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A COLOSSAL IDIOT walks into a pet store....(an illustrated tail - intentional misspelling- of woe)

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Hello all! 

No pictures today though I've been meaning to. Recently got back from a road trip and the boys were left to their own devices for 4 days. They made it through just fine. 

I think Red is steadily improving day by day. I've still yet to see him swimming mid-water or down at the bottom of his tank but he is routinely away from the sides and just below the water surface - not at the very top as he has been in the beginning of this saga. 

White is just fine as he has been. 

While I'm steadily moving towards the big migration I ran into a thought snag today. I will NOT be able to move the CPDs to the 12 gallon bookshelf project- why? Temperature conflict. I was planning on keeping the tank from 79-80 and most of my reasearch is saying 80 degrees isn't great for them. @Guppysnail do you have any insight? 

I might have to get another tank- which is something I've tried to avoid but seems inevitable. I'd considered adding the CPD to another one of my tanks but because they are egg eaters I certainly will NOT put them in with my Otos and I'm not sure how Punk, The Bolivian would take to them hanging out in the Angry Man. My other 2 tanks aren't an option either (too hot, or already stocked to limit). 

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On 12/7/2022 at 4:32 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

Hello all! 

No pictures today though I've been meaning to. Recently got back from a road trip and the boys were left to their own devices for 4 days. They made it through just fine. 

I think Red is steadily improving day by day. I've still yet to see him swimming mid-water or down at the bottom of his tank but he is routinely away from the sides and just below the water surface - not at the very top as he has been in the beginning of this saga. 

White is just fine as he has been. 

While I'm steadily moving towards the big migration I ran into a thought snag today. I will NOT be able to move the CPDs to the 12 gallon bookshelf project- why? Temperature conflict. I was planning on keeping the tank from 79-80 and most of my reasearch is saying 80 degrees isn't great for them. @Guppysnail do you have any insight? 

I might have to get another tank- which is something I've tried to avoid but seems inevitable. I'd considered adding the CPD to another one of my tanks but because they are egg eaters I certainly will NOT put them in with my Otos and I'm not sure how Punk, The Bolivian would take to them hanging out in the Angry Man. My other 2 tanks aren't an option either (too hot, or already stocked to limit). 

Hmm … 🤔 can’t really see a way out, apart from giving / selling the CPDs. I’m n my experience, they’ll live until the 78-80 degree bench mark and then start suffering some health issues.

Maybe trading the CODs for some Ember Tetras?

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@TheSwissAquarist while trading and/or giving away is a good option for most people- I'm not that kind when I've taken on an animal. The Bettas and babies (like the Otos) are an exception as I would have given them away- they were not part of my resident fish plan. Now that they are (no takers for White - shockingly and Red is still handicapped so not likely to have any takers on him just based on that and the fact that he is a common full red crowntail) I will just have to consider how the plan fits now. 

What I am currently pondering is moving my Endlers and Guppies in the Flex 9 into the 12G bookshelf along with whoever survives of my white Guppy trio. Then moving the CPD into the Flex9 which is unheated but sometimes gets as high as 82 (this is only in the summer and I put a fan on the tank so it doesn't often get that high) but is usually in the 70s. GloBetta Serket is in there so theoretically that tank should be heated but it can't be because of some other residents (mostly the Hillstream).

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On 12/7/2022 at 10:32 AM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

I'm not sure how Punk, The Bolivian would take to them hanging out in the Angry Man

My bolivian ram is perfectly happy living with 14 tetras.  They do their thing and he does his.  The only time there is ever any conflict is when they are greedy with sinking food.  The bottom is his turf, and he lets them know.  So I try to do flakes or a mid-level food along with any sinking food I offer.

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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@TheSwissAquaristyou did give me an idea though, I might shuffle the Embers I DO have from the Flex9 to the new 12G along with the 2 remaining male Guppies in there. THEN that thank should have enough bioload space to move the CPD in there with Serket. It will get hot in there occassionally but I think most of the time they will be ok. 

I'll have to ponder on it more. 

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I needed a win lately and while I was doing my usual every other day water change for the Betta boys, you know what I saw? A. Fully. Recovered. Red. Crowntail. Betta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Don't believe me that he's swimming normal? Here's a pic of him midwater just chillin':


Need more than that? How about 19 beautiful Google video seconds here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/KAfiz6FS13si4AnU8

Or if that's not enough for you, 58 seconds: https://photos.app.goo.gl/y8ZJyEmmpGSydUEs7

Yeah? Nice eh?! We did it Red!!! :classic_love:

Oh yes, White is good too, but it isn't about you mister: image000000(11).jpg.58c9a3b9fc078d38944240f6798c8bc4.jpg

Woohoo! (small dance party at @xXInkedPhoenixX's house!)

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On 12/11/2022 at 5:30 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:


I needed a win lately and while I was doing my usual every other day water change for the Betta boys, you know what I saw? A. Fully. Recovered. Red. Crowntail. Betta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Don't believe me that he's swimming normal? Here's a pic of him midwater just chillin':


Need more than that? How about 19 beautiful Google video seconds here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/KAfiz6FS13si4AnU8

Or if that's not enough for you, 58 seconds: https://photos.app.goo.gl/y8ZJyEmmpGSydUEs7

Yeah? Nice eh?! We did it Red!!! :classic_love:

Oh yes, White is good too, but it isn't about you mister: image000000(11).jpg.58c9a3b9fc078d38944240f6798c8bc4.jpg

Woohoo! (small dance party at @xXInkedPhoenixX's house!)

OMG that's awesome!!!!! 🥳 He heard you talking about his planned upgrade & wanted you to know he's here for it 😁

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On 12/16/2022 at 9:18 AM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

For Red: 

And so it begins....



The story of these bettas has been amazing! You make me want to walk right into my local petco and buy a half dead betta and save it! 😅 So happy for red, and that tank is gonna look sick!

Edited by EnderRen
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So the tank for Red is ready, heater in (though I'll probably need to get a better one. I also need to consider taking a trip to the glass or plastics store to get a bigger lid cut. Aquatop has taken to leaving a vast amount of space (read: smaller lids) so people can put HOB but this is not ideal for me. A bigger lid will prevent escapees (read: I plan to add Nerite(s) and jumpers. It will also keep humidity in for his little breathing organ. 

Though I've also used a sponge from a cycled tank there are NO readings yet to indicate cycled of course so I'm going to wait until there is. 

Red has a name but until he moves in I'll keep that to myself for now. :-) 

Here are some shots of his tank below. The tank got a black clingfilm background, a Hygger clip on 24/7 light (really like it), a Hygger Super Mini sponge filter (gonna see if this tiny sponge can handle the tank- it will only be Red and snails so it should be fine, but I have a back up). I am running his sponge with a lithium battery backed air pump. I've used new Anubias of different kinds and pulled one Anubias Nana from the old CPD tank (the one with the smallest leaves). One Java Narrow Leaf. I also pulled Ludwigia Super Red (it's at the back) from the CPD tank- it looks kind of sad but it's planted in Fluval Stratum with a black sand cap. I was going to top it with black gravel but I liked the look of the black sand so much that I left it. First time for me using it. I put some floaters (and hunted down all the duckweed and pulled it) from the CPD tank as well. I built Red a rock cave but also have a black 3D printed Betta cave coming from Etsy. I'm glad to see the dragon back in service. Can't wait to see Red resting in his mouth lol!





BTW, Red is looking really nice. Can't wait to see what he looks like under a good light. image000000(21).jpg.862c93caa08d653a7d0152c238cbfd3f.jpg


And White is still good too. :-) image000000(22).jpg.0fd02c93be070466b39e6fc212568051.jpg

Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
Typos suck.
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