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Water changes


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I just upgraded to a 55 gallon because our angelfish has grown and now water changes are becoming more difficult.  I treat my water in 5 gallon containers and treat them with fritz complete then pour it into the tank.  I really want to know if I can pour tap water into tank directly then treat water with Fritz complete or is this dangerous for the community aquarium. 

thank you,


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On 8/1/2021 at 11:41 AM, FLNYfish said:

.  I really want to know if I can pour tap water into tank directly then treat water with Fritz complete or is this dangerous for the community aquarium. 

This is basically what all python owners do since they're basically using a house directly into the tank.  I think the only time I've heard this being a problem is when you have a lot of chloramine and you wait too long to treat the tank.

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I have 8 tanks 150, 100, 55, 40, 36, 30, and 2 10 gallon, when I do water changes I use a 5 gallon bucket and treat 5 gallons at a time cause I feel safe doing it that way. I only do water changes about every 3 to 4 weeks and if I can I go longer... 

With that said you can treat the whole tank and go straight from water hose to tank  but you have to treat for 55 gallons instead of 5 I think, could be wrong about that.

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Thx Tank.  That was my normal way of doing water changes from 5 gallon nano to my 40 breeder.  The 55 now is much higher so I am trying to reduce carrying the 5 gallon container treated water and pouring in.  I see everyone using the hose so I wanted to know what they do.  Treat tank first than pour or pour than treat.

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I treat the water outside the tank, but I have seen water changes in pet shops where they put the dechlorinator in first and then run tap water into the tank. I have also seen them put the dechlorinator in while the tap water is running into the tank

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On 8/1/2021 at 2:41 PM, FLNYfish said:

  I really want to know if I can pour tap water into tank directly then treat water with Fritz complete or is this dangerous for the community aquarium. 

thank you,


This is exactly what I've done for 16 years that I've been keeping fish. Water gets treated with API Stress Coat & Stress Zyme (water conditioner) after I fill the tank back up for a water change.

Never a problem.

Your tank looks great, btw. Really clear water. Nice scape to boot. Do you plan on adding any more fish?

Edited by Jeff
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Reply I actually have one assassin snail 3 yo-yo loaches 2 khuli loaches 7 emerald Cory 4 peppered Cory 1 clown Pleco and one bristlenose and 4 Otto cats.  I have had the same fish including the Angel Fish together for over a year now.  Amazing how time flies.  The Angel Fish has grown so much.


thank you Jeff for the compliment.


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