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Fish stock?


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Is there any type of small fish, maybe a max of 1" that wouldn`t use baby shrimp as snacks, I`m talking of up to 40 as a group? Also be in the middle to top of water column, and what about a large group for the bottom that usually stay on the bottom. Thanks.   

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When I first started my shrimp colony I kept celestial pearl danios and bristlenose Pleco for the bottom. with them. I love these guys. So fun. Rock piles that CPD cannot get into but food can work great as well as sponge filters for shrimplettes. Caves like coop shrimp cave are good. My CPD do not go into dark tunnels and caves. I now keep Pygmy and panda corydora with my shrimp as well. Snacking is not enough to be noticeable my shrimp still overpopulate. 

Edited by Guppysnail
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On 3/26/2022 at 6:17 AM, Guppysnail said:

When I first started my shrimp colony I kept celestial pearl danios and bristlenose Pleco for the bottom. with them. I love these guys. So fun. Rock piles that CPD cannot get into but food can work great as well as sponge filters for shrimplettes. Caves like coop shrimp cave are good. My CPD do not go into dark tunnels and caves. I now keep Pygmy and panda corydora with my shrimp as well. Snacking is not enough to be noticeable my shrimp still overpopulate. 

I’ll second that, and add red sailfin cories, hatchets, harlequin rasboras, and bettas.  I caught one of the bettas snacking on the shrimp once, but the tank is perpetually over run with shrimp.  So, FREE FOOD!


The only fish I have that really tamp down the shrimp population is my angels.  And the aren’t 100% …..

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kubotai rasbora are probably safe esp as they hang near the top of the tank. Most cichlid will go after the shrimp as will sparkling gourami. the liver tetra will also hunt shrimp as will many loaches. pygmy cory are so docile my kribs let them swim with their frys.

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On 3/26/2022 at 8:03 AM, Ken Burke said:

I’ll second that, and add red sailfin cories, hatchets, harlequin rasboras, and bettas.  I caught one of the bettas snacking on the shrimp once, but the tank is perpetually over run with shrimp.  So, FREE FOOD!


The only fish I have that really tamp down the shrimp population is my angels.  And the aren’t 100% …..

The is my red sailfin tank.  The sailfin hide in the back, but as you can see, all but over run with cherry shrimp. 






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