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Posts posted by Cory

  1. 1 minute ago, Andy's Fish Den said:

    @Cory I sent me wife the email link for my wishlist so she would know exactly what I wanted, and she asked me if she orders it straight off my wishlist would it go under my account, in that I would get emails saying items shipped etc? I guess she doesn't want me to know if and what she orders. 

    I'm not certain. I don't believe you should get any notifications. As long as she is ordering under her own account. 

  2. I don't do dips. In a perfect world you get all the parasites on the fish. This still leaves parasites in the pond/aquarium that just reinfect. If dips worked. All fish would be dipped before leaving a fish farm and disease would never spread essentially. It can be difficult to get everything in 1, or even a few dips as if fish hold their gills closed, much less exposure to parasites in the gills vs the outside of the body.

  3. I don't have nearly the experience with API fungus cure. I recommend using the general cure and Ich X instead. We put every corydoras we come into contact with through this treatment. As always if a fish has problem,  using meds can kill them, but not treating them also kills them.

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