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Everything posted by Cory

  1. I have tried it with the reducer yes. The problem wasn't that it wouldn't work. It's that with 3 levels of tanks, they'd exchange water at different rates not matter the brand or gph of the emitter. So this wasn't conducive to using meds and such in the shop.
  2. If either of you are in Vancouver BC, Aprils Aquariums now carries our products. https://fb.watch/gKd31IY9_E/
  3. I just wanted to follow up. I tested it today and it remembers the temperature it was set. At least after a few minutes.
  4. Correct, we no longer ship to Canada, and we aren't on Amazon either. I do have a new thing we are working on for Canada, but I don't know where we are at with it yet. We have another meeting on it on Monday.
  5. Yeah, if it's the usb nano air pump. That isn't branded aquarium co-op. We are working on making a better version of that, but that air pump isn't under our umbrella of products yet. The usb nanos can run for a very long time, but also you can shorten their life with air stones getting clogged, up, creating back pressure from check valves etc. The pumps are quiet but also low power to achieve this. So a large pore airstone on airline with no check valve, in 18 inches of water will run much longer than 30 inch water, with 20 feet of hose and a check valve and an airstone making fine bubbles. So there are a lot of variables.
  6. I'll try and confirm this week. I can't remember if it remembered the setting or it just reset to 78 degrees. I just remember it being not really an issue. I do believe it remembers. But I'll have to confirm it again.
  7. You can bleed off extra air by attaching an airline and an airstone. Can put that into a towel if you still feel it's too loud.
  8. I've seen this happen before. Know that something has changed for you. The most common ones are temperature when hatching, or not getting the container clean enough, and bacteria builds up on the inside and can change how they tumble etc.
  9. Hi Caiden, you can ship something to our store address. 9661 Firdale Ave Edmonds, WA 98020 However I'd suggest discussing it here and posting pictures first. As without understanding the scope of what you'd want from me, I don't want to commit to anything yet. I have grown plants out of an aquaclear before. Not quite sure what your vision is yet.
  10. I don't really have issues. If you're experiencing stiffness a the end on an air stone, cut the half inch off and it's much more pliable to reattach.
  11. This is fake. There would never be a reason to individually bag fish, then write on them and put them in the dumpster. Magically there was no dead fish either. Someone who is willing to throw away live fish, healthy fish at that, wouldn't bag them. And there'd be other dead fish in that box, which there isn't. Furthermore, they've hyped up the thumbnail including stuff that wasn't in there. Putting fish into a dumpster is animal abandonment. We've had people charged with it when abandoning fish in front of a store I worked at. The fish froze to death. If the store is doing this, it takes a phone call to animal control. They'll then be charged and would put an end to it. However that doesn't lead to video number 2 for views.... Unfortunately there is a growing culture that will do anything for views and make stuff up. This is the same type of stuff like finding "1 in a million blue lobster in the drain" etc. What I wonder is, how many things get oops'd and don't make it on camera. Like look at all these mollies we found in X. and they only find 8 of the 14 that went in etc. It's bad all around and unfortunately isn't going away.
  12. That's currently the plan. Can never know exactly what the future holds, but we bought quite a few.
  13. No need to send them back. It'll be too much of a hassle 😉
  14. Unless you see ich or a bacterial infection. Round two should only need paracleanse.
  15. If you're asking about our test strips. The manufacturer states they do not. However Zenzo says they do in his tap water. I believe this, however I can't verify as my local water sources don't have chloramine, only chlorine.
  16. It's not easy to answer this question as we can't see the fish. If they're looking healthy, then it's likely the trio has done it's main job of preventing spreading disease from newly acquired fish. However with internal parasites, you need to follow up with paracleanse again, after letting the fish rest for a week and eat. This is because any internal parasites who laid eggs, the eggs are not affected by the paracleanse. They have to hatch out to be killed.
  17. I personally would just add some minerals to the water and keep african cichlids, rainbowfish, and livebearers between my tanks.
  18. I find most to be comparable. Any round tube one. Lees, Python, etc.
  19. Early in my career I tried using hot glue to attach anubias to things. It didn't hold very well, maybe 1 in 10 kept their hold for over a week. It was an attempt to save money and hot glue was easy to work with. Unfortunately back then I went back to working with super glue gel. Silicone should work, just takes a longer time to dry.
  20. This is basically every day for us here. I have a great idea. Lets do X. Then the question comes, how do we make sure it pays for itself? 1 Person to oversee a project is 50k+ a year. I think we'd struggle to sell whatever form of this magazine would be for 50k in a year. We are past a point where, I could just put something together for free as I don't have spare time, and it's not reasonable to ask an employee to do a passion project like this for free. So it'll slide into idea land, till some day it makes sense. Maybe we have a sponsor, maybe we are 5x the size of company we are, maybe social media dies etc. But currently curating what we already do, the closest we get to that is the weekly newsletter.
  21. @Gwallace I think I have this fixed, I found this sometime last week. Your most recent order didn't trigger a new coin. The problem is I learned the app software was case sensitive. So it wasn't detecting the right thing to see you had gotten a coin.
  22. If it was my personal tank in a building I own. I would trust it. The only thing I really care about is diagonally, you don't want the aquarium "twisting". Otherwise, for me personally as long as the water level stays above the black trim on the lowest side, I'm happy. I do make a reasonable attempt to level something, but at a certain point it's not worth the effort.
  23. Hard to say if I had hydra. I didn't see any, but the water was very green. So could have been anything. But to my knowledge no fish had ever lived in that tote yet.
  24. I tried those, mine failed. Had 100 gallons of green water. Never saw any daphnia. Not sure where mine went wrong.
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