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Maximum Guppy Breeding Temperature?


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Hello, I am thinking of breeding some guppies in a 15 gallon aquarium with my German blue rams. The aquarium is heated to 84 F at the moment. Would guppies be able to breed and thrive at such a high temperature, or would it need to be lower. Interested in anyone's opinion on the ideal temperature to breed guppies for maximum production and fish health....a range would be nice to know also if possible.


Thanks guys!

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Based on another thread from yesterday it would appear that somewhere in the 84°F - 86°F is near the top end for livebearer reproduction. I know I had Endlers at that temperature and they bred like...well...guppies. Definitely faster than the discus they shared a tank with could eat them.

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9 hours ago, Augustjd27 said:

Would guppies be able to breed and thrive at such a high temperature

Mine did, at 84-86. For maximum production I would be more concerned with the available hiding spaces and the rams' appetite than the temperature.

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Agreed with Fonske — the main concern I’d have is keeping fry alive with Rams. We’ve raised lots of both, guppies and rams, but never together. As for guppy temps, they can go high, but not constantly. Our mini pond outside on the back porch would rocket up to 90-degrees in summer heat, but would settle back down too overnight. We had tons of guppies born in there - but it wasn’t like a home tank where heat was constantly on. Might be time to buy a new tank! 😅

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