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Posts posted by Cory

  1. First thing I would do is fix the ph and nitrates. Get the pH up to 7.0-7.2 and nitrate to 50ppm or lower. Then I would have 1 dose of maracyn in the tank for a week. What is the water temperature? Anything about 76 is likely to be causing some stress. I'd try to keep it around 72-74 for the dojo loaches. 

    What else is in there besides the dojos and the synodontis catfish? it looks like it's dorsal fin has been nipped, if there is aggression there, that is another further stress factor. Think of you having a bad injury and trying to heal, but being in a dirty environment, it being too hot, and the wrong pH. All those factors tax the body and don't allow it the resources to fight the bacterial infections.

  2. From what you're describing, to me it sounds like the intake may be clogged. Make sure the "basket" part or intake sponge if you're using one is clean. you can remove the whole intake part and just have the pipe, if flow improves you know it's the intake causing causing the loss in power. This comes from debris like leaves getting stuck in it, or too fine of a sponge for an intake. 

  3. You would dose ich x and EM each day. And do a water change each day before. Also I wouldn't be doing a 3rd med currently as you'l be changing water so much it wont be cost effective to treat for tapeworms. Also lots of medication will be going into these fish with all the water changes, and I like to reduce the amount of different meds going in when I can.

  4. My first tip is don't trim everything off and don't give up. Instead approach it as a learning  experience. It'll take a few months and hard work and learning to beat it, but when you have that skill, you'll be able to battle it forever. 

    Do you have any alglae eaters that'll eat hair algaes yet? Siamese algae eater, flag fish, hungry amano shrimp, hungry mollies etc?

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