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I emailed the seller of the anubias that rotted...not asking for a refund, just asking for advice, and they ended up giving me store credit!  Very excited about that!!!  Now I have more buce money! 😜💸👍

I think I would purchase from that seller again...just probably not going to buy any anubias...haha!

My order from the Co-Op came in today!  I ordered some Crypts Wendtii Green and a red lily bulb, and went ahead and planted those in the tank.  Hopefully, the melt on the crypts won't be as bad as I hear it can be.  My substrate...for all the angst it has caused me...was a dream to plant into!  The tank is finally starting to fill in and feel like a good aquarium!  

I also finally got the betta sticker!!! 🥳 All of my dreams really are coming true! 😂



10 short nose algae shrimp and a nerite are headed my way soon (this week, I hope! 🤞)!!  I'm heavily considering moving one of my school nerites home.  The poop load of two nerites is a little intense for a 5 gallon tank!  I vacuum weekly and it's still astounding!!

Oh yeah...and the DBF is baaaaack (but not as bad as before...yet).

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The Short Nose Algae Shrimp Bros (Caridina longirostris) have arrived!!!  Left shrimp's got sass! 

I was expecting more than their eyeballs to be yellow...but they may still be settling in! 


I also got a Midnight Black Nerite - his shell is SO pretty!!  I'd love to get him a tiger nerite buddy soon!

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3 minutes ago, JamesB said:

Will these be the only shrimp in the tank? Or do you plan on doing another neocaridina shrimp species?

As of right now, this was all I was going to get...but I am open!!  I've currently got 13 of these little guys and gals cruising around my tank...hopefully, they do well!

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You know you've been watching too much FishTube when you make a lid out of the polycarbonate Greenhouse roofing material...😂🤓


And, now I'm going to say a few things that will probably jinx me:

  1. The crypts from the Co-Op are looking great!!  I haven't seen a whole lot of melt...maybe one or two leaves per plantlet.  Most are showing new growth.  How long does it take for the crypt melt process to start to occur?  Are we out of the woods yet?  They've been planted since Monday. 🤞
  2. So far no shrimp deaths...that I know of!  I have seen several shrimp pajamas around the tank...so they seem to be molting okay.  I probably triggered their molting when I acclimated them.  Sorry fellas! 😬

My nerite is smack dab in the middle of the tank in the photo above...he/she needs a name!  The rock pile on the right is their home base...they'll go explore and then always return to the pile o' rocks.  Exploring the great expanse of sand must feel like an adventure!

It's water change day...I think I'll stick some crushed coral in the HOB.  Good KH eludes me.

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On 3/28/2021 at 7:51 AM, Betsy said:

My nerite is smack dab in the middle of the tank in the photo above...he/she needs a name!

Since you can never tell if a snail is a boy or a girl, my little sister likes to come up with gender-neutral names that would fit either way. So currently, her two snails are named Tracy (mystery snail) and Jesse (nerite snail)! She used to have a snail named Pat too. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental

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29 minutes ago, CorydorasEthan said:

Since you can never tell if a snail is a boy or a girl, my little sister likes to come up with gender-neutral names that would fit either way. So currently, her two snails are named Tracy (mystery snail) and Jesse (nerite snail)! She used to have a snail named Pat too. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental

This is amazing!!!!

@Streetwise I really wanted to go with a theme for all of the names...an SNL theme would be brilliant!!! 😂

I need a Target Lady and a Classic Peg!

Sometimes, when someone comments "More Plants" I think to myself "Moooore Cowbell!" 😆

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