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Have you ever had dreams or nightmares about fish tanks?

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On 8/3/2022 at 2:41 PM, AnotherHumanPerson said:

Last night I had a dream that 4 strange fish were in my 29 gal. In the context of the dream I did not put them there nor did I know who put them there. They had the body shape of a tiger barb with an entirely deep orangey-red body, and they were 3-4 inches long. Guess I found my new dream fish lol.

It’s a thing! My LFS has them. They are called Rosy Barbs. 


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Whenever I am extremely stressed and overwhelmed I have nightmares with a fish tank theme. Usually there are a lot of small tanks, not enough water or some are leaking and I am frantically trying to transfer all the fish to different tanks without losing. It's weird,  because I have had these dreams prior to having multiple tanks. Sometimes my dreams take place in a pet store. Once I was in an old aquarium that looked to have been closed a long time and the fish were in dark algae covered small tanks. 

It's funny because I have several tanks now and they are actually helpful with stress! 🤣 

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We bought a house about a year ago. Our aquariums are in the den in the basement. It's a concrete floor, with carpet on top. The 135 gallon aquarium has two Eheim 2217 canister filters running at all times. One of those was over 10 years old, & had a known bad latch mount on it, but it was just one, so no big deal... or so we thought...
The Cause:
2 weeks after we moved in, there was a scheduled power outage from midnight to 2AM. When the power came back on, the restart must have put too much pressure on that faulty canister filter, because the top popped loose & drained about 40% of the tank into the floor. The water damage ruined 4 of those cheap MDF bookcases & 2 MDF media (DVD storage) racks. Needless to say, that filter was stripped of any reusable parts & replaced. There are now moisture alarms at the base of every tank stand, plus all currently active filters are less than 3 years old & are placed in a 35-40 gallon storage tote, behind the 135.
The Dream:
Despite all of the new preventative maintenance & items mentioned, I had nightmares of the entire house flooding for a few weeks afterward.

Edited by Tazalanche
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On 9/11/2022 at 4:38 PM, Tazalanche said:

We bought a house about a year ago. Our aquariums are in the den in the basement. It's a concrete floor, with carpet on top. The 135 gallon aquarium has two Eheim 2217 canister filters running at all times. One of those was over 10 years old, & had a known bad latch mount on it, but it was just one, so no big deal... or so we thought...
The Cause:
2 weeks after we moved in, there was a scheduled power outage from midnight to 2AM. When the power came back on, the restart must have put too much pressure on that faulty canister filter, because the top popped loose & drained about 40% of the tank into the floor. The water damage ruined 4 of those cheap MDF bookcases & 2 MDF media (DVD storage) racks. Needless to say, that filter was stripped of any reusable parts & replaced. There are now moisture alarms at the base of every tank stand, plus all currently active filters are less than 3 years old & are placed in a 35-40 gallon storage tote, behind the 135.
The Dream:
Despite all of the new preventative maintenance & items mentioned. I had nightmares of the entire house flooding for a few weeks afterward.

Wow, that’s terrible! Sorry you went through that.

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I haven't really had a nightmare about them yet. But when I found a tiny crack in my 10gal Cory tank it was straight panic mode. Luckily it was 1 a gal sale when it happened so I got a new tank and had it totally switched out within 2 hours. So now every night since then when I'm trying to get to sleep it always runs through my mind what if something happens to my bigger 29. So every morning I wake up and check the level of the tank and look for cracks.

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I had a dream last night that my 75g (though much smaller in the dream) was leaking in multiple.places, at one point spraying out like a garden hose leak. I kept trying to temporarily stop the leaks with paper towels. Then while trying to look up prices for a new one online (reading and writing never go well in dreams) I couldn't find a single place that even sold fish tanks, including the big box pet stores.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a dream that I visited a fish store. They had a whole rack of 2.5 gallon tanks with shrimp and nano fish. I just wandered around the store, looking at the tanks before scoping out the plant and live food selection. My nightmare began when I woke up and realized that no such store existed outside of my dream 🥲

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On 9/20/2022 at 11:10 AM, AnimalNerd98 said:

I had a dream that I visited a fish store. They had a whole rack of 2.5 gallon tanks with shrimp and nano fish. I just wandered around the store, looking at the tanks before scoping out the plant and live food selection. My nightmare began when I woke up and realized that no such store existed outside of my dream 🥲


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I constantly have the same kind of dream where I'll have all the fish tanks and fish I want or close to that and I'll always inevitably lose it all due to my own error. All these dreams are so real it takes a bit to wake up and be relieved that nothing like that happened. 

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On 9/20/2022 at 11:59 AM, Gannon said:

I constantly have the same kind of dream where I'll have all the fish tanks and fish I want or close to that and I'll always inevitably lose it all due to my own error. All these dreams are so real it takes a bit to wake up and be relieved that nothing like that happened. 

Very similar to my dreams where I'd "forget" about tanks for months.

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I'm not really one for remembering my dreams much, and certainly not vividly. But I have had the "blown out tank" dream. You're fast asleep, there a loud bang, and somehow you know immediately what it is (even though irl you've never actually heard it thank god). Race downstairs, crack in front pane of the 300 gallon feature aquarium (my biggest tank is currently 40G) is shooting water like a firehose, it's a race to capture the water, save the fish, and get a backup in place. 

[shoots upright in bed; spends the next 15 mins trying to sort dream from reality; spends another 5 mins debating whether to go see if I actually do have a 300 gallon tank, and make sure it's good - Dear God What is Real???]

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When I’m having trouble falling to sleep I often start thinking about my tanks, the things I’d like to try, my dream tanks, new fish, planning out new tanks, planning out new experiments, and then the next thing I know my alarm is going off and it’s time to go to work. My tanks are definitely an escape from the real world and help me in so many ways!

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Wow. Fun one last night.

I kept finding tanks. The first one I found was of course, neglected. There was all kinds of fish in there plus fiddler crabs,  some of the crabs and fish were dead. I was netting out a dead gourami and 2 dead fiddler crabs, then working on a water change and then for some reason I got interrupted and had to go to another room, then found another tank. 

This next tank was dark and on a wire shelf. I know there were fish in it but the tank was so dirty that I couldn’t tell what kind of fish they were.

Then a third tank. So I started to get freaked out about all of the water changes I had to do and a goblin came and he made a deal with me that he would do 2 of the water changes. I wanted to accept the offer because I pushed a button and part of the ceiling came down like an elevator and there was another tank there. But that tank was really cool, it was a cylinder with the Tree of Life in the middle and lots of colorful schooling fish were swimming around it, and crystal clear water. But I didn’t trust the goblin and couldn’t bring myself to make the deal. I thought he had some ulterior motive. He was smiling at me with yellow, pointy teeth and rubbing his hands together. He showed up with 2 5-gallon Home Depot buckets.

Meanwhile I found a normal size vase with 20 fancy goldfish in it, and there was a plant in the vase. The vase had a big bulb in the bottom of it (like onion sized) and the water was perfectly clear and all the fish were healthy. It had no aeration or filter.

Then I found a roomful of tanks; looked like an abandoned fish store.  I found a tank to put the goldfish in, and then I went to the LFS (I couldn’t have just called?) to ask if they would take the goldfish and they said they would. So back home, put all goldfish in a cooler with water, but then I found another goldfish somewhere else, a really huge one(?) and then went back to LFS. Finally, one of the problems solved.

Went back to the abandoned fish store lookin’ room and found a discus floating through the air. So i grabbed it with my hands and I put it into a tank, and it was fine. 

Then I found a tank with several snails in it but the power head was so strong that they were blowing all around the tank tucked in their shells, and I didn’t understand how to access the cord for the powerhead to shut it off. It was like a big box store where you can’t see any wiring, just rows of tanks.

I found another tank with 2 baby mystery snail clutches that had already hatched, and again I couldn’t figure out how to access the top of the tanks to ever check for clutches to remove them. It’s like a wall or (canopy?) was above every tank or the top of some tanks were up in the ceiling.

Ok that’s all I remember. 🥸 I’m glad I didn’t hire the goblin.

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  • 2 months later...
On 12/14/2022 at 11:06 AM, Mynameisnobody said:

I played poker with a goldfish, a flowerhorn, a great white, and a school of tetras (they kept switching off each hand). Never could remember who won. 

I'm guessing the great white. He's a real card shark.

There's a wreck here in Florida - a casino boat that was intentionally sunk for scuba recreation. It's called the Lady Luck. Haven't dove it, personally - but here's one of the parts of it.

Lady Luck Wreck Dive - Pompano Beach

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