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Help me give Aquarium Co-Op more of my money! What fish food should I get for danios, minnows, small catfish


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Hey friends,

The subject heading says it all.  I'm finally ready to add some fish to my planted aquarium.  Let's say you've got a tank (40 gallon breeder) of danios and white cloud mountain minnows.  Maybe some Asian stone catfish.  Nothing over 2 inches.  Nothing much under an inch.  What are some of the fish food products that Aquarium Co-Op offers that I should add to my cart? 

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I would also recommend the krill flakes as well as the nano pellets (am actually feeding this as I type this) like @Guppysnail mentioned. If your danios and/ or white clouds are still small, the aquarium co-op small fish and fry food is also great to have! Especially if you are thinking of breeding these fish. If your asian stone catfish eat dry food, I really like the xtreme sinking wafers as they retain their shape for a long time. Really helpful for fish that graze or are nocturnal. 

If you really want to splurge, live baby brine shrimp is always a great option. 

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@Isaac M thank you!! For some reason, I bought some fry and nano food when I ordered my basic tank supplies and plants 🤣 Glad to hear I can put it to good use! The sinking wafers sounds like a terrific idea. I will learn how to hatch baby brine food one day. It’s too good a source of nutrition for me to pass up!! 

Just in case my catfish doesn’t go for dry food, could you recommend something frozen I should keep on hand?

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I second the EZ Smalll Fish and fry food. I have all smaller fish and they love it, and the price can't beat. They also like the Krill Flake everyone else recommends. I have to feed the Nano Pellets a little at a time over several minutes because it sinks fast enough they don't get enough before it hits the bottom and belongs to the shrimp now.

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@mbwells no problem, glad you will be able to use it! Haha

And yes! Baby brine shrimp is very easy to hatch as well, I just add a liter of water with 1 tablespoon of aquarium salt, add some brine shrimp eggs (whatever you may need for your aquariums), add an airstone (not a lot of air, just enough to circulate the water a bit) and you are set to harvest them in 24-36 hours or so. 

I have yet to keep the asian stone catfish so I would recommend doing some more research on their diet. 

But given that they are catfish, I would imagine they would love frozen worms such as frozen bloodworms and frozen tubifex worms. Tubifex are smaller so if they are really small, this may be easier for them to consume. There is also frozen baby brine shrimp available with and without spirulina enrichment. Initially you can always look for one of those packs that have multiple types of different frozen foods in them just to see if they have a preference or just to give variety as they are great foods nonetheless for all your fish. 

I hope that helps! 

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Easy Fry, Xtreme Krill Flakes, Brine shrimp eggs (we can all help you master how to raise brine shrimp), Hikari Freeze dried blood worms are a great treat, the slow sinking 1.5 mm Xtreme pellets, freeze dried daphnia, Repashy (Guppysnail has some of the best Repashy tips), and if you ever feed live blackworms or frozen bloodworms, the little cone worm feeder keeps the worms up where the fish can find them (which coincidentally makes it easier to film fish).

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Sorry I’m a little late 😁 been following Aquarium Co-Op for a while but did not know about there forum. I recently made an order and I am loving their easy fry food (all of my fish eat it, both my danios and bottom feeders for what’s left as well as some bigger fish even!). The Xtreme Krill flakes and bottom wafers are also a hit with all my fish. I like to mix in the Hikari Brine Shrimp here and there. And lastly, I believe I saw these in their store in one of their videos, but not online, I highly recommend the Fluval bug bites for bottom feeders (I usually give these to my smaller Cory’s)  and their flakes for tropical fish (all of them). 

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