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My first fish tank in 18 years


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Hey there fellow Fish people. I had my first fish tank when I was 12 and loved it. Now I finally have some time to get back into the hobby after a long hiatus. It’s way more technician now days than I remember. I am going with a slightly acidic soft water tank. It wasn’t original plan but I made a newbie mistake and planted with fluval shrimp stratum. I didn’t realize it would keep the pH so low. Right now I have 16 red crystal shrimp and 3 fat otos, hopefully they are happy. I mostly have questions about feeding the otos. 
Is it possible to over feed them? They cleaned all the algae off my tank and I’ve been feeding them Repashy soilent green. I also dose the tank with a pinch of Bacter AE every day. 



Edited by Mathfish
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Thank you, huge shout out to aquarium coop they helped me pick out the plants. I have a 10 gallon, it started as a shrimp only but I am in love with otos, they are so fun to watch. Once these guys settle in and I have a feeding schedule figured out I might add in a few more. Do you have any recommends for slightly acidic soft water fish?

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I love my Otos too! I have about 50+ maybe more (impossible to get a count). They have super low bioload in my experiencce. I leave food in the tanks for them, Hikari Algae wafers and Repashy Soilent but they seem to like Repashy Super Green even more. I agree with prior statements, as long as the food is not fouling the water it's all good. I'm sure the shrimp eat some of the food. Usually the concern is UNDER feeding Otos! I think you're probably doing good!!

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On 1/22/2022 at 6:43 PM, Mathfish said:

Thank you, huge shout out to aquarium coop they helped me pick out the plants. I have a 10 gallon, it started as a shrimp only but I am in love with otos, they are so fun to watch. Once these guys settle in and I have a feeding schedule figured out I might add in a few more. Do you have any recommends for slightly acidic soft water fish?

For fish recommendations, that size tank would do well with a school of Chili Rasboras ( Boraras brigitte). There are several other micro rasboras that would do well in there and be visually interesting and serve you well in keeping micro-flora at bay. The Boraras merah, Boraras maculatus, or Boraras urophthalmoides. That is, if you're wanting to have a decent chance for shrimplet survival. Those fish all thrive in low pH. They all do well in schools of 5-infinity. They are best in schools of 6+. They are short burst schoolers so they don't require large aquariums and only get to be around 1" long at max.

Edited by Minanora
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On 1/22/2022 at 7:00 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

I love my Otos too! I have about 50+ maybe more (impossible to get a count). They have super low bioload in my experiencce. I leave food in the tanks for them, Hikari Algae wafers and Repashy Soilent but they seem to like Repashy Super Green even more. I agree with prior statements, as long as the food is not fouling the water it's all good. I'm sure the shrimp eat some of the food. Usually the concern is UNDER feeding Otos! I think you're probably doing good!!

I was definitely worried about them not getting enough food after the ate all the algae. I put algae wafers and Repashy in their hang out spots, they figured out it was food after a day. They just alternate between grazing on plants and camping out on rock I dip in Repashy. 

Honestly I’ve never seen such round fish. 

How do you keep so many otos? They must be a riot during feeding time


On 1/22/2022 at 8:00 PM, Minanora said:

Also, Welcome back to the hobby! 😄 Your aquarium is amazing and you should be proud to have taken on the challenge of CRS right out of the gate. Bold! 😛 🙂

To be honest I thought all planting substrate was the same 😅 I was thinking guppies or a a school of tetras. After everything was planted and cycled I realised it’s best for CRS. 

I just add salty shrimp to RO water so far so good. I don’t have any berried shrimp but everyone is alive and molting

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On 1/22/2022 at 8:04 PM, Mathfish said:

was definitely worried about them not getting enough food after the ate all the algae. I put algae wafers and Repashy in their hang out spots, they figured out it was food after a day. They just alternate between grazing on plants and camping out on rock I dip in Repashy. 

Honestly I’ve never seen such round fish. 

How do you keep so many otos? They must be a riot during feeding time

Well it's great they figured it out so quickly! 

I feed mine in bowls and only occasionally get to see them (1 or 2 usually) feed, mine are definitely more active at night. Most of mine are offspring of my original 7 so I'm trying to get them to breed more so I can get some 2nd generation tank bred Otos in hopes  they are heartier. I'll likely have to introduce more eventually. 




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