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6 week-old Aquarist with 1 week-old Apistogramma

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Hi ☺️  I'm new to the hobby in the Seattle area. I'm currently running a planted, 32 gallon, South American freshwater community tank with:
1 x Apisto. Cac. "Orange Flash" (M)
1 x Apisto. Cac. "Triple Red" (F)
2 x Bristlenose Pleco (1M, 1F)
12 x Black Neon Tetra (9M, 3F)
5 x Nerite Snails (???)
2 x Ramshorn Snails (??? - I didn't even buy these, they just appeared!)
Additionally, my Apistos just spawned - after only 5 weeks - about 30-40 fry, so I've had to learn quickly. Find pictures of all below and a video of the tank at night here: https://imgur.com/a/brLfvUx

I've fallen deep into this hobby fast. I'm cycling a further 2 tanks (20g, 16g) and have 3 awaiting setup (16g, 2 x 10g). I absolutely love the unique personalities of all of my fish and enjoy the challenge of keeping their water parameters in the right place - finding out what works and what doesn't.





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On 3/12/2022 at 7:37 PM, Torrey said:

Welcome to the forum!!!

You must be doing something right, and are lucky to be right there with PSAS. Are you active in the club yet?

I'm assuming that's a typo and you mean the Greater Seattle Aquarium Society? I've just recently joined, but I haven't been to a meet yet. I'm super excited to do so, though.

On 3/13/2022 at 3:31 PM, Patrick_G said:

Welcome to the forum! Those Apistogramma look nice, are they from Aquarium Co-op? 

The male is from Aquarium Coop, the female is from The Fish Store. I did get a female from Aquarium Coop originally but the male harassed her to death within the first week, unfortunately 😐

Thank you all for such a warm welcome!! 😊 I'll be sure to provide updates on my fry in the appropriate section.

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