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75 Gallon Stocking ideas?


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If you were going the catfish route I would suggest Hoplos instead of pictus. But a catfish tank would be fun. 

But if I had a 75 to stock right now I would do a Asian barb and loach tank. Build up the back with hardscape and driftwood to make lots of hides, attach lots of rhizome plants like anubius and java ferns, plant crypts in mid/foreground and get a decent amount of water flow. 

Odessa or other barbs, reticulated SAE, nice group of zebra or similar loach, maybe some stiphodon or similar gobies. Lots of options. 

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You have so many options! It sounds like you have a few other tanks so I’d want to avoid duplication. If you don’t have dwarf cichlids that might be one option. I’m currently thinking of turning my 75 into a higher temp environment for German Blue Rams and fish that can peacefully live with them. 

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Ok I should probably say what fish I already have. I have multiple strains of guppies, a pea puffer, kribs, shrimp, snails, Odessa and green tiger barbs, Bristlenose plecos, yo-yo loaches and pearl gouramis. Obviously not all in the same aquarium lol. If you would like to see what fish are in what aquariums I have a journal on this forum. 

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On 1/23/2022 at 2:17 PM, Levi_Aquatics said:

Ok I should probably say what fish I already have. I have multiple strains of guppies, a pea puffer, kribs, shrimp, snails, Odessa and green tiger barbs, Bristlenose plecos, yo-yo loaches and pearl gouramis. Obviously not all in the same aquarium lol. If you would like to see what fish are in what aquariums I have a journal on this forum. 

See you are lacking in the catfish varieties 😁 I’m desperate to live vicariously through someone else’s catfish tank 🤣

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On 1/23/2022 at 11:17 AM, Levi_Aquatics said:

Ok I should probably say what fish I already have. I have multiple strains of guppies, a pea puffer, kribs, shrimp, snails, Odessa and green tiger barbs, Bristlenose plecos, yo-yo loaches and pearl gouramis. Obviously not all in the same aquarium lol. If you would like to see what fish are in what aquariums I have a journal on this forum. 

Sounds like you need some rainbow fish! 

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On 1/23/2022 at 10:14 AM, Levi_Aquatics said:

I picked up a 75 gallon aquarium yesterday and I am trying to decide what I want to stock it with. I am open to any ideas and would love to see pictures of your aquariums for inspiration!

I have fallen in love with large schools of nano fish.

There's nothing like sitting in a comfortable seat, watching the flash of jewel colored fish swimming in unison or playing chase the leader.

In no particular order (and determined by the water parameters, so not necessarily all of these at once) I would love to have a 75 g stocked with:

Large school CPD

Large school rummynose

Large school long finned zebra danios (40+ and enough room... it's stunning to watch) or long finned leopards

Large school of the 'dwarf' hatchets

Panda cories

Emerald rasboras

Colony of shrimp

Dwarf rainbows 

Kuhli loaches (more the merrier)

Possibly a pair of angels, or 6 to 8 very young angels and remove all but 2 as soon as they pair up

My computer has a list of dream fish, mostly compromised of nano fish Cory has featured, lol.

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Angelfish, large schooling tetra like Colombians or Diamonds, a group of geophagus like redhead tapajos, and brochis corys. 

South American puffers, a group of festivum, Colombian tetra and a larger corys like Scleromastyx barbatus and some bristlenose plecos. 

Sailfin mollies, Firemouth cichlids, and some Cryptoheros spirulus with hoplo or pictus cats. 

C. Saulosi - an Mbuna tank you get blue, black and yellow/gold with some anubias and Java fern and some synodontis cats. 

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My 75 is set up with some large rocks, big Val (some are approaching 3ft long now), two pieces of large driftwood and a powerhead on one end to simulate a river current.

I have:

9 peppered cory

7 panda cory

5 bronze cory

6 yoyo loaches

8 Colombian tetra

8 Rummynose tetra

My intent was to make a biotope-ish tank, but the yoyos kind of throw that off, obviously. I'm pretty pleased with it, though.


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