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I apologize if this was addressed somewhere else I did a search and couldn't find anything on it. 

But my co-op Scarlet temple has started melting away.  Should I trim away at it or let it go on its own? I inserted the basket into the easy planter with root tabs. I'm also using the easy green/iron.  I added some pictures any suggestions would be appreciated.




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My Scarlett Temple looked great for months while I had my Fluval Nano 3.0 at 100% on an 25g cube. Then I realized I had too much light for the tank, dialed it back eventually to 35%, and got the algae under control, but that one plant looks just like yours now.

Meanwhile, the 20g community tank with a Marina kit light in my 6yo's room has the most beautiful Scarlett Temple in the house, and zero algae 🤣.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mine is undergoing a similar melt. I believe the algae on leaves is an indicator that the leaves are melting? I run the same Fluval 3.0 light with inline CO2, good flow, Easy Green and micro fert dosing on alternate days, GH and KH ~4. Is it really a lack of light? I have it raised 6” above my 40 gallon, and have attached the light profile. I’m trying to dial in a balance with black beard algae, hence the conservative amount of light. Suggestions appreciated!



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  • 10 months later...

Was just coming here to look up what was wrong with my plant. Thank you for the info! Mine is definitely a lighting issue.

I do not think I am going to correct the lighting though to get it to root and grow. It's disappointing because I loved the red leaves in there. Is there another colorful plant that doesn't require as much light? 

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On 10/15/2021 at 9:24 AM, GoldenGardner said:

Was just coming here to look up what was wrong with my plant. Thank you for the info! Mine is definitely a lighting issue.

I do not think I am going to correct the lighting though to get it to root and grow. It's disappointing because I loved the red leaves in there. Is there another colorful plant that doesn't require as much light? 

If you suction cup it to the wall just below the water line as close to the direct light as possible it will grow and put out shoots. As it gets talker lower it 


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On 10/15/2021 at 7:24 AM, GoldenGardner said:

Was just coming here to look up what was wrong with my plant. Thank you for the info! Mine is definitely a lighting issue.

I do not think I am going to correct the lighting though to get it to root and grow. It's disappointing because I loved the red leaves in there. Is there another colorful plant that doesn't require as much light? 

@JayAlva & @KitDanger I think this might help all 3 of you, with minor adjustments for anyone running CO2.

I'm low tech, no CO2. Never could get any red plants/ red leaves to grow.

1. @Guppysnail suggestion works.

Another option is to buy a cheap $20 Aqueaon submersible LED bright white light, and either put it in the tank, or next to the tank, until the plants grow taller and get sufficient light from the top.


Yes, you will end up with some algae on the glass, but it's easy to scrape off once a week, and no more algae once the plant is tall enough. 

2. Some plants actually need increased nitrates to get the stunning reds. So be aware that increased plants/increased growth will generate the need for more nitrates (and nutrients overall) to maintain the desired appearance. 

3. I recently learned that some plants require increased red spectrum lighting to get the gorgeous red or pink leaves.

So I switched my "evening" light routine to *only* red light for the last 45 minutes as the rest of the lights fade to zero. (Side benefit: it's improved my sleep quality, too).

I have separated my red plants according to *their* needs, and am for the first time ever, enjoying brilliant red plants in 3 tanks so far. [Whichever plant consistently performs best with minimal effort on my end, is going to be showcased in my dining room tank].

PS: that green milfoil is growing red under the increased red lighting of the Walstad tank.

I'm testing it in multiple tanks to see if it's the red lighting, the increased nutrients due to being in a dirted tank, or combination thereof. It's obviously not brighter & more intense lighting that prompts red growth, lol.


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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...

Coop's Scarlet Temples seem to be grown emersed. I recently purchased a few and am experiencing the same melt. I'll give them 1-2 months to acclimate/bounce back. If they don't, I'll prob source Scarlets from local hobbyists who've been keeping them immersed for a while. The melt is crazy frustrating, but part of the process. Looking forward to the next few months, though. Hope to see a bountiful bounce back. 

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