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CO-OP Shipping


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Just curious, but anyone know why the co-op switched to UPS as their shipping carrier? I noticed that my orders now take an average of 6 to 8 days to get to me in TN where when orders came via USPS it was usually 3 to 4 days. I'm sure there is a good reason for this, just didn't know if I missed it in a live stream. I am not complaining and trust the co-op and will continue to be a loyal customer, just was curious. 

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If I may tag onto this thread, I noticed a very long wait to receive my last order, after they switched carriers. I believe it was 10 or 11 days. I am okay with that, but I have a bit of a parallel frustration, if I may share respectfully:

I just went to order one or two of those new easy flow kits. Apparently now, there is a bump in the minimum order to $19.99.  I would completely understand this, if I wasn't paying for shipping. But if shipping is on my dime (which it is...and probably always be, now that I noticed another change of "free shipping" being raised to $100), then I respectfully don't understand why I can't just order what I need. If it is under the heading of reducing shipping waste, then an arbitrary value doesn't necessarily correlate to a box size, or empty space within a box. Reducing shipping waste could simply be the shipper having appropriately sized boxes available for a variety of order sizes. But in principal, if I am paying the shipping charge, I am not grasping why I am limited, from a customer perspective. It completely prevented me from ordering a new product to try out.

So, in short...it was I trifecta of changes: Much slower shipping (for my location), $100 free shipping bump (quite alot of money), and a bump in a minimum order value, due to "shipping waste."

I express my frustration completely respectfully, as I appreciate the Co-op, and will continue to be a customer, albeit less frequently. Additionally, I have not heard any recent livestreams, so it is completely possible that these points were addressed thoroughly within.

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Hey friends, I'm here to help provide some insight. 

The reason we switched to UPS is because we were having reliability issues with USPS that were bad enough that we had to stop shipping any product with a lithium ion battery for a while. This was frustrating for us as a business, having inventory taking up space in the warehouse that we could not sell, and frustrating for customers that were waiting for these items to become available again. Additionally, there were some customers that were struggling to receive any orders from us at all, and the overall customer experience was degrading enough that we had to do something and USPS wasn't willing to work through the issues with us. 

We unfortunately do not have the warehouse space to support more than one shipping service's bins, so when we made the decision to switch to UPS, that meant that all orders had to be shipped with UPS, there are no other options. We have had to increase prices to maintain the level of product/plant quality and customer support that our customers expect from us here at Aquarium Co-Op. 

We want to assure all of you that we did not make these decisions lightly, and we are still within the same shipping time frame and overall cost that our competitors are. If your plant order happens to be delayed and your plants arrive in poor condition as a result, you can always reach out to us at shipping@aquariumcoop.com and we will take care of you. 

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have further questions. 

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@quikv6 personally, I’ve learned that after over 5 years shopping at the coop, everything happens for a reason. I trust that Cory is not here to rip anyone off. As a customer, I flow with their business model because every so often new products get released. Everything isn’t perfect, but I appreciate the testing that goes into each product from a hobbyists perspective. IMO, there is no better place for supplies and plants. 
I am also aware that we pay much less for shipping than the coop does. We aren’t charged full price so requesting a minimum purchase is logical. Personally, I’d much rather make a $20 purchase and pay $8.99 for shipping than make a $5.99 purchase and pay more for shipping than said product, it just doesn’t compute. Also, if you’d like to skip the shipping all together, you also have the retail partner option. 

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It's certainly been slower, but it doesn't bother me personally.  If I'm making a trip to the local partner store I just get what I need there.  If I am getting just a general resupply then I have it shipped.  It's only moderately annoying when it's something I am reasonably excited to try like the new uplift tubes.

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My last order came in a bit later than I would prefer, but I don't really mind as I only order specialty items from the coop as I also like to support my semi-local store. It is pretty crazy to see the free shipping rate increase this quickly the years, but I trust that Cory knows what he's doing. Not to mention the many different interesting products and information he has brought us over the years, that within itself is quite novel and interesting for an aquarium business. Still to me its crazy how I just bought the aquarium coop heater to try 10 days ago and now it has jumped 8 dollars, just when I was considering getting another one lol. 

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On 12/2/2023 at 11:58 AM, mynameisnobody said:

@quikv6 personally, I’ve learned that after over 5 years shopping at the coop, everything happens for a reason. I trust that Cory is not here to rip anyone off. As a customer, I flow with their business model because every so often new products get released. Everything isn’t perfect, but I appreciate the testing that goes into each product from a hobbyists perspective. IMO, there is no better place for supplies and plants. 
I am also aware that we pay much less for shipping than the coop does. We aren’t charged full price so requesting a minimum purchase is logical. Personally, I’d much rather make a $20 purchase and pay $8.99 for shipping than make a $5.99 purchase and pay more for shipping than said product, it just doesn’t compute. Also, if you’d like to skip the shipping all together, you also have the retail partner option. 

The retail partner program may be an option I will look into, though I don't think I have any in my immediate area.

As for shipping, I have no issues with it taking longer. I also have no issues with the raise to $100 for free shipping. And I would also have zero issues with a company charging actual shipping. It has been said a few times here that the $8.99 shipping cost (I actually thought it was $7.99) is less than it may actually cost. We aren't privy to what it actually costs the co-op, and nor do we have a right to be. They chose that number for a reason, and they apply it to everyone for a reason. I am sure there is a benefit for them in operational simplicity in doing so. Furthermore, they may have some smaller, nearby customers that help balance out that cost....similar to everyone paying the restaurant bill equally, even though everyone ordered a variety of dishes at different prices.

My only "gripe" is the minimum shipping cost imposed under the heading of "reducing shipping waste."

- Again, if I am paying for shipping (regardless of cost, since I don't have a choice in that), then I'd like to be able to order what I need/want. I'd gladly pay actual if I had that option.

- Under the "reduce shipping waste", I cannot order any of the new easy flow kits that I wanted, but a single 20 pack of Maracyn is fine. I am just using this as an example, and realize they can't be perfect here, but assigning an arbitrary dollar figure may not be ideal. I see "reducing shipping waste" as having a variety of appropriately sized boxes (and possible services) to best further that goal.

- Additionally, if each customer is "encouraged" to order more due to the minimum, then more product will have to move through shipping just to restock inventory.

- Reducing shipping waste can also be viewed as the ability to order just what you need and nothing superfluous. That is an option I did not have, even though I'd be paying for shipping. Ordering more than I want/need to, just to meet a threshold....well, to me, that IS shipping waste.

In summation, my subjective opinion is just that, and said respectfully. I also believe Cory and the gang welcome honest feedback, as that has been a hallmark of the company, and I am sure that hasn't changed despite all of the other changes.

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@quikv6 honestly, I would never have put that much mental effort into this. If you’re willing to pay for actual shipping which costs more then why not just order more goods to meet the $19.99 minimum, it just seems like a “6 in one hand, half dozen in the other” scenario. Obviously you can do whatever makes you happy, just remember this really gross inflation impacts everything. Good luck to you 

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No effort put forth, other than hitting buttons on a gadget.

Again, I have zero issues with the increase. Zero. Inflation hurts. I feel it everyday.

As a loyal customer, I don't feel the "reduce shipping waste" is completely accurate (for lack of a better term), and if the customer is willing to pay shipping, whether actual or stated...then I just don't see why they should be prohibited from ordering what they need/want.

Sometimes it isn't about dollars and cents....and it's about principal. And to me, ordering unnecessary items IS shipping waste.

...said fully respectfully, with minimal effort. And although the effort was minimal, I do believe that the gang at the Coop appreciate a loyal customer's honest, constructive feedback....and the time they took to make it.

I am going to look into the RPP stores as an option. Thanks again for that suggestion.

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Free shipping and minimum order amounts are problematic for a lot of us, but good for the LFS and Amazon.   USPS service for me is always hit or miss, but the Coop packages have never taken more than 4 days getting to me in Ohio.  Hopefully that won't change too much.  I don’t have a problem paying shipping when better products and customer service is required.

Shipping waste and shipping cost; also known as shipping and handling go hand in hand. Put simply, which is more efficient: 4 quarters in your pocket or 100 pennies? 

I obviously don’t know the details, but assume that 20 minutes is required to: print, pull, package, label, and sort one $12.00 plant order.  Adding two plants and a sponge filter might add 10 minutes, but they will ship in the same box. My shipping cost for that order will increase by pennies.  In addition to using fewer boxes, and associated materials, I will move more orders every day.  This leaves more floor space for sellable inventory.  Keeping my cost down keeps your cost down, and puts less shipping waste in the landfill.

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On 12/3/2023 at 5:51 AM, quikv6 said:

My only "gripe" is the minimum shipping cost imposed under the heading of "reducing shipping waste."

- Again, if I am paying for shipping (regardless of cost, since I don't have a choice in that), then I'd like to be able to order what I need/want. I'd gladly pay actual if I had that option.

- Under the "reduce shipping waste", I cannot order any of the new easy flow kits that I wanted, but a single 20 pack of Maracyn is fine. I am just using this as an example, and realize they can't be perfect here, but assigning an arbitrary dollar figure may not be ideal. I see "reducing shipping waste" as having a variety of appropriately sized boxes (and possible services) to best further that goal.

There's always going to be edge cases, but as Cory has said in his livestreams, he's trying to discourage ordering like 1 item every day. I think most of us are guilty of just grabbing items off amazon as we see them, rather than putting them aside for a larger shipment. Right or wrong, he's trying to discourage that behavior. Up to you if it's a deal breaker.  

I don't like paying shipping, so I wait till i have the minimum order. Although now that it's a $100 I'm not sure if that is viable.  Not because it bothers me, but because he really doesn't have enough products to sell to make that cart once you have the basics. 

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On 12/3/2023 at 1:32 PM, Lonkley said:

There's always going to be edge cases, but as Cory has said in his livestreams, he's trying to discourage ordering like 1 item every day. I think most of us are guilty of just grabbing items off amazon as we see them, rather than putting them aside for a larger shipment. Right or wrong, he's trying to discourage that behavior. Up to you if it's a deal breaker.  

I don't like paying shipping, so I wait till i have the minimum order. Although now that it's a $100 I'm not sure if that is viable.  Not because it bothers me, but because he really doesn't have enough products to sell to make that cart once you have the basics. 

Interesting. I don't engage in that behavior, so my thought process wasn't aligned with that. I appreciate that perspective. Personally, I cannot envision anyone ordering one item daily if there is a shipping charge. It just isn't financially sound, and I have a tough time grasping that. I don't do that on Amazon either, even though shipping is usually covered under the Prime heading.

With that said, if a customer is willing to pay for the product and shipping cost...I believe that is/should their prerogative. Ultimately, I believe consumer behavior should shape for-profit business behavior, and not the other way around. I'd rather leave a tip at a restaurant, as opposed to the restaurant factoring in 20% automatically. Often I would leave more than the 20%, which not only acknowledges good service, but encourages it going forward. And, drawing a closer parallel, I don't believe the menu should be limited, provided I pay for the dish ordered.

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I also agree that for me it is hard to imagine a person buying one item every day which is as quikv6 said is not financially sound and if you are doing that than you might have a shopping addiction in which case it probably best you take a break from the internet. I understand the thought process behind the minimum order and appreciate that they are trying to reduce shipping waste but sometimes all I need is one thing because their is no other suppliers near me or its to expensive elsewhere and I can't always wait to have a huge order. Again I understand both sides of the coin and I don't think either one is more right or wrong. I do appreciate all that Cory and his team does and that they are conscientious of how much waste is produced.

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On 12/3/2023 at 2:47 PM, quikv6 said:

willing to pay for the product and shipping cost

Because my personal business required shipping…

The cost to the seller of shipping is not just carrier fee. You pay labor to pack, 3+ boxes instead of 1 larger box, more packing material and tape, printer ink and labels.  

Other companies increase product price or shipping & Handling fees to accommodate this vs just setting a minimum order to offset those extra costs. 

Especially in this terrible economy I appreciate lower prices and reasonable shipping cost.  

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On 12/3/2023 at 4:04 PM, Weird Old Uncle Kenny said:

Hello Friends.  I also noticed that Aquarium Co-op switched to UPS, a couple of orders ago.  The difference for me, in rural Oregon?  With USPS, it took about a week.  Now, with UPS, it arrives NEXT DAY.  I'm sorry to hear that it's not the same for everyone, because it's pretty good for me

I've not used the new shipping, but I normally got my packages on the other side of the country within 3 days from the co-op with USPS. 

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On 12/3/2023 at 3:48 PM, Guppysnail said:

Because my personal business required shipping…

The cost to the seller of shipping is not just carrier fee. You pay labor to pack, 3+ boxes instead of 1 larger box, more packing material and tape, printer ink and labels.  

Other companies increase product price or shipping & Handling fees to accommodate this vs just setting a minimum order to offset those extra costs. 

Especially in this terrible economy I appreciate lower prices and reasonable shipping cost.  

I absolutely appreciate it as well, but offsetting shipping costs and minimizing shipping waste are not the same thing. I am taking the co-op verbage at face value. If it is indeed to offset shipping costs, I'd certainly rather that be fully transparent as opposed to a guise....which I really don't believe it is.

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Waste is a wildly broad term.  I don't disagree with the idea that if you want to buy a product and pay the shipping that you should be able to.  But I think that's a difficult business to manage.  I appreciate the speed with which I can order on most ecommerce sites these days.  I don't hate the slower places like Jehmco, but I find it excruciating that I have to call or email someone, wait for a reply, wait for an invoice, pay the invoice, and have them ship it.  Jehmco is responsive and ships quickly in my experience.  But how much easier would it be if I could just do it. in 24 seconds instead of 24 hours?  The greatest news is that there's a spectrum of businesses available to choose from. 

I've ordered two or three times from ACO (with order totals around $100) since they went to UPS and the shipping (to me) is very VERY much slower.  I'm almost never ordering something that I need "right now", but sometimes I'm doing something that I would at least like to schedule the work I'm doing around (like the powerhead for my fry tank).  The UPS orders have taken six or seven days to arrive.  Truthfully, it probably pushes me to just take a trip to my LFS that is a retail partner, but that's about an hour drive and I usually end up with something I need to acclimate!  haha

Frankly, we're all spoiled by how quickly things move around the country anymore and as that keeps getting more and more massive in scope, things are going to slow down and/or get more expensive.  It's economics. 

The new sponge filter kits still haven't shipped for me, which is fine.  I just hope that doesn't mean something occurred and mucked up the works! 

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On 12/5/2023 at 4:29 PM, jwcarlson said:

The good news is that the kits were in the main package!



That is good news! Mine shows the kit not shipped, just like yours did. Hopefully it's in with the rest of my stuff too and they're just having issues scanning it or something.

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