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Fish "going crazy" at feeding time โ€‹๐Ÿ‹โ€‹


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Frozen blood worms, frozen brine shrimp, and the Xtreme krill flakes.ย  ย The only thing they seem ambivalent about is freeze dried brine shrimp and since I hate the stuff, that's ok.ย  The bristlenose seem to like zucchini but I'm not sure I can say that they "go crazy" for anything.ย ย 

We're trying the Repashy community food today or tomorrow for the first time.ย ย 

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So far my fish go crazy over food--the end.

Or my fingers. Or the edge of a spoon (sometimes used to deliver frozen food). Or a net--at first.

My only picky eaters are the dwarf spotted rainbows. They want tiny things and daphnia was ignored as too big. This should make it easier to feed the scarlet badis I plan to put under them eventually--provided they will take the daphnia.

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14 minutes ago, Brandy said:

Or my fingers. Or the edge of a spoon (sometimes used to deliver frozen food).

So I'm curious Brandy.ย  I noticed @Irene using what looked like a baby food spoon while feeding frozenย in one of her videos.ย  Made me feel normal.ย  Do you use an old baby food spoon too?

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Top 5 food that eaten with extreme vigor in order of gusto:

  1. Mosquito larva - the feeding frenzy mosquito larva cause makes the stampedes, brawls, gunfights of a black Friday sale look tame by comparison
  2. Black worms - the breeders secret
  3. White worms - smaller than black worms, and they themselves have an even smaller version called grindal worms
  4. Daphnia - that jerky movement just triggers gastronomical desire in fishes
Edited by Daniel
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My angelfish lose it for Hikari vibra-bites. They just go wild for it,ย and fight for every bit of it. But frozen blood worms? Meh. I mean, they'llย  pick at it, but a good portion of it will just sink down to the bottom where the corydoras or cardinal tetras will clean it up.ย 

Actual live mosquito larva? My angelfish look at me like I've grown two heads. What are these wiggly things in their tank? Why would I do this to them? A couple of them tried them, and spit them right back out. And they were done with them. Absolutely done. Wanted no part of these wiggly things. I've tried half a dozen times with the angels but even across multiple tanks they don'tย  want it. Why do my angels love the vibra-bites but want no part of the foodย they were made to mimic? My angels are broken.

Now my congo tetras? They're piglets and will eat anything that goes in their tank. They think mosquito larva is great. They also really like these little sinking pellets that I get that are locally made by a cichlid breeder. The pictus love those too. Then again... the pictus loves anything that fits in their mouths, which is most things.

My corydoras really like mysis shrimp, which is in their rotation three times a week currently due to how much they inhale it. They don'tย  refuse any food, but mysis is currently favored.

Rainbowfish will try to inhale anything, regardless of whether it fits in their mouth. I took to putting a piece of PVC pipe in the tank that goes down to just an inch above the substrate so the corydoras still get fed because I deliver the pellets directly to the substrate for them. The rainbow fish were snatching the sinking pellets out of the water before they even get to the bottom of the tank, even though the sinking pellets are bigger than their mouths.ย 

The sword tails like the Sera spirulina tablets that can be stuck to the side of the tank. Want to catch all the swordtails in one part of the tank in one net scoop? Put in one of those spirulina tablets and give it a couple minutes. They will all be there pecking at it.

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My discus will eat Vibra Bites, not exactly a feeding frenzy. But the fact they eat it everyday it is a considerable victory.

I also threw in some Grammarus (scuds โ†’ Amphipods) this morning into the Apisto tanks. Each scud was methodically hunted down and terminated with extreme prejudice.

My angelfish will happily eat almost anything (they love TetraCichlid Cichlid Crisps), but the angelfish turned up their little pointed noses at hive beetle larva.

Sometimes they love tadpoles, sometimes not. I think tadpoles must taste funny because the angelfish spit them out.

Edited by Daniel
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