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Does your Betta say hello?

Lexi B

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I've had my Betta for around 8 months and have noticed a funny little pattern. When I wake up in the morning, or when i get home from work, he always swims right up to the front of the glass to come investigate. When I'm sitting near the tank, he likes to swim by the front glass. Otherwise, he seems to hang out in the floating roots or java Fern forest. 

If I can't find my little buddy, all I have to do is walk up to the tank and wait a moment and suddenly: Betta!

I never expected him to be so personable! Especially compared to the other species of fish I've had. 

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Awww, mine does most of the time when he doesn't have his head buried in plants lol, although if I cause some of noise he comes out. At this point I'm pretty sure he knows that the sound of me putting the jar of fish food onto the stand means to get excited and he starts to get excited and look intently at the surface lol. 

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I have my Betta's tank right next to my work desk and all I have to do is turn my head toward him and he swims over to see me! I was surprised how quickly he started doing this, never afraid and started engaging with me right away. They are such fun fish,

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My betta does the same! Theres been a few time where I have checked up on him during the evening when he was sleeping. Surely he woke up once he noticed me to say hi. 

I get nervous when I look in the tank and don't see a betta right away. Often if I dont see him he has himself burried in plants and is trying to get out so that he can say hi! 

The other day during my waterchange I was trying to pet him, he swam right up to my hand and I was able to somewhat hold him in the water. 

He had severe finrot at one point, almost died a few times and even during the worst of his treatments he would come and say hi:


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The flame gourami I have in my living room tank will do this!  He'll follow my face or my son's face if he notices us near the glass and swim back and forth putting on a show.  I'm sure he has learned to associate us with feeding haha

I have just recently begun stocking a tank in my son's room and the centerpiece fish will be a betta.  I am really looking forward to this sort of interaction and personality!

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