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Recommendations for New Fish in 10 Gallon


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Hello Everybody! Finally I have a break from school, so now I want to restock my 10 gallon tank. I was looking for some recommendations for fish, but first you should know about my tank. It is a heavily planted 10 gallon tank, stocked with Amano shrimp. It has a nicrew planted light, fluval stratum substrate, dragon rock, and malaysian driftwood. It has a Oase Thermo 100 with an Eheim 75 watt heater. My water is extremely hard and has a high ph. I am looking for a breeding project, preferably egg layers. Something that is on the easier side but still a challenge for a novice fish keeper. Also, I would like it to be a peaceful fish that is smaller in size. Thank You!

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I have just come off a major fail with the pygmy cories. I had a group of six and tried to breed them but they wouldn't eat and eventually died.I think the rocks and substrate cut them up a lot. Also, my hard water didn't fit well with their needs.

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Cherry barbs or rice fish would both be great, as well as guppies or endlers (though their population will explode very quickly). I'm going to disagree about the blue-eyed rainbows because they are incredibly active fish and will beat each other up if the space is too small. I have a school of 10 Pseudomugil Signifers in my 55 gallon, and you can probably get away with a 20 to 30 gallon tank with a smaller school, but not a 10.

Sparkling or honey gouramis might be a nice project. A pair of peacock gudgeons would work well, too!

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@Liamwith those parameters you’ve got a ton of options. 
Ricefish are great, you can either start with eggs or the fish and those are both great adventures. Lots of choices on Aquabid for both eggs and fish. 
Cherry barbs, man they’re a sensational fish and you get a lot from them for little money. 
CPDs and shrimp are a great combo, Neocaridina will definitely breed in a tank that size as will the CPDs.
Killifish you’ve got great options Blue Gularis, Striate, and just make sure you have a tight fitting lid they’re notorious jumpers. 

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