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Posts posted by Cory

  1. Do you know when the last time he was able poop? This is usually either constipation or organ failure which leads to fluid build up. If it's constipated, fasting/brine shrimp can work. As for the mulm on the substrate, I wouldn't worry about it. 

  2. If the seller is good, they can ship year round. Colder is easier than hotter months.  Look out for vendors that make you pay for heat packs and such. We include them for free, and liners for free when our custom algorithm we developed that checks your weather and ours and calculates what will be needed calls for it. Importing plants, plants are routinely in the box for 5-7 days to clear customs etc, no problem. Fish typically are 2-3 days in bags. These are at high levels so less dense packing should last longer. Heat packs are up to 96 hours, which is 4 days if they are using the right ones for the fish/estimated delivery time. 

  3. Mostly it's just the peacocks where the females don't have color. You can do the mix of 4 species, but you may not need too, things like a pseudotropheus saulosi have blue males and yellow females so you get 2 colors right there.  I think some of the fun for the african tank is getting babies going, the fewer the species,t he easier that is to do naturally without having to pull babies. 

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