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Posts posted by Cory

  1. 20 minutes ago, Garren B said:

    Ordered some cherry shrimp to add to my community tank. Then made another order on aquarium co-op to stock up on supplies. Slowly building up supplies to setup a second tank. Starting to get addicted to the hobby but want to Slowly build so I don't burnout.

    Slow and steady is good. Remember you have your whole life to keep fish. We don't need to try all the things in 1 year, instead think about having a life long hobby 😉

  2. Could be, unfortunately glofish genetics are kind of weak. I found this was common back when I worked at a store that would sell them. The one picture makes it hard to see if it's dropsy, probably just a bent spine making it look like the belly is distended. 

  3. It sounds like the ratio is probably the problem. Also adding more helps spread any aggression. Any pics of the tank?  Do you have any floating plants or plants that go to the top to make it easy for fish to be out of the line of sight of other fish?

  4. Anything can be done. The question is is it worth it? The problem you'll run into right away is possibly temperature, then next would be the dension barbs getting the food before bettas. Next would be aggression between the bettas. People often struggle with discus, adding things to mix makes this harder for most. 

  5. It's common for internal parasites to become a problem months down the road as they are a slow killer. If you've never dewormed your fish, I recommend treating the whole tank as it is very common. Virtually every fish that goes through a fish wholesaler/store is going to have them unless specifically treated.

  6. I tell everyone this. You can do whatever you want. I only tell people what I would do. I'd go straight to 1 tablespoon per gallon. This comes from 10 years of treating goldfish like this every week in a commercial setting. Most people are afraid to kill a fish from too many meds, not realizing that by not doing enough you're doing the same damage. Honestly this fish's organs need a break from all the meds and salt isn't a med but will help with the problems it's having. 

    I'm of the opinion that if I've treated 10k goldfish with 1 tablespoon of salt per gallon, it would be likely that this random fish will handle it as well. However you will lose fish, it's like being a doctor, just cause you can save someone's live doesn't mean you're successful every single time. You go by the odds. Odds are, salt will help this fish. 

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