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Bristlenose Pleco a Amazon sword eater?


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I was watching a video recently in which info about Bristlenose Plecos came up and it was mentioned that they are notorious for eating sword plants even if fed well. I was considering adding some to my current planted tank however I have 2 well established compact Amazon swords. What is your experience with the Bristlenose Pleco? Have you ever heard this before? 

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Likewise, I have 2 tanks with both bristlenose and swords in them and both continue to look healthy. I have heard of them being devastating for some folks though. Maybe give it a try but have a backup plan (i.e. another tank you can move the plecos to) in case you start seeing thinning on the leaves? I don't believe they actually eat the leaves, but the leaves can get damaged as they attach to it and eat whatever's growing on the leaves.

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I have heard this from people before and had never had any issues in my tanks. However, at my last fish club meeting before the pandemic set it, I won a Kleiner prinz sword in the raffle, and put it in my leopoldi angelfish tank, which also has a couple bristlenose plecos. I noticed one day a couple leaves that looked chewed up, and one of the BN sitting on one. Within another day or so, they had it chewed down to just a couple small nubs above the crown, so I pulled it out and put it into another tank that has no plecos, and it has slowly recovered. The leopoldi angelfish tank has a red melon sword in it and there are no issues with it. So, my conclusion is that it may just be certain species of swordplants they find tastier.

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I have heard that this is a problem for bristlenose, but I have 3 kinds of bristlenose in different tanks and each tank has at least 2 kinds of swords and I have never seen anything like that before.

Much like the other reply, mine won't even eat the dying leaves. They let the snails eat them. I think it's situational as not everyone has the same issues. 

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my plecos are so spoiled they don't even bother to eat any algae, that goes for all three bristlenose plecos and the rubberlip. i have never seen them touch my swords or any plants for that matter. maybe it is caused by nutrient deficiency? it would be really cool for people who have this issue to post what they are feeding the plecos, maybe something lacking in the diet triggers it. in my experience lack of protein in a bristlenose's diet as it ages is what tends to cause it to go after goldfish slime coats.

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I feed my bristlenose plecos a variety of food. they get pleco/ spirulina wafers or sticks, canned green beans, cucumbers, zucchini. Plus they eat on the foods that I feed the rest of the tank, including the sinking pellets and sticks for the corydoras in the tanks. LL mine get the same foods, and never had any issues except for the one type of sword plants that I described above.

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Thank you for the input everyone! I was at my LFS today and the sight of a tank full of albino longfin bristlenose made my decision for me...worth the risk! Also while it was checking its new tank out it bumped a Galaxy Rasbora fry out into the open which is the first time I have bred that species! All in all a pretty great discovery.


Edited by Travis
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  • 6 months later...

That's funny, I was just Googling "Do plecos eat Amazon swords?" because in my world they're Pleco Lettuce!
I have one pleco, but he's big, at least 8 inches long.  I just added two big clumps of $14.99 swords last week, they always look great when they first go in.  I can't figure out how to add a picture to this post, but on one plant, two of the leaves are down to the base stalk. And I give him two premium wafers every day, at least!

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  • 11 months later...

I have had trouble with pelcos and plants my first pelco was a regular common one i went  and planted all new real plants  he ate everything ,, he was was feed real good  variety of food and real vegetables 2-3 weeks ,, so i used fake plants 14 years till he died ,, i replaced him with a smaller one bristolnose ,,,  like my first he is feed really well since he was new i bought 5 cheap real plants to test him  java fern , anbuis , and etc. he left everything alone i read about the swords and pelco so i tested him i bought a amazon sword ,, he still left all the plants alone but ate the amazon sword   so i stay away from swords  even though i think they are beautiful   but at least i am trying to have a planted tank now except the swords if i get a new bristolnose later i will have to test him too 

maybe you can test him like i did with a cheap sword that if he eats it you did not have much $ in it  Best wishes with the pelco 

Edited by Bev C
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