usually a recipe for algae. 5 pumps of easy carbon a day seems like way too much, also dosing easy green every other day depending on how many pumps could be too much. Balance is what you're hoping to achieve, seems like MORE is just going in to try and solve the problem, but may require less.

    Think about what you're doing, dosing lots of products, changing 40% of the water back out. You either need more nutrients or you need less, you are doing both.

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