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Ken Burke

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Lucky 2!  Or Duce for short.


Back in April, some may remember @Guppysnailfound a pleco in her filter.  Welp, I went to clean my 38g today, and found, u guessed it, a pleco baby! Now I’ve never owned an albino bn, but this one is ghostly compared to the ones I have in the tank….. (only baby I found)










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Congratulations.  Filter plecos are great pets 🤣. Have you ever had lemons or super reds?  I can’t tell what eyes yours has. BN plecos get very pale when not getting proper nutrition.  My lemon filter baby was almost ghost white when it escaped the filter. It has since filled in to its proper color. 

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@Guppysnail  filter plecos.  He he.  

with my old man eyes I can’t tell either.  Not sure what to do with it.  Right now it’s in my floating breeder box and Ricky the angelfish is eying it.  

@Guppysnail  filter plecos.  He he.  

with my old man eyes I can’t tell either.  Not sure what to do with it.  Right now it’s in my floating breeder box.  

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On 5/27/2022 at 1:12 PM, Ken Burke said:

@Guppysnail  filter plecos.  He he.  

with my old man eyes I can’t tell either.  Not sure what to do with it.  Right now it’s in my floating breeder box and Ricky the angelfish is eying it.  

@Guppysnail  filter plecos.  He he.  

with my old man eyes I can’t tell either.  Not sure what to do with it.  Right now it’s in my floating breeder box.  


On 5/27/2022 at 2:42 PM, Guppysnail said:

We have created a new strain Filter pleco 🤣

I'm ORD😆🤣😆

My eyes can't tell either, lol!

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On 7/9/2022 at 10:26 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Glad the little one is doing well.  I am terrified of finding something in my HoB now...

I miss my plecos.  I have two clowns, I had 5 at one point.  Very cool little fish, very beautiful.

I check my HOB every few days.  I'm using a Tidal 55 with a prefilter, but i think they get sucked in though the skimmer intake.  

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I recently found one living in my under gravel filter! Pulled off an uplift tube to clean it and it swam out from under the bottom plate. Far too big to get out on its own. Must have gone through the outlet while still small and grown up in there in the dark

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On 7/14/2022 at 1:42 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

2 = Deuce.

Sorry, I had to!  My alterego the editor wannabe made me do it!

I can't believe plecos live in filters. That's a thing?  Wow.  😲

I cannot spell.  in grade school i was that kid.  always in trouble, bad grades.  it was back in the days before the understood dyslexia, and they called me hyperactive.  In 8th grade they hauled my parents into the school and told them i was dumb as a bag of hammers.  Get this boy ready for trade school, 'cause he ain't college material.  

Naturally, I went to college, graduated, joined the Air Force, and eventually earned a master's degree in Logistics Management.  They even inducted me into Sigma Iota Epsilon.  

Can't spell, I keep proving them wrong.......


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