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Animal Rescue Community Tank Rehab


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July 17- Did no work in the tank today, but added some bloodworms and bottom dwelling food. Saw the new pleco again and even got a pic! I think this is the prettiest pic yet - will be out of town next week, hopefully all will be well. Shelter Manager H. takes very good care of the fishies during the day. Problem is, she feeds and feeds and feeds! I've purchased a day and night pill box so that we can - together- keep an eye on how much food actually goes into the tank. The Aquarium was her baby before it was mine, so I'll have to proceed diplomatically. 



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  • 3 weeks later...

August 3

A lot has been going on in the Mostly Mutts Aquarium. One of my goals for this tank is for it to be a teaching tank. The tank houses a Red male plakat betta fish (Named Tommy Toes)- remember the tank is 75 gallons and 80 degrees- and he has shown no aggression. However, there has been some discussion as to whether he is male or female. Will you please evaluate these pics to see if I am accurately showing how to differentiate between male and female plakat bettas? How would you teach someone the difference? (Sorry about the quality of the photos - Bella Donna (purple) definitely had opinions about having her picture made!) 

EDIT: I should add that the info I'm looking for is for a very general audience - like "Is this fresh or saltwater" kind of audience 🙂  No worries - we were all beginners once. 




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On 8/4/2021 at 2:14 AM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

Pic 1 male, pic 2 female almost make out an ovipositor, and 3 hard to say from that angle.

Yes - that is a good idea - I will try to get a better pic of the ovipositor on Bella Donna.  Pic 3 is Tommy Toes and he is male, but some people at the shelter have other opinions. My instinct to to proclaim, "I know you're wrong and why don't you mind your own business??!!!", but that is not exactly the vibe I'm going for 😛. Anyway, this tank is a good primer for learning how to correct misconceptions in a diplomatic way.

In other news, I've had one person ask me to revamp their tank into a planted tank and one person has upgraded his betta from a one gallon to a five gallon - all without me saying anything. The beauty of a well-kept tank speaks for itself!

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On 8/4/2021 at 9:08 PM, Cyndi said:

Yes - that is a good idea - I will try to get a better pic of the ovipositor on Bella Donna.  Pic 3 is Tommy Toes and he is male, but some people at the shelter have other opinions. My instinct to to proclaim, "I know you're wrong and why don't you mind your own business??!!!", but that is not exactly the vibe I'm going for 😛. . Blah - need to work on my social skills.

In other news, I've had one person ask me to revamp their tank into a planted tank and one person has upgraded his betta from a one gallon to a five gallon - all without me saying anything. The beauty of a well-kept tank speaks for itself!

Edit: Still fuzzy, but I think it gets the job done!


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August 4

An ignominious day for me. The tank comes with a 20 yro Eheim canister filter which I have no idea how to clean. I enlisted the help of the president of the Shelter, T.T., as this used to be her tank. She told me she would gladly take time out of her busy schedule to help me clean on this day. Well, the day rolled around, and I chickened out. This thing is ancient, and I was worried about rotten gaskets, and how do I tighten that metal ring anyway??  I figured no one would do a project that I'd come up with if I wasn't around to make sure it happened. Well, I was wrong. I show up 30 minutes past the appointed time to find T.T. and the volunteer coordinator, S., up to their eyeballs in 5 yro filter goop. At least I was right that the thing needed to be cleaned ***sigh****. I never, and I mean NEVER have had higher ups take initiative on doing a project I'd assigned. Well, lesson learned. T.T. always follows through - even if I don't. You can bet I'll never let THAT happen again!

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On 8/10/2021 at 12:37 AM, Guppysnail said:

Wow. How did it not clog up?  With a pleco in tank at that. Impressive 

I have no idea! I knew the filter floss needed changing as the water didn’t have a “sparkling” quality to it. This pleco is still pretty small- and I’ve added a baby long fin blue eye bristlenose. I figure if he gets too messy, he’ll be easy to re- home (I hope!)
The water still doesn’t have that crystal clear quality though- I’m thinking of adding bubbles. Maybe it’s that durn pleco!  Thanks for your interest @Guppysnail

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On 8/10/2021 at 10:21 AM, Cyndi said:

I have no idea! I knew the filter floss needed changing as the water didn’t have a “sparkling” quality to it. This pleco is still pretty small- and I’ve added a baby long fin blue eye bristlenose. I figure if he gets too messy, he’ll be easy to re- home (I hope!)
The water still doesn’t have that crystal clear quality though- I’m thinking of adding bubbles. Maybe it’s that durn pleco!  Thanks for your interest @Guppysnail

I have a pair of longfin lemon blues in mine. THEY POO ALL DAY!  😂 when they were small it was not noticeable (asmuch). Now..I am convinced a puppy comes to poo in my tank daily when I’m not looking. Good luck with your tank. It is amazing you are doing this for them. 🥰

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On 8/10/2021 at 9:38 AM, Guppysnail said:

I have a pair of longfin lemon blues in mine. THEY POO ALL DAY!  😂 when they were small it was not noticeable (asmuch). Now..I am convinced a puppy comes to poo in my tank daily when I’m not looking. Good luck with your tank. It is amazing you are doing this for them. 🥰

Bristlenose poo, psshhh! I have the 2 rescued common Plecos in the 75 G tank with the Jack Dempseys. Talk about some poo!!!  They’re each almost 12” long!  Their poos are as big as the bristlenoses themselves that are in the 100 G!  😆 😂 🤣 

@Cyndi  Good for you for doing all this and TT, above and beyond!  Great team!

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On 8/10/2021 at 12:35 PM, Odd Duck said:

Bristlenose poo, psshhh! I have the 2 rescued common Plecos in the 75 G tank with the Jack Dempseys. Talk about some poo!!!  They’re each almost 12” long!  Their poos are as big as the bristlenoses themselves that are in the 100 G!  😆 😂 🤣 

@Cyndi  Good for you for doing all this and TT, above and beyond!  Great team!

😵💫holy cow. I haven’t dealt with common pleco.  Yikes. 

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On 8/10/2021 at 11:48 AM, Guppysnail said:

😵💫holy cow. I haven’t dealt with common pleco.  Yikes. 

I would never buy commons just because they can get so huge. But they came with the yucky 55 G tank and Jacks and definitely needed a new home, so . . . . . 

I’ll have to rehome them someday, but until then, they are helping the Jacks tear up the Vals in my 75 G. 

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On 8/10/2021 at 12:51 PM, Odd Duck said:

I would never buy commons just because they can get so huge. But they came with the yucky 55 G tank and Jacks and definitely needed a new home, so . . . . . 

I’ll have to rehome them someday, but until then, they are helping the Jacks tear up the Vals in my 75 G. 

Poor common plecos- Good job rescuing them! 

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  • 5 months later...

January 9 2022

Well, we have big news in the Mostly Mutts Animal Rescue Shelter tank - we have babies! Or more specifically, Electric Blue Acara Fry! Everyone but me was very excited. EBA are very good parents, and they are completely stressed out trying to keep the resident mollies from snacking on their brood. I know our days of enjoying these guys are coming to an end. I don't have a brood tank set up, and my attempts to sell them for a donation to MM has not come to fruition. A LFS will take them, but probably for credit. I'm coming to the conclusion that mostly, I'd love to see them go to a great home. 

Notes on EBA: I really like the Electric Blue Acara. I'd done a lot of reading before buying them and the reviews were mixed as to whether they'd be good in a planted community tank. Today I can add my two cents: 

They do well in a community tank with large fish that school (or shoal). They do not do well if they can single out a fish (good-bye mini balloon platy, male apisto super red, female betta, and honey gourami). The single EBA in my home aquarium did fine with these fish until he grew to a certain size, but then harassed them to the point of stressing them until they passed. I never saw him doing it. I'd just turn on the light and see another stressed fish. I finally moved him to my "big boy" 90 gallon tank where he does fine with schools of congo tetra, blue king tetra, cherry barbs and melon barbs. Actually, I think the melon barb school keeps him in check - sort of like the tank policeman! And sometimes they tear up plants.


Electric Blue Acara.jpg


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Feb 24:

Hi everyone! I’m excited that the tank is fulfilling its educational purpose. Some of the kids have been asking if there are any new fish.  I guess the Congo tetras were not the showstoppers I was hoping for.  So, yesterday I added a beautiful white male angel fish with sparkles from my home tank. BINGO! The kids love him! The shelter has a “read to dogs” program and one of the shelter managers told me that several of the kids read to the fish too! I can’t post pics for privacy reasons but it sure was adorable! 

UPDATE on the EBA: they wouldn’t stop spawning and the female was stressed. I got tired of explaining that the fry wouldn’t survive without a lot of care - care that I don’t know how to give. Finally, I traded the male and now everyone is happy! 



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  • 3 months later...

June 8 2022


Hi Everyone! I need some advice ASAP: On monday, I did a 50 % water change (75 gallon tank). Everything seemed normal, but the day Shelter Manager, H., discovered that someone had turned on the blue light in an attempt to view the tank (We added a sign saying the lights are on a timer). No problem, but it proves someone was fiddling with stuff. Maybe they did something else? Like feeding them maybe???? 😬 Today, Wednesday, at about 3:30 I notice the fish gasping at the surface and generally laboring to breathe. 

I immediately added an air stone from another tank, added Fritz dechlorinator to deal with a possible ammonia spike, and some Seachem Seed for good measure. I didn't want to do another WC, as I'm trying to conserve water. By 7 pm, things seemed to have stabilized and fish were normal. AQ COOP test strips showed very low nitrate (10 ppm) and no nitrite. I will test for ammonia tomorrow (note to self: Buy the Aquarium Co-op Ammonia test strips already!)

Question: Should I do a water change tomorrow? I know that the Fritz detoxified any ammonia, but will it become toxic again? Just a reminder that this tank is in an animal shelter, so funds can be a little tight and I don't want to be wasteful - so anyway - any advice would be helpful!

For fun, I've included a pic of the tank right after Mondays WC🙂 Thank you for all the good support I've gotten here - you guys are the best!!


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Tank is looking good!

I would test and see if you have a nitrite or nitrate spike showing.  If none, then you’re probably OK.  If any pops up (even if it’s mild), consider another water change, just to be on the safe side.  With all those plants and a seasoned filter, you may only need to do a 25% change depending on your results.  Then do the normal water change next week as usual as long as no further increases in nitrite or nitrate.

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Tank is looking gorgeous!

Did you check the temp on the tank? I learned the hard way that people who want to turn on lights will frequently tuch anything that looked like a power cord that might be attached to a light, because thye really want to see.....

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On 6/8/2022 at 10:56 PM, Odd Duck said:

Tank is looking good!

I would test and see if you have a nitrite or nitrate spike showing.  If none, then you’re probably OK.  If any pops up (even if it’s mild), consider another water change, just to be on the safe side.  With all those plants and a seasoned filter, you may only need to do a 25% change depending on your results.  Then do the normal water change next week as usual as long as no further increases in nitrite or nitrate.

@Odd DuckOk that sounds like a very sensible solution. I will keep you posted. 
@Torreyive never done a public aquarium before and most of the time I feel people ignore the tank when I’m not working on it. 
(If I’m feeling lonely, I just stick my arms in the tank and I have loads of attention!) I hadn’t even thought to check the heater ~ thanks for the tip! 
Also, I think a bigger sign is in order

On 6/8/2022 at 11:52 PM, Torrey said:

Tank is looking gorgeous!

Did you check the temp on the tank? I learned the hard way that people who want to turn on lights will frequently tuch anything that looked like a power cord that might be attached to a light, because thye really want to see.....

I could always show the shelter manager how to flip the timer light so that the outlet comes on- people are so cute! It’s probably kids who really like fish - Instead  of adding a lock like my husband suggested, I’ll try to think of a way to accommodate them🤩

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