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What kind of pleco is this?


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My friend sent me a picture of a pleco he just got to accompany his new betta. 

He said the fish store guy said it was fine.  But it's a 5 gallon tank. 

I don't know much about plecos other than being big poopers. And some breeds grow quite large.  

Can anyone identify this type?  And if so, was he given bad advice?  Or is it sufficient for a 5 gallon given frequent water changes?  Its not a great picture, but maybe the spots are unique to a certain breed. 



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Sorry mate but that’s not a long term recipe - females get to 3.5-4 “ and males 4-5”. They like to eat algae, wood, biofilm, vegetables and algae wafer and or Repashy. 1 for a 10 g is pushing it, 15-20 g preferred. 

Otocinclus would be better for a tank that size but you’d need plenty of algae for them to eat. You could feed them cucumbers, zucchini, or squash a slice or two a day until you have enough algae and biofilm for them. You could do 3. They can be picky about food and water quality really all cats need that. 

Pygmy coryadoras could have 6 of them. They’re awesome!

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I’d also like to add, despite that being a baby his stomach is looking a little deflated. I would probably return it, but first feed it a couple wafers if he could. 

I wouldn’t do any pleco species or otocinclus in a 5 gallon. Better off with a school of “micro” schoolers like rasbora. And with small tanks, plants are almost a must to keep the water parameters stable. If he is concerned about having an algae eater, bladder snails or ramshorn can be had for free.

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IMO the only algae eaters that work well in smaller tanks (I have a 4.12 and a Flex which is probably more like a 7 gallon when all calculated in) is Nerite snails. Bladder snails would work too. The problem with bottom dwellers, is either they are too high waste producers or their food will foul the water since it needs to sit on the bottom (the water parameter balance is delicate in a small tank). The solo dwellers like Plecos and Siamese Algae Eaters get WAY too big, and the shoalers like Corys and Otos should be kept in groups of 6 or more to be comfortable. 

A Nerite and maybe a few bladder snails are the only good choice in a small tank like this. 

Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
1 more thing.
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