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That’s Im-pothos-able!

Fish Folk

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This weed… sheesh!

If enough can respirate out of water, it does Ok under water…


If it can’t fix the light it wants, it will travel…


If you don’t pay attention, it will wander…


Works great jammed in HOB filters.. for a few years… 😂


And if you overstock, it grows a mullet…



Loves cold oxygenated water…


And will draw enough light from a dim lamp…


It gets along with other emersed rebels…


Yeah… this plant… just don’t grow it if you keep cats. It can make them sick if they eat leaves.

Edited by Fish Folk
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I have the same not-problem! 😂 I have a 3 gallon aquaponics tank, and it grows pothos really well.

It has a pump that pushes water to an overhead sump(where I am supposed to have radish micro greens/wheat grass), and overflows back into the tank. I started with duckweed(it somehow died 😅), so I got some salvinia, which grows great. I decided to take a clipping of some pothos, and I stuck it in the tank. Now I have this:image.jpg.a38a29fb9ae9f9ad9959cb1987061ab6.jpg

And thats after thinning it out! There is some standard pothos, as well as some of the neon yellow. The cylinders are for bacterial filter action, and the java moss is in there because I had no where else to put it. It is lighted by a cheap amazon desk lamp, and is on for 8-12 hours a day, depending if I remember to turn it off at a reasonable time(which I don’t 🙃)

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Beautiful growth. I grow this in all my tanks. I had one tank in front of a sunny window and weekly I had to cut the roots back so my fish had elbow room. One vine recently grew submerged leaves but the parent emerged leaves all died ??? so I stuck a plant weight on it and sank it. I think this is week 2 and it’s still doing good. 

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I'be been trying to grow Pothos in my goldfish tank for the past 8 months or so, but the roots don't seem to be getting any bigger... I wonder what could be causing that? 😜 (hint - hungry goldfish!)

Seriously, the pothos is doing fine and I do get new leaves growing, but the fish constantly nibble on the roots.  I don't mind really, I think it gives them some enrichment.  I used to see them tugging on the roots until they pull the whole thing down into the tank.  Eventually I had to tie off the plant to keep it above water.


p.s. question:  if pothos is poisonous to cats, are the roots harmful to fish?  Should I worry?

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On 1/14/2022 at 5:22 PM, StanF said:

I'be been trying to grow Pothos in my goldfish tank for the past 8 months or so, but the roots don't seem to be getting any bigger... I wonder what could be causing that? 😜 (hint - hungry goldfish!)

Seriously, the pothos is doing fine and I do get new leaves growing, but the fish constantly nibble on the roots.  I don't mind really, I think it gives them some enrichment.  I used to see them tugging on the roots until they pull the whole thing down into the tank.  Eventually I had to tie off the plant to keep it above water.


p.s. question:  if pothos is poisonous to cats, are the roots harmful to fish?  Should I worry?

It doesn’t seem to be an issue for fish (or chameleons or many other reptiles).  Plus it’s not actually that common for cats to have serious issues with pothos.  It’s more of an oral irritant or causes vomiting.  I’ve never had to hospitalize a cat from chewing on pothos and we had to hospitalize one for eating chocolate the other day (that was a first for every doc in the hospital, dogs, yes, but cats?, a first for all of us with collective vet experience over 100 years).  I’ve had my personal cats and pothos in the same household for over 41 years with nothing other than a rare vomiting episode if a new cat tries a tasting.  That’s not to say that if a cat had kidney issues and decided to eat a bunch, it wouldn’t cause issues.  It’s just not common at all to be more than gastroenteritis.

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On 1/14/2022 at 9:44 AM, Fish Folk said:

This weed… sheesh!

If enough can respirate out of water, it does Ok under water…


If it can’t fix the light it wants, it will travel…


If you don’t pay attention, it will wander…


Works great jammed in HOB filters.. for a few years… 😂


And if you overstock, it grows a mullet…



Loves cold oxygenated water…


And will draw enough light from a dim lamp…


It gets along with other emersed rebels…


Yeah… this plant… just don’t grow it if you keep cats. It can make them sick if they eat leaves.

ORD 🤣🤣🤣

I sat with a spray bottle when each cat came home, and convinced them that plants spontaneously spit out lemon water. I never let them see me holding the bottle.

They never chewed on my plants, I did have to keep my lillies inside a bird cage to ensure the cats didn't get into the pollen. 

Never risked poinsettias. 

Cats had wheatgrass and catnip growing in planters near their food dishes, to ensure regularity and prevent hairballs. 

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I’ve never once seen, or heard a colleague talk about seeing a case, of pets actually getting poisoned by poinsettias.  It is incredibly bitter and a dog or cat would have to eat a lot in order to get poisoned (I don’t remember off the top of my head how much, but LOTS).  Their toxic reputation has gotten very exaggerated.

Our clinic treats lily toxin cases in cats several times a year.  Lilies don’t come inside my house.  I have had poinsettias a few times and never worried once.  I’ve always had pothos and never worried.

Oh, and poinsettias are pretty much just an oral irritant, like pothos.

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On 1/14/2022 at 10:59 PM, Odd Duck said:

I’ve never once seen, or heard a colleague talk about seeing a case, of pets actually getting poisoned by poinsettias.  It is incredibly bitter and a dog or cat would have to eat a lot in order to get poisoned (I don’t remember off the top of my head how much, but LOTS).  Their toxic reputation has gotten very exaggerated.

Our clinic treats lily toxin cases in cats several times a year.  Lilies don’t come inside my house.  I have had poinsettias a few times and never worried once.  I’ve always had pothos and never worried.

Oh, and poinsettias are pretty much just an oral irritant, like pothos.

Thank you! I have a parrot cage that houses unsafe plants. We no longer have any cats, just the fish and the 2 service dogs and the turtle.

The smaller service dog is too smart for her own good, and is obsessed with testing **everything** by trying to eat it.

When her work clothes are on, she's the best behaved dog I have ever worked with. No work clothes on?

She's a tiny terror😏.... 

With or without her work clothes, she's the best dog I have ever seen untangling the oxygen line.

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On 1/15/2022 at 12:12 AM, Torrey said:

Thank you! I have a parrot cage that houses unsafe plants. We no longer have any cats, just the fish and the 2 service dogs and the turtle.

The smaller service dog is too smart for her own good, and is obsessed with testing **everything** by trying to eat it.

When her work clothes are on, she's the best behaved dog I have ever worked with. No work clothes on?

She's a tiny terror😏.... 

With or without her work clothes, she's the best dog I have ever seen untangling the oxygen line.

Some service dogs are selected for their energy levels.  It can make them a little hard to live with when they’re “off the clock”. 😆 Worth every bit of the trouble when they’re at work, though!

Give me an easy going, lazy dog every day for “just a pet” over a high energy dog.  I don’t have enough energy left for a high energy dog!  😂 

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On 1/14/2022 at 11:20 PM, Odd Duck said:

Give me an easy going, lazy dog every day for “just a pet” over a high energy dog.  I don’t have enough energy left for a high energy dog!

This would be my Bettimus, a lab x mastiff (aka mastador).


The couch potato in her makes her the perfect large working dog: she is great for stability, doesn't want to run every day, and is brilliant with detecting and alerting me if my blood sugar is off, my O2 levels tank, or I need to get off my feet.

She prefers mental work to treadmill work, and preferred the before times when her job included going to the movies, the theater, restaurants, and testifying at the Capitol. 


She is *not* impressed that the majority of work these days is done via Zoom. At 7 years of age, she's showing a peek of her lab heritage if we don't get out of the apartment for work at least 2 - 3x a week. 🤷‍♂️

She's also learned how to talk back from the little one, and has started sassing me during quarantine... so I taught her to whisper, and now she quietly sasses me🤣

This is Munchie, staying attentive to my spouse.




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