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Mystery Snails Question Please

Bev C

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 Is there a way to control the population of mystery snails ? 

I have really enjoyed my nitrite snails  …. and really like the look of the mystery  snail 🐌 but  i hate over population .. I de -snail  my new plants …I do not want to wake  up and see millions of snails I heard they lay eggs on top of water is that true ? are they easy remove ?   is there a way to control the population can you tell which is female and male, when you go and pick them out ? can mystery and nitrite snails live together    any info would be appreciated  thank you 


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Mystery snails and Nerites are easy to control population. Yes, Mystery snails lay clutches above water, mine sometimes on the lid of my tanks. I just removed them whenever I see them. Some fish when knocked into the water will eat them- but typically fish of larger varieties not usually smaller community fish. 

Nerites lay individual eggs that are small, hard and white. They don't hatch ever as Nerites need brackish water. Some people don't like them because they'll lay everywhere. I just call it tank glitter- and my Nerites are priceless tank cleaners for me so they can do what they want. 

These are Mystery snail clutches, as you can see they can be big or small...



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Mystery snails lay their eggs out of the water on the sides or sometimes even on the bottom of the lid of an aquarium. It is relatively easy to scrape the pouch of eggs off and dispose of it if you dont want it. I believe Cory has a video on breeding mystery snails that goes into depth on how to tell male/female. In my experience i had no issues with keeping mystery and nerite snails in the same aquarium. I hope this helps you out!

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Thank you everyone for all the info , and photos very helpful , next time i go to the big city and the fish store I will pick up a few ,,  

Have another stupid question do they eat  vegetables like pelco and netrite snails  does ? I buy specially zucchini for my snail and pelco .. really enjoy feeding them 


Thank for the egg photos very helpful , glad to hear they can be controlled .. and I agree about netrite snails , they do a excellent job cleaning , i do not mind their eggs , if it  get to bad i clean a rock or wood or glass with toothbrush , toothpick ( does wonders on dragon rock  ) or credit card  ( glass) .. i do not have much wood or rock so i do not mind to clean them .

 and  thank you for the snail sex photo very helpful indeed to tell which is which 


 Thank you for the info  very helpful  i will have to go to the channel and look up Cory’s video .. and that is good news on the netrite and mystery snails can live together because i am getting 4 more netrite snails to help clean my algae 

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Mystery snails can/do eat veggies. @Guppysnail's seem to enjoy a variety. Mine however have never really taken to them. So they get Repashy, food for snails, catfish and algae wafers, calcium chews that I buy online from other snail keepers. Try a variety and you'll soon find out which foods your snails prefer. 

Yes, they absolutely can live together. In my 20 gallon community I have 2 Mystery snails (lost 2 in the last few months 😞) and 6 Nerites of varying types. They're all awesome. 

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When I had mystery snails, I had a hard time seeing inside the shell, so I'd use the colour of the shell to tell males from females. It worked even when they were pretty young. I had white apple snails though so it might be harder to see if the shell is darker. 

Image from: http://www.applesnail.net/content/anatomy/reproduction.php

^ I found this website very helpful when I was caring for apple snails. 


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My netrite  snails at the first couple times had to be shown the vegetable i would just place them on top .. now as soon as I place it they come running  they still like my algae the best .. 

My bristolnose pelco is picky he will only touch zucchini and occasional a lettuce ,,  I feed my fish a variety of foods  flake , pellets, cat fish  wavers,& pellet

 I use  2 different Rapashy  & freeze dry worms  cubes for treats when i feed the vegetables I do not have a local place that sells frozen ,, so i use freeze dry 

eventually when my fish I have now passes I want to convert and have all small catfish and bottom  feeders tank I really enjoy my cories and pelco and snails when i buy  new fish now it is mostly cories if my pelco was not so territorial  i would love another bristolnose pelco but i think the one i have will not allow it  he know he is boss of the tank and my heart ❤️ 

I started out with six netrite snails down to 4 now   but I want a total of 8 and a few mystery snails 

@andieb Thank you for the shell  info and photo that might help when i go pick them out  when I buy them ,, when I buy fish i try to watch what i buy I do not want to overpopulate 1 tank I have only room for one main tank and a 10-20 gallon quarantine tank . Thanks for the link I will go to the link to read about the snails , try to do research before buying fish, snails  plants and  fish tank equipment 




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I had Nerite and Mystery snails in the same tank and they are very peaceful.

One thing to watch out for is the calcium content of the water. If you see the Mystery snails mount the Nerite, it may be an indication of a need for more calcium, as they will try to get it from the other snails' shell. I add crushed eggshells, some people recommend cuttlefish bones.

Other than that, Mystery snails are beautiful and graceful, and a joy to watch as they move around the tank. 🐌

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@eatyourpeas thanks , for the  info , and the heads up , I have high calcium and hard water ,, but i give my netrite snails a piece of wonder shell every so often for a treat… will pick up a cutter fish bone when i get more snails that might be cheaper then the shells and last a little longer ..  might try the egg shells I am always buying brown eggs 

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks every one for the help and info  on the mystery snails …A month ago went to the fish shop and picked up a few more netrite  snails and three  mystery snails  two white and one gold ,,, now i have total of 10 snails in my 55 gallon tank ,with the netrite and mystery  mixed ,, 

I think I have two female mystery and one male …. one of my white mystery is the male and  he has already mated with both the gold  and the other white snail ,,  there is no eggs yet ,,, the fish shop showed me a egg sac &   told me how to control the eggs  so i do not get over populate  with snails ..

They are being feed good since I got them they have grown a bit ,, i guess it is the zucchini and  raw spinach and algae wavers  i feed  my  bristolnose pelco and snails  I am enjoying watching the mystery they are always doing something in the tank .. they are more active then the netrite snails  between all of them my tank looks a little cleaner and algae looks better ,,, 

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On 1/1/2022 at 11:47 AM, Bev C said:

My netrite  snails at the first couple times had to be shown the vegetable i would just place them on top

This is a fantastic idea. I never tried that and always worry my guy isn’t getting enough to eat so move him to different tanks. 

I feed my mystery snails just like pleco. Steamed green bean opened and placed meat side up are favorite. Broccoli stem steamed on the softer side. Whenever I first put veggies in they don’t eat then. They like them once they become mushy but my pleco like soft but not mushy. So I put them in soft in the evening  and by the next afternoon the snails go to town then evening a new veggie.  Mystery snails are easy but the eat a lot more than folks thinks (add poo a crazy lot! Like pleco style ). Hope that helps. 

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@Guppysnail yes i only had to show them a few times …now they know it is food and they come running,,Lol 😅

 i tried the green beans  and cucumbers and broccoli and my  pelco and  netrite snails will  not  touch them i might re-try the green beans to see if the new mystery snails like them …

my pelco is very picky eater only eats zucchini and occasional lettuce, and algae wavers ,  and repashy   he hates flake food and pellets  

 i have the repashy  in a cube ( i pour mixer in a old silicone candy mold  to shape it ) I only feed repashy as a treat 1-2 times a week for the fish and snails 

but the snails will not eat the lettuce  might try a different lettuce  but they  love  ray spinach  and zucchini,,

i never boil my zucchini ,  lettuce or spinach i just put it in raw and scoop the seeds out zucchini  long piece with a melon baller and stick on my vegetable stakes  that i got from a seller on Etsy that makes them and leave in 24 hours   i give fresh vegetables 1-2 times a week  my pelco eats better with fresh vegetables then boughten fish food  but he loves repashy food 

i buy at the store one zucchini just for the fish and snails 

i can put in a piece of zucchini now as soon as i put in there the snails come running to it  i have had to put in  three of vegetables stakes my pelco will not share with snails i usually put his near where he hides out 

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@Bev C when I go shopping tomorrow for this weeks fish veggie stash I’m going to try not heating my zucchini as you suggest. If I can find Nemo my nerite ( he takes alien abduction vacations occasionally and I won’t see him for a week ) I will place him on the zucchini. I have zero luck with lettuce. Even my bladder snails won’t eat it Thanks for the info 🙂 

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@Guppysnail hope it works  for you hope they like it raw  ,,, but my snails and pelco will eat the vegetables raw that way  ,,, but i usually  leave in 24 hours  and scoop the seeds out of the zucchini with a melon baller due the seeds make a mess in the tank,,  Mine will usually eat when the lights are off or at night ,,  

i have a few netrite snails they hide at the top and i have to move them  when i remove the lid to clean ,, they like to try to escape if they are on top and there is no lid 

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On 2/13/2022 at 8:49 AM, Bev C said:

but the snails will not eat the lettuce  might try a different lettuce  but they  love  ray spinach  and zucchini,,

The last year, my snails, turtle and fish boycotted the lettuce and cucumbers a few times. 

Each time, the news notified of a recall, and the batches we bought were part of the recall.

Now, we offer the greens to the snail tank, and if no one is interested we give the greens to a friend to compost.

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  • 2 weeks later...

 my bristolnose pelco is very picky he will only eat zucchini   i have tried everything with him tried peas, spinach, lettuce, cabbage,and green beans , and cucumbers and broccoli and  he will not touch them  he will eat cabbage if he has not had vegetables for a while and he is really starving ,,  But  He is well feed with algae wafers and rapashy food for pelco  and food the fish leaves from their flakes now my  snails love zucchini they come running when i put them in they like  raw spinach  too ,,since my mystery snails are kinda new still trying stuff for them  to eat I got a can of unsalted green beans  small pack of frozen peas to see if they eat those

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Thanks everyone  I have enjoyed this thread and chatting  with everyone & I appreciate everyone’s input and help with the snails and pelcos 

Update 📢

on my 3 new mystery snails .  I  have  2  females and 1 male and they have been busy beavers ,,

 I have two white ones and one is the male because he mates with the other white  one and my other gold snail .. I might have to separate the male for 1-2 weeks to give the females a break ,, but i have seen and removed 3 egg sacs so far i check every day of new eggs 

But I am really enjoying them  seeing them move around mine is always very busy they really clean very well . and my nerite snails is handling the algae

and  I love feeding the mystery snails vegetables they’ve come running when i put a vegetable in

  matter fact I an thinking of buying 2-3 more mystery  snails at my next fish shop errand 

I  do not want to try to have babies and have to many better to buy a few more for only 2-3 more snails

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