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On 4/5/2023 at 8:02 AM, Guppysnail said:

Would you have expected anything less from me?  Your lucky I didn’t teach them to only eat live food and insist on being hand fed individually 🤣🤣🤣

No I knew what I was getting into 😆. I thought I might have opened the boxes when I got home and found mochi was forgotten to get packed up and sent home with me. 😯😆

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Good morning fellow nerms. Shall we have some coffee with Teejay? Tomorrow will make weeks since the wiggles cpds and mochi came home. Everyone has adjusted well and is getting along. The wiggles and mochi like to play on the caves and chase each other around. 

The single shrimp that made it into the take just munchies and looks at the rest crazy like why are you guys always bouncing around. May need to add a few more in so she does not feel like she is on an Aiken planet. 

I have really only been feeding northfin fry and first bites while they are all still pretty small. This way I know the cpds can get some food and the rest can cost down to the bottom for the wiggles and mochi. 

They had there first water change a few days ago with no issues. I didn't have much concern since they all came from similar water parameters as mine. 

The 3 runt mystery snails are grown some now. One more than the other 2. But it's progress. Probably going to give everyone a chance for some veggies tonight when I get home from work. We will see how that goes. Of course everyone moves around so much it's hard to get pics of them. But I'll do what I can.

I think the spraybar on the 207 may be good. But I think I will switch back to the regular output for a week or two to see if it changes the habits of the cpds or not. They don't have any issues going anywhere they want or seem to get pushed around by the flow. They do like to stay more to the left side of the tank where the spray bar does not hit as much. But as soon as I come over to watch them they get more active throughout the tank. We shall see. Until the next installment keep it fishy my friends.



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So it's been two weeks since the new wizard snails were added to the shrimp sanctuary tank. They are doing well so far as I can tell. They don't come out to much. From time to time I'll see one out and about here and there. @Guppysnail let me know what to expect out of them so it's nothin "unusual" for this crew. We did find out that they were a fair bit older than we had initially thought. We still may have some breeding out of them. But for now they seem to be happy.

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On 4/11/2023 at 6:59 AM, TeeJay said:

So it's been two weeks since the new wizard snails were added to the shrimp sanctuary tank. They are doing well so far as I can tell. They don't come out to much. From time to time I'll see one out and about here and there. @Guppysnail let me know what to expect out of them so it's nothin "unusual" for this crew. We did find out that they were a fair bit older than we had initially thought. We still may have some breeding out of them. But for now they seem to be happy.

We found out they like to dig so if you put a glass dish of sand in the tank, deep enough for them to go under the sand, I think they would really like that.

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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Good morning fellow nerms. Shall we have a little coffee with Teejay this morning?

So everyone is doing very well in there new home. When I come to the tank now they pretty much know "hey he is the hooman with the food" 

So yesterday I got to attend my first club auction that is closest to me. There should be a public service announcement that goes along with these! "Warning adrenaline rush and you will spend way more money than you planned"

I was hoping to find another small group of cpds to fill out my stock. So I skimmed over the hundreds of bags to seem I came across a bag of 8 nice size with full bodies. They color was faded of course but other than that they looked healthy. 

So they had a feature called express auction. You pay 3 dollars and get a purple sticker for the bag and give it to a runner. It's then put up for auction next. So of course I did 😆

That's when the adrenaline rush kicks in! 44 bucks later they were mine 🎉 so 5.50 a fish for locally bred cpds. With the prices I hear others have been paying I feel like I did pretty good.

I was going to setup a qt tote for them until @Guppysnail had a great idea. She said why not put them in qt in the shrimp sanctuary. Brilliant! Nice stable tank with plenty of hiding in the jungle. So overnight they gained there colors back pretty much full and look great. I don't think there qt will take to long before they can join there new friends 

But that's not where the auction fun ends. Next I picked up a nice pink flamingo crypt to kind of be the centerpiece plant in there tank. A very large crypt lutea for the 29. 

I had also hoped to find maybe some yellow or orange neos for there tank since everything else I have is pretty much red. But all the shrimp were going for crazy prices. So I just waited and bid my time. A couple hours later I picked up a bag of 17 blue jelly neos for 10. So I drip acclimated them for an hour and got them in there new home with the cpds and wiggle butts (aspidoras) so it was an awesome exciting first auction. As always keep it fishy my friends!











Edited by TeeJay
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So when I got home from work last night the new cpds batch is looking even better. There colors are nice and full. There spots and red tipped fins are showing great. So I figured I would try some grindals and see how they did. It was slow at first with the first little tweezer full. But when I added the second small pitch a little closer to where the were. They go the idea and had a good little meal 

This morning checking on them I decided to try a bit of crushed bug bites. They went for those faster add gobbled the majority of them up right away. I'm sure the shrimp will clean up the leftovers with no issues. 

After eating they chased each other around for a bit before the tank light turned off. I keep all my lights on a schedule of on from 630-8am then back on again from 1-8. This schedule works well for me. I never have an algae issue. (Knock on wood) 

I added a nice amount of java moss in three with them. I talked to the seller I got the cpds from at the auction and he said they are ready and of breeding age so maybe I will get lucky with some eggs before they move over to the 20 long. As always keep it fishy my friends 

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On 4/24/2023 at 9:57 PM, Guppysnail said:

NOON ? 2nd or 3rd cup???😲

Im on my second or third POT by noon 🤣

The first step is admitting you have a problem with coffee....then we can help....we are all here for you. .😝

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Hello fellow nerms. The new adventure begins now!

As you can see the name for this journal has changed. I have had my Cory's for about a year now. A group in the 10 gal tank by themselves. Then another group in the 29 killi tank. The more I thought about it the more it occurred to me that I didn't need a separate tank for just them. So I decided to turn the Cory only tank into a new adventure.

So I found a friend that wanted a crew of Cory's for a 30 gal he had. There are plenty of new fish I would like to try but these guys made the short list of what I wanted the most. 

I knew I didn't have room for another tank and since I'm at 5 already it probably wouldn't be a good idea to start another. As my partner in crime @Guppysnail told me. Stick with what you have and don't burn yourself out with another new tank setup. Work within what you have. She was right. I can still have my Cory's in the 29 and have a new adventure with the same amount of tanks.

So I was able to pickup a trio of apisto borelli to put in the 10. I added some rerra cotta pot caves some more wood and plenty of free floating have moss for plenty of cover so they feel safe. A new fish friend brought them to me a couple of hours ago. I let them get settled in for a bit before the tank lights came on. 

there still being shy and staying mostly to the back of the tank. As to be expected. Hopefully I can get them to come out a bit when I feed them this evening. I was only able to get a couple of pics for now.





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He sure is handsome 🤩. I do the same. When I find myself looking for a new adventure and perhaps a species that isn’t a wet pet lifer does not get as much of my attention I switch it up.  I could never in this lifetime experience every fish I want but I can experience more by swapping. 

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On 4/25/2023 at 12:45 PM, TeeJay said:

Hello fellow nerms. The new adventure begins now!

As you can see the name for this journal has changed. I have had my Cory's for about a year now. A group in the 10 gal tank by themselves. Then another group in the 29 killi tank. The more I thought about it the more it occurred to me that I didn't need a separate tank for just them. So I decided to turn the Cory only tank into a new adventure.

So I found a friend that wanted a crew of Cory's for a 30 gal he had. There are plenty of new fish I would like to try but these guys made the short list of what I wanted the most. 

I knew I didn't have room for another tank and since I'm at 5 already it probably wouldn't be a good idea to start another. As my partner in crime @Guppysnail told me. Stick with what you have and don't burn yourself out with another new tank setup. Work within what you have. She was right. I can still have my Cory's in the 29 and have a new adventure with the same amount of tanks.

So I was able to pickup a trio of apisto borelli to put in the 10. I added some rerra cotta pot caves some more wood and plenty of free floating have moss for plenty of cover so they feel safe. A new fish friend brought them to me a couple of hours ago. I let them get settled in for a bit before the tank lights came on. 

there still being shy and staying mostly to the back of the tank. As to be expected. Hopefully I can get them to come out a bit when I feed them this evening. I was only able to get a couple of pics for now.





As adults the general rule is a pair of borelli would require a min. of 15 gallons and a trio 20 to 30. The issue is (and this is somewhat individual fish dependent) but when the female has eggs/frys she will become hyper aggressive and more than one person has tried a 10 only to discover a dead male in the morning. Your fishes looked like they were a bit young and not yet ready to breed but once they hit breeding age I highly recommend a larger aquarium.


Also while the picture wasn't very clear in one of them it almost looked like you had two males.

Edited by anewbie
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