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What’s your “Someday!” Fish?

Fish Folk

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My “someday” list is how I keep my MTS under control. Every year during prime shipping weather I decide what fish I’m done working with and which I’m still working with. Between that and my forever pets I decide what tanks I have available and conditions I can currently provide or move some around to provide. Then I search my “someday” list and see what I can find from folks I’m comfortable ordering from. 
My list is long so sharing the entire thing is to much. 
Here are some I sought this year but could not find until I had already maxed out my years stocks. 





This guy went on my someday list at Keystone Clash

Red lizard whip tail cat 🥰DFA0A6FC-4C10-4C23-990B-35172BACDCB9.jpeg.379af339aeab52fdcc1e19d8c11cab94.jpeg

Edited by Guppysnail
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My current "maybe someday in the near future..." fish would be a Fahaka Puffer - I'm trying to decide between a 120 or a few small tanks along a particular wall in my fish room, and if the 120 wins, I think a Fahaka will call it home.

The wild, "maybe someday if I ever have a fish building" part of me really wants a White Tip Reef Shark. They stay relatively small (for a shark), can pump water over their gills unlike most other sharks, and are supposed to adapt to captivity better than most of their cousins. 

Another one I'd love to explore are the brackish damsels and brackish blennies, along with a lot of the brackish/estuarine plants and algae.

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On 10/25/2022 at 12:01 AM, Fish Folk said:

@Colu now you've done it . . . I falling down a Licorice Gourami NERM-hole . . . 🤪

I no How can you not go down that NERM-hole they are  stunning fish a lot of species are endangered though draining of the peat swamps so captive breeding to increase there numbers is important so we can hopefully get there numbers back to what there were

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On 10/24/2022 at 4:01 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Random question which doesn’t belong on this thread but anyway…: are hermit crabs breedable?

I believe it's been done but it's very difficult. As far as I can tell the adults are pretty much impossible to sex, and the larvae are planktonic so they'll get filtered out of the water column by regular filtration. Mine is a blue leg hermit which are usually considered clean up crew, but in my pico reef he/she is definitely the centerpiece.80b1cd1a-3bac-41af-9d15-d81a96699369.gif.ef631da9ff736c2ab4bbc11f696e1730.gif

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On 10/24/2022 at 8:30 PM, OnlyGenusCaps said:

Have you considered Aphanius mento as a substitute?  Easier to keep.  Same beautiful blue and black.  And I have a source...  If you are interested. 


Oh my 🤩. Yes yes and yes. Let me research them and get back to you on if I can clear a tank. I’m getting a surprise gift fish shipment tomorrow but if these are compatible with anything else in either fish room YES 😍

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On 10/24/2022 at 9:19 PM, Guppysnail said:

Oh my 🤩. Yes yes and yes. Let me research them and get back to you on if I can clear a tank. I’m getting a surprise gift fish shipment tomorrow but if these are compatible with anything else in either fish room YES 😍

I've never kept them, but they look lovely!

These are Asian, I think.

I recall a similar looking species from Argentina: Austrolibias nigripinnis. I fell in love with this YouTuber's video a little while back . . .


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On 10/24/2022 at 4:15 PM, Colu said:

endangered though draining of the peat swamps so captive breeding to increase there numbers is important so we can hopefully get there numbers back to what there were

Well shoot, then add 'em to my list too! 

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@OnlyGenusCaps these Aphanius mento are now top/next on my must have someday fish list. What amazing little fish. I spent all morning looking through things on them. 
My last blue guppies of my breeding colony are aging out and that will free up the tanks I would need to breed, raise fry and create a larger tank of these possibly by spring/early summer. 
The fish coming today are ones that were on the love and watch from afar but will never be able to keep. They are so far out of my comfort zone. So I need to learn about them and how many tanks I may need and if they will do well in the tank I have for them or if I need to rearrange 🤣

I would love for you to DM me the source. I WILL be getting these. These are amazing must haves. Thank you for suggesting them as I never heard of them. 

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A handful of these Licorice Gouramis are on the CARES Priority List. It is a very, very special thing to keep and breed a CARES species. On the journey towards becoming a Master Breeder in our fish club, a certain number of CARES species must be propagated.


To learn more about the species -- really about any species -- I typically take a look through fishbase.us to see if anything interesting is explained on there. I'll clarify there, for example @TheSwissAquarist that they're not a saltwater or brackish species. But, as @Colu mentioned, they live in Peat Swamps.


There's a number of links, so I sometimes check those out. On one page, I find a link to a research publication about their endangered state. Here's the abstract from that...


I've had friends from Myanmar, who studied abroad at a College where I taught years ago. I recall one of them having my open up Google Earth, and he pointed out regions that were cleared where in his boyhood -- just several decades past -- there was once forest.

Here is an article about the damage to the Peat Swamps / Peat Forests in the Asian Pacific & Oceana.

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There is a fellow on this forum who has  a pair of Licorice Gourami breeding like bunny rabbits every couple of weeks.... apparently with the right conditions they don't know how to stop breeding.


As for myself - i'm undecided which fish is my dream fish - the problem i run into is i really like dwarf cichild but a lot of them are well pretty but have no personalities. Every now and then i try one that has the most amazing behavioral - frequently it isn' the most spectacular looking fish but that level of intricate behavior just grabs my attention. Now the agenda is to find that fish with loads of personality and interesting behavior but also a site to behold. 


Anyway in april/may i will setup a pair of large aquariums and one will be the stuff i already have (angels, loaches, festum) but the other will be a species of geo. Will i find those geo amazing; i don't know but if i don't then i'll turn it into a 450 gallon ram tank.

Edited by anewbie
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