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Breeding Mystery Snails


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Hello Guppysnail and thank you so very much for your insight and clarification. Great pictures you shared. You have convinced me to allow these bladder snails to remain in my 75 gallon tank providing I don’t get overwhelmed by them. I know they multiply like crazy. As for the gelatinous eggs being from bladder snails, I will monitor the progress within the breeder tank. 

Before I read your post, I had just blanched some cucumber slices and placed in each of my tanks. The shrimp especially were on it within seconds. 



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It’s now the next day since I first discovered the gelatinous eggs on the tank floor. Still not 100% verified of what egg layer they are from. Yesterday I regretted not taking any photos before I removed from the water. Well, I found more today. Two patches actually at different areas of the tank. They seem really too big to be Bladder Snail eggs. So I was able to take some pictures this time. This time I am leaving these eggs as they are. 

Anyone have any idea where these eggs are possibly from?? Does anyone think that maybe these are mystery snail eggs that didn’t stick to the walls above the water line? Or perhaps a mystery snail just got lazy and released under water… LOL.





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Well, I think I figured out what these gelatinous eggs are from. As I reported earlier today I noticed another clutch of eggs in the water. I just noticed that there is a new clutch above the water line in the same area. It appears to be a half of a clutch. Therefore, I believe the eggs in the water is the other half from the clutch above the water line. 

One photo of clutch above water line. Second photo is of the one that fell in the water. 



Edited by Sombat
Grammar and spelling.
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They sure don't seem to be attaching well! Weird. Mine stick really well to the lid- however my lid IS glass maybe that makes a difference. Even weirder. I said in your thread earlier I don't let mine breed....wellllllll I found a SINGLE mystery snail baby just wondering around in my tank!!!!! I have no clue where a single egg would be hanging out (or others! 😮) It's not super young either, not sure how fast they grow but this one is pushing the size of a very small pea....lentil? (that's an airline suction cup next to it- I rig it to hold Anubias- I say that for size reference)



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On 6/16/2021 at 11:20 AM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

They sure don't seem to be attaching well! Weird. Mine stick really well to the lid- however my lid IS glass maybe that makes a difference. Even weirder. I said in your thread earlier I don't let mine breed....wellllllll I found a SINGLE mystery snail baby just wondering around in my tank!!!!! I have no clue where a single egg would be hanging out (or others! 😮) It's not super young either, not sure how fast they grow but this one is pushing the size of a very small pea....lentil? (that's an airline suction cup next to it- I rig it to hold Anubias- I say that for size reference)



I've got a couple of these in my tank. Thinking I must have picked up some babies with the new plants I bought a few weeks back as I only have one adult snail.

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I remember when I got my first bladder snail. It must have hitchhiked on a plant I purchased. That was about 6 months ago. They multiplied like crazy. Back then I must have pulled out 20-30 per week. It got a bit easier to remove after I purchased the snail remover from Aquarium Co-Op. 

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Man, mystery snails seem so interesting and fun. I keep thinking they’d be a great breed for “profit” project. And then I come here and remember I’m suuuuuuper grossed out by the way their clutches look 😶 Kudos to everyone who raises them!

@Sombat you may have said this earlier and I’m just missing it, but are you sure you have a male and female? Maybe the clutches are falling off because they’re not fertilized and eventually they just break down. (I’m not even sure if female mysteries will lay unfertilized clutches.)

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Today I confirmed the mystery gelatinous eggs in the water are fresh Mystery Snail egg clutches that did not stick to the sides above the water line. The clutch that was laid yesterday is now in the water. This is occurring in the 75 gallon main community tank. I also have four Mystery Snails in a nine gallon Betta tank. I have a new clutch on the lid of the tank I found yesterday. I intend to leave it alone. 

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Sorry I did not see this until now. Yes whenever they lay there is usually one or two still attached that float in the tank. But they should not be small clutches like that it is your lid.

Your lid...I had one like yours from a freebie tank I got. The eggs do not adhere correctly because the humidity is to low. Which will cause many if not all to not incubate due to not enough heat or humidity.  You will also end up with babies on the floor.  Babies explore even more so than the parents. Glass lids are inexpensive.  I do not know your tank size. I just replaced one on a 10 gallon due to clumsily stepping on it while cleaning the tank.....it was like 13-15$ at a big box store or you can get them on amazon. I run hygger plant lights with them they are very inexpensive 25-40$ in comparison to most. They are not the big $ name but they do wonderfully for my plants and last FOREVER. Your 75...probably pricey the 9 if you can’t find a glass lid look at amazon for picture and get plexiglass cut at a hardware store to fit  cut out holes needed for tubing filter etc.....

the clutch that is there that you are leaving  place Saran /plastic wrap over most large holes or air gaps near that area  do not seal the entire tank just enough to keep that area warm and wet.  Avoid opening the lid if at all possible.  Open the feed hole as little as possible and that may help .

best of luck I’m excited for you!

Bladder snails I love them I keep them I even sort them so they breed by color. BUT....I remove every single clutch that I see because for everyone you see there are 3 more clutches. They will population  explode especially feeding your mystery snails properly. This method has not let me down ...yet.  I will take pictures of the ones I remove tomorrow before I remove them. They only take 5 days to hatch so I spot check daily.

Edited by Guppysnail
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On 6/13/2021 at 1:34 AM, Sombat said:

Hello Guppysnail and thank you so very much for your insight and clarification. Great pictures you shared. You have convinced me to allow these bladder snails to remain in my 75 gallon tank providing I don’t get overwhelmed by them. I know they multiply like crazy. As for the gelatinous eggs being from bladder snails, I will monitor the progress within the breeder tank. 

Before I read your post, I had just blanched some cucumber slices and placed in each of my tanks. The shrimp especially were on it within seconds. 



Shrimp love veggies! Try a green bean fan favorite at my home. 

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On 6/16/2021 at 1:51 AM, Hobbit said:

Man, mystery snails seem so interesting and fun. I keep thinking they’d be a great breed for “profit” project. And then I come here and remember I’m suuuuuuper grossed out by the way their clutches look 😶 Kudos to everyone who raises them!

@Sombat you may have said this earlier and I’m just missing it, but are you sure you have a male and female? Maybe the clutches are falling off because they’re not fertilized and eventually they just break down. (I’m not even sure if female mysteries will lay unfertilized clutches.)

Yes they will lay infertile clutches. Have you actually seen them breed. This could be part of the problem but I do not think so. You are getting way to many clutches to not have a herbie the love bug in there somewhere 😉 usually if it is just a female only they may lay one tiny clutch not sure why. 

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On 6/15/2021 at 11:37 PM, Sombat said:

I remember when I got my first bladder snail. It must have hitchhiked on a plant I purchased. That was about 6 months ago. They multiplied like crazy. Back then I must have pulled out 20-30 per week. It got a bit easier to remove after I purchased the snail remover from Aquarium Co-Op. 

Take your extra bladders to the local fish store...many puffers out there...also your Betta May eat the smaller ones some do some don’t. 

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On 6/18/2021 at 1:50 AM, Hobbit said:

Daily Dose of Internet included mystery snails laying eggs today! (Timestamp 2:15)

Honestly watching them lay a clutch is a lot less gross than just seeing the clutch on it’s own. Maybe I will come around...

If you ever get the chance to spend time with a well fed mystery they are very active and playful bobbing in the bubble stream. Parasnailing they are my favorite water pet. And the most adorable face!



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Here’s a little snail ménage a Trois action going on. 

The two gold mystery snails are male. The little black one in one of the four new mystery snails I recently purchased. Ever since I have been seeing clutches about every three or four weeks. 


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