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Whitecloud09's 20g long aquarium journal

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About to start cycle today!!!! Updates along the way as well. I am going to order some plants and supplies from AC, not sure if anybody noticed, but AC changed the minimum price of free shipping from 80 bucks, to 50, and that is much better! Thx AC!!!!! Now i am able to get free shipping faster. 

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Posted (edited)
On 6/5/2024 at 11:06 AM, Whitecloud09 said:

About to start cycle today!!!! Updates along the way as well. I am going to order some plants and supplies from AC, not sure if anybody noticed, but AC changed the minimum price of free shipping from 80 bucks, to 50, and that is much better! Thx AC!!!!! Now i am able to get free shipping faster. 

Yay! Starting the cycle is sooo exciting yet nerve racking! And yes, I DID notice the minimum purchase for free shipping had changed too! That’s awesome!

Edited by FLFishChik
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I have wanted to try a 20 long ever since I learned of their existence.  I'll be following along and living vicariously through you Whitecloud09! 😄

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On 6/6/2024 at 5:36 PM, Rychek said:

wanted to try a 20 long

Hi, @Rychek  Welcome to the community.  🙂

I have a 20 high and sometimes wish it were a 20 long.  The highs are good for taller plants but the longs are better for giving your fish a little more swim room. 

Feel free to ask questions or seek advice from our community.  And HAVE FUN! 

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Update: my ammonia is now at 1 ppm, nitrite 0 and ph same. 7.6 ph. I added more ammonia 2 days ago, and last night it read 1. So progress is being made!

On 6/9/2024 at 12:49 PM, Flipper said:

Hi, @Rychek  Welcome to the community.  🙂

I have a 20 high and sometimes wish it were a 20 long.  The highs are good for taller plants but the longs are better for giving your fish a little more swim room. 

Feel free to ask questions or seek advice from our community.  And HAVE FUN! 

Welcome yes like @Flipper said, feel free to ask Qs!

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On 6/14/2024 at 12:00 AM, Yoshi said:

Post pics when you can!!  I love reading about your tanks!!!

Here you go! Thanks! It is not very interesting, but I will add plants next week!!!! Stay tuned. The light is off, I forgot. Whoops 😆 


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Goodness, it has been a bit! Time to give an classic update!

So the tank is doing good, still a lil cloudy but not bad, I added ammonia a few days ago, and the ammonia has been sitting at 2 ppm past few days. Nitrite hasn’t budged. 0 ppm. Ph, dang I forgot to check past 2 days, will do tonight. I refill the tank with a extra gallon of water after every three days. It evaporates a decent amount, because I don’t have a lid. 
I was gonna start talking about my WCMM 10g tank, but that is a whole other topic lol. Well ya, there ya go. Pictures below. 



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On 6/19/2024 at 4:59 PM, Whitecloud09 said:

Suggestions on plants? I was thinking a Amazon sword, and maybe some more Pearl weed, but I am open to suggestions! Thanks 

I have an Amazon Sword, but some other plants that I also have a Java Fern (You mentioned having driftwood, right?). Its easier to get a moss ball, I believe PetSmart sells them, mine is actually pretty healthy (for a plant). Another plant is Anubias, you could also attach that to driftwood. Finally, look into Roseatte Swords. Those are the plants that I have experience with, but pick whichever ones you and your fish will like.

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On 6/19/2024 at 10:03 PM, Guupy42 said:

I have an Amazon Sword, but some other plants that I also have a Java Fern (You mentioned having driftwood, right?). Its easier to get a moss ball, I believe PetSmart sells them, mine is actually pretty healthy (for a plant). Another plant is Anubias, you could also attach that to driftwood. Finally, look into Roseatte Swords. Those are the plants that I have experience with, but pick whichever ones you and your fish will like.

Correct, I have spiderwood! Thanks for the suggestions! 


On 6/19/2024 at 11:14 PM, EricksonAquatics said:

I really like Pogo Octopus, Brazilian Pennywort, any Crypt variety (but wendtii has been the easiest in my experience), Val, water sprite (floating), and dwarf aquarium Lily (I recently got one and it is BOOMING!!)

Will have to look into those, thanks @EricksonAquatics.

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So update again. My ammonia has been sitting at 2 ppm. And nitrite still hasn’t showed up one bit. It’s 0 ppm. Ph is still 7.5. I sadly forgot when I started the cycle 😒, but I think it has been 15 days. Around there. Should I add more ammonia today? I have added it twice, on day one of the cycle, and day 7. Thoughts?

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On 6/19/2024 at 5:59 PM, Whitecloud09 said:

Suggestions on plants

crypts are great. in all substrates

On 6/21/2024 at 12:02 PM, Whitecloud09 said:

Should I add more ammonia today?

no need, let it marinate for a while. If you're concerned, add more bacteria

may think of differing plant heights of crypts for texture. a tiger lotus for color. 

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On 6/21/2024 at 12:36 PM, Tony s said:

crypts are great. in all substrates

no need, let it marinate for a while. If you're concerned, add more bacteria

may think of differing plant heights of crypts for texture. a tiger lotus for color. 

Ok thanks @Tony s. Will wait. And thanks for the plant suggestions!

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So update: 

My ammonia nitrite and ph are the same as above still. I am planning on adding more sand, as the sand is not deep enough for plant roots. So I am planning on a 10 or 20 pound bag of it. It is ok to add more during cycle right @Tony s? It will not disturb the cycle? And I am getting plants (ordering them) either Monday or Tuesday finally. And I am planning on more decorations. 🙂

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On 6/23/2024 at 6:21 PM, Whitecloud09 said:

I am planning on adding more sand, as the sand is not deep enough for plant roots

It should not disturb the cycle.  It will cover up bacteria in the sand. But if you need to add, now is the time. It’ll make it cloudy for a bit. Not an issue. You can always add a bit more bacteria if you’re worried about it 

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On 6/23/2024 at 6:25 PM, Tony s said:

It should not disturb the cycle.  It will cover up bacteria in the sand. But if you need to add, now is the time. It’ll make it cloudy for a bit. Not an issue. You can always add a bit more bacteria if you’re worried about it 

Got it. I will order ASAP. I will have to get another bottle of BB since I used all of it, since dr Tim’s one and only can’t be overdosed. Thanks @Tony s 


On 6/23/2024 at 6:31 PM, Yoshi said:

Don't forget about floating plants!  Water sprite and red root floaters are two of my faves.  I also have water spangles in my 55 gallon.


Yes! I was thinking of water sprite! And I will do some research on the red root floater! Thanks @Yoshi.

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