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Injury and Keeping up in the Fishroom

Fish Folk

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Well, I am not one to normally talk about personal health. But one week ago, playing pickle-ball, I totally ruptured my achilles tendon. Fortunately I've been able to get surgery this week, and am now on the slow path to recovery. But for 6 weeks I cannot bear any weight on my leg. Plus it's my driving foot . . . so there's that!


Now, in all, I am in a very good place. Family is great. Work has been understanding. But we've had to cancel vacation, and things have come rather to a standstill.

This brings me to my fishroom. Everything is down in the basement, a flight of 12x stairs. My boys have been sort of helpful feeding fish and whatnot. But I've been unable to stay away for long.

Today, I was able to water change 4x tanks that needed it, feed the fish, video the German Blue Ram fry, and begin drying out killi egg media.

Here's the Rams -- best batch I've gotten!

Here's the Killi story

(1) The Container with coconut fiber media


(2) Emptied out after month or more in the tank (see broken tank story below for reason)


Media with potential eggs drying out between layers of paper towel in fishroom tub


In other news, I moved out the female Betta Imbellis from breeding tank. I think they've spawned -- it's hard to get low enough to see if there are eggs in under the catappa leaf.


The final piece of my heating-strip-tape arrived in the mail to go underneath my betta jug rack. I cannot wait to show that sometime later. Hopefully I'll get some Elassoma Gilberti as my first fish to enjoy the jugs!




Several days ago, however, I went downstairs to find a 10 gal tank had cracked and drained most of the water all over the floor. Boy was I thankful I'd just recently lifted the cords up off the ground!


It was the Killi breeding tank...



Don't feel too sorry for me with the cracked tank. I knew there was a tiny crack near the bottom for a year or more. I sort of "deserved" it!

I was able to salvage all of the Killis. Right now, they're over in the 20 gal long tank I'd reserved for the GBR fry once they're moved out.


Anyway . . . "That's the news from Lake Wobegon, where all the women are strong, the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average."


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On 4/9/2022 at 4:48 PM, PineSong said:

I’ll be looking forward to more on those jugs.

I am really excited to see how this works out. I got the idea from Gianne (Inglorious Bettas). The heat tape + thermostat + power supply are not exactly cheap. But I think, for the way I breed fish, and the sorts of fish I've taken to keeping, it's a good possibility. I can add a bit of extra floating plants -- e.g. water lettuce, hornwort -- add a trio of E. Gilberti, and probably multiply them within weeks by just moving floating plants out to empty jugs. It's a trick I learned from Dr. Ted Coletti, outdoor pond-master.

On 4/9/2022 at 4:50 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

Well aren't you in a "pickle"🤣 Sorry I couldn't resist the Dad joke for you. You seem to have perservered thus far!

There are just SO many good jokes . . . I know 😂

I kind of wish people would send me jars of dill pickles . . . dill pickle potato chips . . . I'd love that!

Edited by Fish Folk
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That injury had to really suck!  How soon can you get on one of those “peg leg” things where your knee and shin are resting in a cradle and you can get more mobile?  Do we need to arrange a rotating brigade of nearby Nerms to help with water changes?

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On 4/9/2022 at 8:09 PM, eatyourpeas said:

Looking forward to seeing the jug experiment take shape

My son helped me set it ip tonight! His only comments were, “that was a long fifteen minutes…” and, “this is how the house burns down…”



On 4/9/2022 at 9:16 PM, Odd Duck said:

That injury had to really suck!  How soon can you get on one of those “peg leg” things where your knee and shin are resting in a cradle and you can get more mobile?  Do we need to arrange a rotating brigade of nearby Nerms to help with water changes?

Awww!! That’s an awesome idea! Fortunately, I’m able to scoot down the stairs on my butt — like my 2-yr-old — and do some fish stuff. 

Edited by Fish Folk
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