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When/ how did you come across fishtube?


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I came across fishtube around the same time I got my first fish. I don't exactly remember how I cam across it, But the first creator I watched was the King of DIY. It was a video where he added 200 small schooling fish to one of his aquariums, I was so amazed "200 fish!!". I then found about his 2000 gallon and was surprised. It was stocked with freshwater stingrays, "I didn't know you could keep those in aquariums"! and after I subscribed to him, my obsession became real, and MTS really took over, lol. After him I susbcribed to coralfish12g, then Finatic and Paul Cuffaro (all though they really do much fish anymore) Then in Janurary, I searched up a care guide for a fish, and one of corys video popped up, I clicked on it and watched. It wasn't till July that I sat in on one of his live streams and then subscribed. I've learned so much since I subbed to cory, and then Kg Tropicals in the following September. 

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I found it after Google saw my cookies a around August and said "Okay, this person has officially lost their mind for fish... Lets give them more fish content but on YouTube! This deFINitely won't take over their homepage!" So I got a KgTropicals video and clicked. Fast forward a few months and my homepage has been nuked by fish tubers. I mostly watch Aquarium Co-Op, Girl Talks Fish, Fish for Thought, (Not the imposter at Chris for Thought), Creative Pet Keeping, and KgTropicals. 

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I found all of this because I was gifted a mature tank and was trying to figure out the issues with water parameters of Seattle water...first google offering was a video from Cory, discussing water, pH, and substrate in the Seattle area.

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It was right when i moved out of my parents house with my now wife. She wanted a pet at the time and we couldnt have cats yet. Welp she finally got her cat and I have my 2 tanks and am itching for more. Im pretty sure it was Cory's nitrogen cycling video (which i didnt follow) and in that little 10 gallon tank i stocked with 5 bala sharks ,two rainbow sharks, an SAE, and 2 tiger barbs. Lord that was a mistake. I have now since learned from my sins (mostly) and still have the bala sharks and one of the rainbow sharks in a much larger tank but still planning on upgrading the bala sharks again.  

Edited by Marnol D
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I blame Covid. I happen to be a Certified Master Gardener and when all the Covid restrictions were established here in NC I needed a way to maintain that certification. The County Extension Office I work out of directed us to YouTube and all the horticulture videos that were available to maintain certification. While checking out the available videos some tropical fish videos started popping up in the recommendations . It's been down hill ever since! 😉🤣

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I honestly can't remember the first video, but I know I had just recently brought home a betta and that is probably how it showed up on my homepage. It was back in 2017. What I do remember is seeing cherry shrimp in a LupDiesel video and needing them in my life. This was around the time when all the fishtubers were either traveling around touring fishrooms together or visiting each other's. Mike from Aquapros still wore a lab coat in most of his videos. Jimmy was sashimi whiskey and had several tanks in an upstairs bedroom and didn't work for Cory. I think Cory had just got the 800 and Mbu studios wasn't a thing. I remember my first order from the Co-Op, a shirt and easy green combo and they came packaged in fish bags with a rubber band. It seems like it all should be more than almost 4 years ago. Everyone has come a long way.

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I had a few tanks setup already. I was aware of the king of diy. But never heard of a fishroom or thought that this hobby was as big as it is. Then I found myself in the hospital for about 6 months with another 6 of recovery time. For that entire year I dived down the rabbit hole and watched every single aquarium co-op video and livestream. I had 4 tanks in a room in my basement at the time and after I started to feel myself again I had a whole new understanding that I wasn't alone in this hobby. @Cory and his videos kept me sane in a dark time in my life. Fish tube really helped me feel not alone and helped me adjust my focus on the hobby. I still laugh when I think about how my friends and family thought I was crazy for having 4 tanks in my 3rd floor 3 room apartment. 🤣 

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