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Hello everyone, April 9th I received a shipment of 4 crypt tropica pots from Aquarium Coop, I also bought 5 more pots of crypt wendtii green from another seller the same day. Today is May 6th and only one crypt wendtii green has started to sprout new leaves upon all the crypts melting. My parameters are as follows: GH-3Ā°, KH-2Ā° and PH-6.4-6.7. Iā€™m running an inert coarse sand with root tabs and a finnex stingray. Off of everyoneā€™s experience, are the other crypts every going to sprout or has it been long enough to say they wonā€™t?

Canā€™t figure out how to upload a pic or I would, any insight is helpful!! There is also dwarf sag, jungle val and a red melon sword in the tank. Not seeing any any new growth out of the val or sword but the dwarf sag has sent out quite a few runners.Ā Ā 

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1 hour ago, TPolk said:

Hello everyone, April 9th I received a shipment of 4 crypt tropica pots from Aquarium Coop, I also bought 5 more pots of crypt wendtii green from another seller the same day. Today is May 6th and only one crypt wendtii green has started to sprout new leaves upon all the crypts melting. My parameters are as follows: GH-3Ā°, KH-2Ā° and PH-6.4-6.7. Iā€™m running an inert coarse sand with root tabs and a finnex stingray. Off of everyoneā€™s experience, are the other crypts every going to sprout or has it been long enough to say they wonā€™t?

Canā€™t figure out how to upload a pic or I would, any insight is helpful!! There is also dwarf sag, jungle val and a red melon sword in the tank. Not seeing any any new growth out of the val or sword but the dwarf sag has sent out quite a few runners.Ā Ā 

Iā€™d assume your substrate is not preferable. Melt does happen, but as you say, itā€™s been awhile.

To upload files, at the bottom of the post window you should see an ā€œadd filesā€ you can click and upload.

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Hi @TPolk, a picture would be very helpful. It can be attached in the way @Fish FolkĀ mentioned.Ā However, with the cypts, as long as you have a root system, they have a chance at coming back. It has only been a month or so, I would give them more time.Ā 

Could there be any fish or other animals in the aquarium that may be eating the plant? How longĀ are the lights on for? How long did it take for the plants to melt back?Ā 

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@TPolk I purchased some crypts from Aquarium Co-Op as well, and although they did melt away to nothing, they did eventually come back and are doing fine now. They're slow growing so try not to get discouraged. I think what you're experiencing is just part of the process.Ā 

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I have two crypt tropicas in my tank from Aquarium Co-Op and they are two of my best-looking plants in the tank. I experienced some meltback but not a lot. The new leaves should be much more crinkly than the emmersed-grown leaves. According to tropica's site, that variety of crypt wendtii does well in harder water (which I have at 10-12 dGH / 10-12 dKH). I've had mine in the tank for about a month and a half, and they don't grow super quickly but there was noticeable growth and fullness after a month in my low-tech tank.

For ferts I used root tabs, Easy Green and some extra Easy Iron once weekly. Do you have any water column fertilizers?

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Out of curiosity...what's your lighting like?

I've got crypt wendetii green and tropicaĀ on two sides of my tank...the side that gets more light is flourishing more than the side that gets less light.

I'd also uproot one and see if it's squishy...it's hard to come back from squishy roots.Ā  If it's still viable, you could also try trimming the tips off of the roots to encourage new growth!

I look forward to updates!!Ā  Rooting for you!Ā šŸ˜„šŸ‘

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My Crypt (not for AC because I live in Canada) took a long time to adjust, but once it did, it popped! Don't give up on them!Ā It loves root tabs. Now there's a new leaf or two every week!Ā 

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5 hours ago, Kalita said:

My Crypt (not for AC because I live in Canada) took a long time to adjust, but once it did, it popped! Don't give up on them!Ā It loves root tabs. Now there's a new leaf or two every week!Ā 

Hi, fellow Canadian here. What do you use for root tabs?

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My c.wendtii green and lutea took quite someĀ time to get rolling.Ā  I would say at one month, mine barely started sprouting and that's using Fluval Stratum for substrate.Ā  In my limited experience, if the plant looks healthy otherwise, just keep up with root tabs and a measure of patience.

Edited by Martin
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Just to throw something else out there...I don't use root tabs (only Easy Green and SeaChem Potassium) and I am probably a little too proud of my crypts...but I was curious to see what could be different about our substrates/tank conditions.Ā  I agree with @laritheloud!Ā Ā The main thing that stands out for me is the GH.Ā Ā 

I use a SeaChem Flourite substrate which boasts a high mineral content.Ā  I'd be curious to see what would happen if you added crushed coral to your substrate/tank or a Wonder Shell to your tank to raise the GH!


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2 minutes ago, Betsy said:

Just to throw something else out there...I don't use root tabs (only Easy Green and SeaChem Potassium) and I am probably a little too proud of my crypts...but I was curious to see what could be different about our substrates/tank conditions.Ā  I agree with @laritheloud!Ā Ā The main thing that stands out for me is the GH.Ā Ā 

I use a SeaChem Flourite substrate which boasts a high mineral content.Ā  I'd be curious to see what would happen if you added crushed coral to your substrate/tank or a Wonder Shell to your tank to raise the GH!


You should be proud!!! Crypts are awesome!!

As a reference this is what my crypt tropica looks like after 1.5 months in the tankĀ 


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17 minutes ago, laritheloud said:

You should be proud!!! Crypts are awesome!!

As a reference this is what my crypt tropica looks like after 1.5 months in the tankĀ 


Those variegated leaves areĀ šŸ”„!!!Ā  šŸ˜†šŸ‘Ā 

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I had to slap together a quick divided 5 gallon tank after my failed attempt at a betta sorority, I stuck I green wendtii into one side and this is how it looks after about 1 month. It's under a cheap hygger light and in about 2 inches of seachem black flourite with root tabs. It probably had 6 to 8 leaves when I first planted it. If I had to guess your substrate is the problem, I've had problems trying to grow plants in sand.


Edited by Eddie Dingle
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