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40 breeder practice scape with nano fish


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Took a break from scaping when the pandemic happened. Took two neglected turtles in and then it outgrew the 20g long, luckily I have a friend who has a huge pond that wanted turtles.

20 long scaped with the OG dither fish still in the tank. Hardscape was just some leftover I had from a previous setup which wasn’t a lot cause I gave most of them away. I also put a black piece of corrugated board in between the sand and aquasoil because I had big cories at this time and I knew they’d be mixing the substrates. 

Cories started spawning nonstop. Eggs were everywhere but most of them were eaten by the guppies or danios

Roommate felt bad about the rocks being incomplete so he took me to a fish store and bought some more dragon stone. I had all the rocks in front cause i didn’t wanna disturb the stem plants in the back

Found a super cheap 40 breeder with stand. Grabbed the tank and moved all the fish from the 20 long (at this point the OG fish; cories, guppies and danios) have been rehomed. I opted for all sand but I do have some aquasoil in media bags with some root tabs underneath the sand.

Tanks current state. Some plants have grown fish are looking better

[*]low tech no co2 tank
[*]liquid ferts dosed once or twice per week
[*]light on 10 hours a day


[*]anubias nana petite
[*]some random anubias that was on sale at petsmart
[*]El Niño fern
[*]windelov Java fern
[*]hygro pinnatifida
[*]bunch of rotala (h’ra, ceylon, wallichi and bonsai)
[*]ludwigia palustris and some super red variant
[*]ammania gracilis
[*]some big leaf hygro which I’m assuming is corymbosa
[*]hydrocotyle for carpet
[*]rotala bonsai
-myrio green

[*]pair of Bolivian rams
[*]lampeye killi
[*]furcata rainbow
[*]ember tetra
[*]female bettas
[*]ramshorn and mystery snail
[*]Pygmy Cories (pygmaeus and habrosus)

Will update this thread when the plants have finally started growing. Some stems are already showing signs of new growth but tank still needs more time. 






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also forgot to include that I have added some kohaku swords before Christmas. I added 2 males and 3 females to the tank. These came from my friend who took his tank down due to personal reasons. 

On 1/4/2023 at 9:48 AM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

Nice looking tanks @knee, welcome to the forum. 

Thank you! Great to be here 😁

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New light arrived today! I got a Week Aqua P900 pro. Definitely brighter than my previous but the app is really confusing to use. 

also tanks current state as of 01/06

Plants are growing but yet to fill in the middle back. Hopefully this light helps the plants grow quicker. 


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Got some sera o nip spirulina tabs that attach to the glass. I’ve been avoiding them recently because they changed their formula and the fish aren’t as excited to eat them. 

The tab did last longer than when I was feeding them the old formula. Hopefully there’s still some of the old formula out there available. If anyone uses this brand and happens to know where I can get the old formula, I’d appreciate if you can point me to the right direction 🙏🏻





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On 1/6/2023 at 6:24 AM, knee said:

Bolivian ram pair are preparing to spawn 


what my male looked like when I got him december 13 


Same male pic taken today 01/05


Bolivian rams are a very underrated Dwarf cichlid really colourful 

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On 1/8/2023 at 12:18 PM, Colu said:

Bolivian rams are a very underrated Dwarf cichlid really colourful 

I totally agree! Just some patience, good food and stable water, and they'll color up. It sucks that they're not as popular cause of how they look when younger.

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Picked out a spot


They’ve been going around the tank for hours and finally decided on a small rock in the front. 


Ramshorn snail trying to sneak in 😂



I doubt that their first spawn will survive but I’m still hopeful 🤞🏻

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Surprised that the eggs are still here. Thought they’d disappear overnight. Some shots of mom and dad guarding the eggs



Also tried something random yesterday. I covered the back of the tank leaving 1/4 uncovered for a bit of light and the swords didn’t disappoint 



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  • 2 weeks later...

So the clutch didn’t survive and was gone the next day which I assumed would happen. The pair is preparing to spawn again and hopefully they learned a few things from the previous spawn. I still think this clutch won’t survive but if some do then I’ll be happy. 

Tank photo taken 01/18. Currently battling stag horn algae. I changed my lights and couldn’t figure out the app so it was running at 100% for a solid week. Got the light situation figured out so now I’m gonna wait for the algae to disappear. 


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Those Bolivians are beautiful! I have so many questions haha. I’ve set up a tank to get a pair and attempt to breed them. 

1. When you purchased them did you select for a male and a female or did you buy a group and wait for a pair to break off?

2. What foods in your experience condition them the best for breeding? I’ve breed some apistos and they have really taken to a mix of eXtreme Krill Flake and frozen blood worms so I’m curious if the rams would take well to a similar mix.

3. What temp do you run the tank at? I’ve heard mixed things about the best temp for them being they are rams and like to run rather hot. 

The tank looks awesome!


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On 1/19/2023 at 12:25 PM, Jurrian Hering said:

Those Bolivians are beautiful! I have so many questions haha. I’ve set up a tank to get a pair and attempt to breed them. 

1. When you purchased them did you select for a male and a female or did you buy a group and wait for a pair to break off?

2. What foods in your experience condition them the best for breeding? I’ve breed some apistos and they have really taken to a mix of eXtreme Krill Flake and frozen blood worms so I’m curious if the rams would take well to a similar mix.

3. What temp do you run the tank at? I’ve heard mixed things about the best temp for them being they are rams and like to run rather hot. 

The tank looks awesome!


Thank you so much! Really appreciate it 🙂

I started with that one pair. I've gotten pretty good at identifying males from females cause I've been keeping them for years haha. I got the male from an LFS close to me and the female was from Petsmart. I feed them north fin pellets, omega one pellets, and frozen food (spirulina brine, mysis shrimp, daphnia). I don't really have a schedule when I feed them but I only give them frozen twice a week. If I do give them frozen for a third time it'll just be daphnia.

All my tanks are run at 79f and they're doing amazing in it. I think it's the German rams that needs temps at 80+ but I have a pair in a 20 long that's also preparing to spawn and that tank is at 79 so 🤷‍♂️

On 1/19/2023 at 12:44 PM, Schuyler said:

It's starting to look really nice!

The heater seems to migrate around the tank. Any specific reason?

Was hoping no one would notice 😆

I hate the look of it on the back cause it shows up when I take close up pics or videos. That's really the only reason lol

I'll eventually switch to an inline heater when I have some extra 💰

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The OG pair all colored up. They’ll probably spawn later tonight 


I bought another male and I’m gonna start beefing him up. He was in pretty bad shape when I got him and had to spend three weeks in quarantine. He hasn’t colored up much but I can already tell he’s gonna look amazing soon



Ignore the whites specs all around. It was feeding time when I took the photos. 

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On 1/19/2023 at 1:35 PM, knee said:

I hate the look of it on the back cause it shows up when I take close up pics or videos. That's really the only reason lol

Have you considered doing two smaller heaters? Maybe they would be easier to hide without having to spend all the money on an inline heater. Then again I'm not sure how much of a price difference that would even be

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On 1/19/2023 at 2:27 PM, Schuyler said:

Have you considered doing two smaller heaters? Maybe they would be easier to hide without having to spend all the money on an inline heater. Then again I'm not sure how much of a price difference that would even be

The coop heater could be a nice alternative to the tube one aswell. With its black coloration and different shape it’s easier imo to make disappear behind plants. 

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On 1/19/2023 at 2:27 PM, Schuyler said:

Have you considered doing two smaller heaters? Maybe they would be easier to hide without having to spend all the money on an inline heater. Then again I'm not sure how much of a price difference that would even be

I do prefer not to see any equipment in the tank. The inline heater I'm looking at cost twice a much as the eheim jager heater and buying two smaller heaters would be $20 cheaper, but I don't mind spending a bit more if it means I won't be looking at the heater inside the tank 😆😆

I actually don't mind this setup that much. I barely notice the heater since my eyes are immediately staring in the middle of the tank. 


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On 1/19/2023 at 5:09 PM, Patrick_G said:

Those are some beautiful Rams. By far the most colorful I've seen. 



Thanks! They're a joy to watch 


On 1/19/2023 at 9:54 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

Agree with @Patrick_Give had them on and off for years but that’s the best looking pair I’ve seen outside of professional shot examples, well done. Welcome to the forum and your joy for the hobby is evident! Have fun!

Really appreciate it. I'm glad to be here 🙂

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Caved in and bought some aquarium coop heaters after reading that one 100w was able to heat a 75g fine. Also got two mid growing plants together with the heaters. I usually get plants from my lfs but doesn’t hurt to try out other places.  


The 50w will go to my 20 long and the other 100w is just for backup. Can’t wait to get them 😬😬😬

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I just noticed that one of my Bolivian rams have something growing on her cheek. When I saw it a few days ago I thought it was just a bruise and it’ll heal eventually, but now it looks like it’s growing. Not sure what it is and if it’s gonna be detrimental to her health in the future. 

hopefully someone is able to confirm what this is and if it can be cured 




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